Showing posts with label Domenico Losurdo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Domenico Losurdo. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Your typical death-worshipping American of the 21st Century.

Ted Turner thinks that there should be a one-child policy for one-hundred years.

The video is a little nutty, with the videotaping guy yelling "you're a nazi." That kind of thing is un-called for.

I'm reading Domenico Losurdo's critique of liberalism - the traditional liberalism of John Locke and the Enlightenment - "Liberalism: A Counter History", where Losurdo observes after reviewing the eager enthusiasm of Enlightenment figures like Locke and Mandeville, Franklin and Malthus for eliminating the parisitic poor and breeding the industrious poor, who will, of course, do the work that the upper classes don't want to do:

"A general conclusion is indicated. The eugenics temptation runs deep in the liberal tradition. Not by chance, the discipline that took that name had its baptism in Great Britain and experienced extraordinary success in the United States." (p. 115.)

Insofar as Turner wants to play the game of eugenics, i.e., too many of you, just enough of us, and see the surplus population to fit his view what is just right, he may have a dim sense that his belief is somehow "politically incorrect - after all, the wrong sort of people, the people who would be eliminated in his dream are kept at arm's length by his flacks, except when rude people yell "you're a Nazi at him" - he seems to fall well-within the mainstream of the liberal tradition.
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