The Pelosi Doctrine.
The Constitution does not permit people to yell "Wolf!" in a crowded theater."
And if you shout "fire" repeatedly, people won't believe you.
True story.
Showing posts with label Nancy Pelosi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nancy Pelosi. Show all posts
Friday, August 25, 2017
Nancy Pelosi
Saturday, January 14, 2017
It's either Bush or Global Warming.
Nancy "We have to pass Obamacare to find out what's in it" Pelosi descends from the Mountain of Deep Thought to share her realization that the nine trillion dollars that were added to the national debt during the Obama administration were actually all BUSH'S FAULT.
In other news, Nancy Pelosi's unexplained, inexplicable continuing tenure as head of the Democrats in the House is also being blamed on George Bush or Global Warming.
The two unstoppable powers in this world Global Warming and George Bush, both of which are constantly generating amazingly contradictory results.
It is a faith thing.
Just go with it.
It's like you can't parody the Democrat left anymore.
Nancy "We have to pass Obamacare to find out what's in it" Pelosi descends from the Mountain of Deep Thought to share her realization that the nine trillion dollars that were added to the national debt during the Obama administration were actually all BUSH'S FAULT.
In other news, Nancy Pelosi's unexplained, inexplicable continuing tenure as head of the Democrats in the House is also being blamed on George Bush or Global Warming.
The two unstoppable powers in this world Global Warming and George Bush, both of which are constantly generating amazingly contradictory results.
It is a faith thing.
Just go with it.
It's like you can't parody the Democrat left anymore.
Friday, December 02, 2016
Nancy Pelosi and the Curley Effect.
Although I praise the Democrat's brave insistence on sticking with Nancy Pelosi as House Minority Leader, I have also questioned how this can actually occur given the string of devastating losses that she has presided over.
It has occurred to me that Nancy Pelosi's survival is actually a classic example of what is called "The Curley Effect," which refers to the practice of using policy to reshape the electorate. Thus, Mayor Curley of Boston - like virtually all other big city Democrat mayors - enacted policies that drove off productive members of society, thereby reshaping their cities into the pestilential swamps of crime and unemployment that would vote Democrat for generations.
Similarly, by enacting Obamacare and other unpopular legislation, Pelosi has engineered the loss of moderate Democrats, thereby shaping her electorate - Members of Congress - into hard core, doctrinaire leftwingers who would vote for her no what damage it does to the Democrat party.
In short, well played, Madame.
Well played.
Although I praise the Democrat's brave insistence on sticking with Nancy Pelosi as House Minority Leader, I have also questioned how this can actually occur given the string of devastating losses that she has presided over.
It has occurred to me that Nancy Pelosi's survival is actually a classic example of what is called "The Curley Effect," which refers to the practice of using policy to reshape the electorate. Thus, Mayor Curley of Boston - like virtually all other big city Democrat mayors - enacted policies that drove off productive members of society, thereby reshaping their cities into the pestilential swamps of crime and unemployment that would vote Democrat for generations.
Similarly, by enacting Obamacare and other unpopular legislation, Pelosi has engineered the loss of moderate Democrats, thereby shaping her electorate - Members of Congress - into hard core, doctrinaire leftwingers who would vote for her no what damage it does to the Democrat party.
In short, well played, Madame.
Well played.
Nancy Pelosi,
The Curley Effect
Wednesday, July 06, 2016
Laws are for little people.
Nancy Pelosi violates traffic laws to shop at shoe store.
Nancy Pelosi violates traffic laws to shop at shoe store.
U.S. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi is above the law, as St. Helena, California residents learned last month.
Local Paul Smith wrote in to the St. Helena Starin June to describe Pelosi’s recent shoe shopping excursion at a fancy boutique, prompting a response from police chief Bill Imboden about the former House Speaker’s special status.
