Showing posts with label Election 2014. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election 2014. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

When Democrats win, elections have consequences...

...when Republicans win, it means that the parties have to work together.

Anonymous reacts to my response of joy to the ouster of Harry Reid and the prospect of investigating the Democrats' use of the IRS to harass grass-roots conservatives by arguing that I'm being mean.

My response:

Harry Reid has been bottling up bills in the Senate for 6 years. Scandal have been treated as "no biggie." Harry Reid played the "nuclear option" by getting rid of the 60 vote required for judicial confirmations. Obama was famous for saying that he won the election and didn't have to be bipartisan and he abused his opponents when he had them trapped. Democrats used the IRS to harass their enemies.
But now you are suddenly concerned about the "tone" of politics??????
Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
Maybe the next time the Dems have power, they will choose to be bipartisan and watch out for the interests of the nation instead of their party.

Harry Reid still needs to learn the lesson that he doesn't get to act like a dictator for 8 years without consequences;

Consider this karma avoidance by the soon-to-be-ex-Senate Majority Leader, but Harry Reid’s new act won’t fool anyone, least of all Mitch McConnell. Reid has run the US Senate for the past eight years like a dictatorship, steadily eroding minority privileges to the point where Republicans couldn’t offer amendments or put up any significant resistance to Barack Obama’s radical appointments, unless Democrats forced Reid’s hand on either score. After watching his party lay a historic egg in the midterms — the size of which is still not yet fully known — Reid tried spinning the results as a mandate for the kind of compromise that he’s blocked ever since winning control of the upper chamber in 2006:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has reached out to his presumed successor, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, saying that he hoped they could work together “to get things done” in Washington.
In a statement, according to Mediaite, Reid said, “I’d like to congratulate Senator McConnell, who will be the new Senate Majority Leader. The message from voters is clear: They want us to work together. I look forward to working with Senator McConnell to get things done for the middle class.”
Er … sure it was. The actual message was entirely a repudiation of the shove-it-down-your-throat approach and demagoguery exemplified by Reid’s leadership and Barack Obama’s attitude. The 2010 midterms sent that same signal, but Reid ignored it and amplified his dictatorial approach in the aftermath of a narrow 2012 win. He’s still not getting the message — or more likely, is willfully ignoring it in order to benefit himself.
Evidence of that has already been provided by Reid and his team. Despite coughing up the worst midterm results in a generation, Reid wants to continue at the helm of Senate Democrats:
Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) does not have any second thoughts about staying on as the Senate Democratic leader after the drubbing his party took on election night.
Spokesman Adam Jentleson vowed that Reid will lead his party’s remaining members in the chamber next year.
“Senator Reid will run for minority leader,” he said Tuesday.
Expect to hear people who didn't complain about "tone" under the Reid dictatorship suddenly discover that they really are concerned about "tone."

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Probably best not to belong to a Party that despises you.

Catholics beginning to move away from Democrats.

In a shift that may have consequences for the 2014 elections—and beyond—the Pew Religion and Public Life Project reported late last month that Catholics are continuing to trend toward the Republican Party. Fifty-three percent of white Catholics now identify with or lean toward the Republican Party, while only 39 percent of them identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party. This is a significant shift from 2008, when Pew found that 41 percent of white, Catholic registered voters identified with or leaned toward the Republican Party, and in 2011, when 49 percent did.
Individual Catholics—including the clergy—are becoming more vocal in their concerns about the Democratic Party, which many perceive as being dismissive of Catholic concerns about life issues. Last year, Most Rev. Thomas Tobin, bishop of the Diocese of Providence, Rhode Island, revealed that although he had been a registered Democrat since 1969, he decided to switch his voting registration to the Republican Party: “I just said I can’t be associated structurally with that group, in terms of abortion and NARAL and Planned Parenthood, and the same-sex marriage agenda and the cultural destruction I saw going on. I just couldn’t do it anymore…. The a-ha moment for me was the 2012 Democratic National Convention…. It was just awful.”
It is likely that Catholics—especially those who attend weekly Mass—will play a more important role than ever in the upcoming elections. While Republicans lost among Catholics in 2008 by 13 points, the Democratic advantage became a seven-point Republican advantage by the end of 2011. Republicans now hold a significant lead among Catholics in general. And many of these Catholics are more motivated than ever to get out to the polls. According to the September 2014 Pew study, 79 percent of all Catholic respondents revealed that they will “definitely vote” in the upcoming elections. This is up 11 percentage points from September 2010. In fact, Catholics are more motivated to vote than any other religious group except white Evangelicals, who also indicate strong support for the Republican Party.

Monday, July 11, 2011

President promises massive job killing taxes after he is re-elected.

According to the PJ Tatler:

“So, when you hear folks saying ‘Well, the president shouldn’t want massive job killing tax increases when the economy is this weak.’ Nobody’s looking to raise taxes right now. We’re talking about potentially 2013 and the out years.” (emphasis added)
Re-elect me to get massive job killing tax hikes when I’m a lame duck and you can’t do a thing about it. That right there is a sure-fire winner of a message. If you want to morph into Walter Mondale circa 1984.

More: This clip is being circulated by Team Romney. Nice catch on their part. And this is one of many clips that should form part of any candidate’s attack on Obama from now on.
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