Showing posts with label Bill Maher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill Maher. Show all posts

Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Culture of Death.

Bill Maher redefines "selfishness."

//But we've spent a lifetime being the cool aunts and uncles, but while we celebrate everybody else, nobody celebrates us. And they really should because, you know what Mother Nature loves more than electric cars? Condoms. There's literally nothing you can do that's better for the environment than to not produce another resource-sucking, waste-making human being -- probably with a bad attitude.

i didn't bring a kid into the world to consume valuable resources. Where's my breakfast in bed? Where's my coupon good for one foot rub? Where's my greeting card that says, "Roses are red, Violets are blue, You help the Earth, By keeping a lid on your goo"? So, you know, you can do it all. You can get the hybrid car, do the recycling, not throwing batteries in the trash -- it all adds up to a fraction of the good it would do to have just one less child because that child increases your carbon legacy by over 9,000 tons.//

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Bill Maher commits lese majestie against Progressive Liberalism.

Bill Maher demonstrates a real commitment to real liberalism by permitting ungood badthought guest to appear on his show, saying "If Mr. Yiannopoulos is indeed the monster Scahill claims—and he might be—nothing could serve the liberal cause better than having him exposed on Friday night.”

Good for Maher, who I usually find to be as welcome as a cold sore, although I have to grudgingly admit that he does seem to be the last liberal believer in a kind of free speech, albeit a free speech where he packs the room with people who agree with him..

On the other hand, this Daily Beast column is shocked - shocked! - by such a refusal to conform to progressive liberalism and repeatedly insinuates that Maher has let down the Good People by not pressing Milo on such objective and timeless questions as whether Amy Schumer is funny:

//We have both been disbarred at Berkeley,” said Maher, addressing how Yiannopoulos apparently “makes liberals crazy—for that part of liberalism that has gone off the deep-end.”

“You’re literally the only good [liberal],” replied a toadying Yiannopoulos. “Your side has gone insane. The Democrats are the party of Lena Dunham. These people are mental, hideous people. The more that America sees of Lena Dunham, the fewer votes the Democrat Party’s ever going to get.”

“Let’s not pick on fellow HBO stars,” said Maher.

Yiannopoulos then singled out Amy Schumer and Sarah Silverman as “people who used to be funny before they contracted feminism,” before Maher, instead of pressing his guest, decided to change the subject again.

“Let’s talk about your humor,” said an extraordinarily accommodating Maher, “because I think a lot of people do miss your humor. And I’m a guy who always defends jokes, right up to the point where they pointlessly hurt people.” //

Interesting possibility: what if Maher agrees with Milo on these points?

Obviously that's inconceivable to the writer of the Daily Beast post.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Bill Maher is an anti-science idiot, and his "politically correct" schtick is mostly hypocritical since he never offends his amen corner...

...until maybe now.

Saturday, November 03, 2012

The open secret is that the Democrat Party is filled with racists.

Bill Maher plays on the liberals' fear of black violence:

Bill Maher on HBO's Real Time Friday might have said one of the most disgraceful things uttered during the 2012 campaign season.

"If you're thinking about voting for Mitt Romney, I would like to make this one plea: black people know who you are and they will come after you"

I said it once, I'll say it again, these people have a problem.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

It's Fizbin Sunday!

...Liberals show how to stay classy and civil!

Telling jokes about the married spouses of politicians is wrong!

Making fun of Homosexuality is wrong!

Unless it's telling jokes that imply that the husband of a Republican woman is gay and then it's all good!

The amazing liberal group mind managed to score "he's a closeted gay" jokes about Marcus Bachman, the husband of Michelle Bachman, twice on two separate shows, to wit, Bill Maher re-told a disgusting gay joke about Bachman and Saturday Night Live worked a similar joke into its obligatory smearing of the Republican nominee.

Stay classy, Leftists!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Bristol Palin didn't get the memo..

...she doesn't get a phone call from President Obama because liberals thinks she deserves everything that was said about her because her mother is evil or something.

Bristol Palin asks, "where is my phone call?"

