Showing posts with label Obama Worship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama Worship. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"Our Lord and Savior, Barack Obama."

Well, that's according to Jamie Foxx. If you don't believe it, check the video.

The left, of course, will do the usual soft-peddling that it's one statement by one actor and it doesn't mean a thing.

In a way, they're right, although it's passing strange that statements from conservatives and Christians are always given maximal literacy and are passed for nuances of unspoken meaning.

They are right because we know that people say things they don't mean all the time. People speak in hyperbole because people lack the skills to communicate what they really mean. Jamie Foxx probably lacks an idiom for talking about a charismatic political leader - perhaps the word he was looking for was Duce or Furhrer? - so he lapses into an idiom he does know, that of religion.

Of course, it's a truism that that which is our highest good is our god, and, so, while Foxx is being hyperbolic, he may be communicating something important.

Mark Shea explains:

It is one of the clearest symptoms of a culture that has become, as our so emphatically is, utterly trivial at its core. We are a Paris Hilton people who clutch at the power, but not the responsibility, of gods.

Those who make blasphemous statements or issue “Blasphemy Challenges” think that something is proven when God does not strike people with lightning. But that, of course, is because they know nothing of the God they blaspheme. The punishment for sin is typically the sin itself. Blasphemy does not result in lightning, but in lightening: you become a moral and intellectual lightweight. A culture like ours is now of such gossamer insubstantiality that almost anything can blow it away.
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