Jonah Goldberg on Dogma.
Once you get through the dazzling prose, the hilarious jokes, the compelling history, and the utterly tasteful nudity, the argument at the core of Tyranny of Clichés is that contemporary liberals and self-proclaimed centrists are far more dogmatic than conservatives. Now, that's not the problem. I like dogma. The problem is that liberals don't recognize or acknowledge their own dogmatism. They think they are free thinkers, empiricists, fact-finders, and pragmatists.
Conservatives have dogma, too. And that's a good thing. The difference is that we know where ours comes from. It's the difference between a devout orthodox Christian and a person who "doesn't believe in religion" but is passionate about "spirituality." Both have dogmatic convictions. But the Catholic knows their source: Church teaching, scripture, tradition, etc. The self-proclaimed spiritualist floats through life, like a jellyfish in the ocean, scooping up the bits and pieces he needs, bending to the circumstances, riding whatever currents he finds himself in, collecting magical anecdotes that confirm what he already believes.