“Last Saturday afternoon (June 4) I’m standing on the west side of Main Street directly across from the Hunt Avenue intersection chatting with friends. Of course, traffic was heavy in both directions,” Smith wrote.“A large perfectly polished and gleaming black SUV is attempting a left turn from Hunt onto southbound Main (not easy). Suddenly blue/red lights are flashing from the windshield area of the SUV (like you would see in an official fire/police vehicle),” he continued. “I said to my friends, I’ve never seen that before on a ‘regular’ vehicle and I’d think that’s illegal and dangerous. They agreed.”That’s when the large black SUV jolted across two lanes of traffic, lights flashing, to park in front of a fire hydrant at the high end shoe boutique Footcandy.“A St. Helena police car happens to be going northbound and pulls into the center lane and the officer starts shaking his arm and hollering at the driver of the SUV. While this goes on a man exits the SUV assisting a woman from the vehicle. She dashes off to Footcandy while he waits by the SUV in the red zone,” Smith explained.The police officer then drove off without confronting the driver, he wrote.“My friends and I are puzzled, say goodbye and I walk south on Main. As I approach Footcandy, Nancy Pelosi comes out with her shopping bags and the man assists her into the awaiting SUV. The SUV, with lights flashing, bursts back into southbound traffic,” Smith said.“Wow! Privilege? Power? Whose SUV, taxpayers?” he questioned. “Say it ain’t so, Nancy.”
Laws are for little people,
Nancy Pelosi
Saturday, October 03, 2015
Hard to say who is worse....
....the intellectually/morally deficient Nancy Pelosi or the media whores who run interference for killing unborn humans.
....the intellectually/morally deficient Nancy Pelosi or the media whores who run interference for killing unborn humans.
Media Bias - 2015,
Nancy Pelosi
Saturday, May 30, 2015
The Party of Polarization, Balkanization and the Deliberate Lie does Theology.
She was third in line to the presidency?
Marco Rubio: "We've reached the point that if you do not SUPPORT same-sex marriage you are labeled a hater and the next step is to go after Christianity, including the Catholic Church, as haters."
Nancy Pelosi: "As a Catholic, that's polarizing and we were taught to respect everyone and I don't even think Pope Francis would subscribe to what Rubio said."
Pope Francis supports same-sex marriage????
Pelosi demonizes Rubio is "polarizing" because he said that the left will demonize people who don't support same-sex marriage????
She was third in line to the presidency?
Marco Rubio: "We've reached the point that if you do not SUPPORT same-sex marriage you are labeled a hater and the next step is to go after Christianity, including the Catholic Church, as haters."
Nancy Pelosi: "As a Catholic, that's polarizing and we were taught to respect everyone and I don't even think Pope Francis would subscribe to what Rubio said."
Pope Francis supports same-sex marriage????
Pelosi demonizes Rubio is "polarizing" because he said that the left will demonize people who don't support same-sex marriage????
Nancy Pelosi
Tuesday, March 03, 2015
Now she's worried about insulting the intelligence of Americans????
Where was that concern when she was telling Americans that she had to pass Obamacare to find out what was in it??????
Nancy Pelosi is saddened by "“the insult to the intelligence of the United States."
Where was that concern when she was telling Americans that she had to pass Obamacare to find out what was in it??????
Nancy Pelosi is saddened by "“the insult to the intelligence of the United States."
Nancy Pelosi
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Hamas is a Humanitarian Organization ...
...according to Nancy Pelosi (who seems to be some credence in what Qatar tells her.)
In unrelated news, Pelosi has held fundraisers with Hamas-linked organizations.
...according to Nancy Pelosi (who seems to be some credence in what Qatar tells her.)
In unrelated news, Pelosi has held fundraisers with Hamas-linked organizations.
Nancy Pelosi
Friday, April 18, 2014
Episcopalians, you can keep her.
Nancy Pelosi is a nasty, corrupt politician.
This is so sacrilegious from a Catholic standpoint.
Holy Thursday foot-washing symbolizes the institution of the priesthood. It is not about making a statement about contemporary political issues.
And to correlate her political grandstanding as being a "similar ceremony" to Pope Francis is another example of the idiocy of the media.
Nancy Pelosi is a nasty, corrupt politician.
To "honor the dignity and work of immigrants," Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi helps Bishop Marc Andrus wash the feet of two children Thursday at Saint John the Evangelist Episcopal Church in San Francisco.
Pelosi also used the occasion to talk about passing HR15 - bipartisan immigration legislation that her office says would "reduce the deficit by nearly $1 trillion, secure our borders, unite our families, protect our workers and provide an earned pathway to citizenship."
The Democratic leader's ceremony coincides with Pope Francis' similar ceremony in Rome to mark Holy Week. As he did last year, the pope broke with the tradition of washing only priests' feet during the Mass for the Last Supper - this time, washing the feet of disabled people.
This is so sacrilegious from a Catholic standpoint.
Holy Thursday foot-washing symbolizes the institution of the priesthood. It is not about making a statement about contemporary political issues.
And to correlate her political grandstanding as being a "similar ceremony" to Pope Francis is another example of the idiocy of the media.
Nancy Pelosi
Friday, July 12, 2013
Do we have the worst elites in the history of the world?
WTF does Nancy Pelosi think she's doing? Is she so used to simply making stuff up and having it ratified by the press that she has become completely unmoored from truth?
WTF does Nancy Pelosi think she's doing? Is she so used to simply making stuff up and having it ratified by the press that she has become completely unmoored from truth?
The big news on ObamaCare these past two weeks has been the administration's announcement that it will delay by one year the requirement on businesses to provide health insurance.Nancy Pelosi, though, had a curious take on the whole thing. Actually, she instructed reporters, "The mandate was not delayed."The House Democratic leader used some creative reasoning to make her case -- she claimed the administration really only delayed the requirement on businesses to report insurance coverage details.But The Washington Post fact-checker on Friday shut it down, effectively ruling that Pelosi is trying to "deny reality.""Yes, reporting requirements were delayed. But there also was a one-year delay of the actual employer mandate. It's right there in the announcement," the Post wrote.'The point is, is that the mandate was not delayed.'- House Democratic Leader Nancy PelosiHere's what Pelosi said during a press conference on Thursday:"The point is, is that the mandate was not delayed. Certain reporting by businesses that could be perceived as onerous, that reporting requirement was delayed, and partially to review how it would work and how it could be better. It was not a delay of the mandate for the businesses."Pelosi was correct in the first part of that statement. In an announcement last week on the Treasury Department blog, Mark J. Mazur. assistant secretary for Tax Policy at Treasury, said the requirement to report details on insurance coverage would be delayed by a year.However, that decision meant everything else would be delayed too. Mazur said the penalties on employers would be pushed off until 2015, meaning the requirement itself would be pushed off -- though the administration would still "strongly encourage" employers to offer coverage during that time.But, as the Post noted, "encouraging employers to provide health insurance is not the same thing as mandating it."Pelosi tried to deny the existence of a delay as her Republican colleagues use the announcement as an opening to attempt to stall other parts of the law.Republicans are already teeing up votes on delaying what is known as the "individual mandate" -- the requirement on individuals to buy health insurance, which the administration so far has kept on schedule.The Post wrote: "We understand Pelosi's desire to minimize the impact of the decision -- and supporters of the law may have a strong case that the employer mandate is not as central to the law as the individual mandate to buy insurance -- but that's not an excuse to deny reality."Read more:
Friday, November 04, 2011
Conflict of interest laws are for the "little people."
Nancy Pelosi is such a paragon of virtue that she would never act upon her financial interests in making a legislative decision, and if you don't believe it, just ask her.
Hooray, we can repeal all of congressional ethics rules!
Via Big Government
Nancy Pelosi is such a paragon of virtue that she would never act upon her financial interests in making a legislative decision, and if you don't believe it, just ask her.
Hooray, we can repeal all of congressional ethics rules!
Via Big Government
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