Dear President Obama,

You don’t know my telephone number, but I hope your staff is busy trying to find it. Ever since you called Sandra Fluke after Rush Limbaugh called her a slut, I figured I might be next. You explained to reporters you called her because you were thinking of your two daughters, Malia and Sasha. After all, you didn’t want them to think it was okay for men to treat them that way:

“One of the things I want them to do as they get older is engage in issues they care about, even ones I may not agree with them on,” you said. “I want them to be able to speak their mind in a civil and thoughtful way. And I don’t want them attacked or called horrible names because they’re being good citizens.”

And I totally agree your kids should be able to speak their minds and engage the culture. I look forward to seeing what good things Malia and Sasha end up doing with their lives.

But here’s why I’m a little surprised my phone hasn’t rung. Your $1,000,000 donor Bill Maher has said reprehensible things about my family. He’s made fun of my brother because of his Down’s Syndrome. He’s said I was “f—-d so hard a baby fell out.” (In a classy move, he did this while his producers put up the cover of my book, which tells about the forgiveness and redemption I’ve found in God after my past – very public — mistakes.)

If Maher talked about Malia and Sasha that way, you’d return his dirty money and the Secret Service would probably have to restrain you. After all, I’ve always felt you understood my plight more than most because your mom was a teenager. That’s why you stood up for me when you were campaigning against Sen. McCain and my mom — you said vicious attacks on me should be off limits.

Yet I wonder if the Presidency has changed you. Now that you’re in office, it seems you’re only willing to defend certain women. You’re only willing to take a moral stand when you know your liberal supporters will stand behind you.


What if you did something radical and wildly unpopular with your base and took a stand against the denigration of all women… even if they’re just single moms? Even if they’re Republicans?

I’m not expecting your SuperPAC to return the money. You’re going to need every dime to hang on to your presidency. I’m not even really expecting a call. But would it be too much to expect a little consistency? After all, you’re President of all Americans, not just the liberals.

The "blow-back" from the "faux civility schtick" hasn't helped the Prom King President in the slightest.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Supporting Obama and being Pelosi's daughter absolves a person from the original sin of racism...

...according to Bill Maher:

I love when Bill Maher says (at 8:48):

You and I are not racists. I just gave my imaginary child's college fund to Barack Obama, and your mother is Nancy Pelosi. So of all the people in the world — we are not out to fuck black people.

That's a very crude analysis of racism! They stroke themselves with this belief that because they support the Democratic Party, they are certified non-racists. Where's the self-criticism? Isn't it at least possible that their party's policies represent a low opinion of black people, that they are paternalistic, that they take advantage of a seemingly locked in voting bloc?

Maher tries to congratulate himself for doing a piece that exposed the liberal constituency. But what he doesn't seem to understand is that all he did was rip the mask off his own hypocrisy. Pelose and Maher noted that there was no laughing at the things being said by minority welfare recipients that look as if they were scripted by anti-welfare activists. They admit that the liberal audience does not find this kind of thing funny at all. Maher and Pelosi do the ritual dance of justifying the attitudes of the welfare recipients. Pelosi notes that Democrats are losing the white working class who are tired of working while free-riders are treated as more authentic and somehow holy. they have to waive their liberal bona fides around to avoid a heresy trial.

So, obviously, we find - surprise! - that liberals are narrow-minded hypocrites and that the media that caters to them is biased.

Maher is not the brightest bulb in the box, but even he has to see some of that.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Bill Maher defines a religious test for president.

Projecting his own bigotry on Conservatives, Maher argues that Romney is unelectable because of Mormonism.

It's a good thing that he's a liberal and liberals aren't intolerant.

Friday, July 22, 2011

On "gay bullying" and that thing called "projection."

Kathy Shaidle catches an interesting insight into homosexual ethicist Dan Savage's recent public pronouncement on Michelle Bachman, or, more specifically, Michelle Bachman's husband, from Slate Magazine:

This week, though, the [Dan Savage] podcast started with an attack on Marcus Bachmann’s masculinity. After a short preamble about the accuracy of gaydar (with a scientific citation, no less), Savage—whom I respect tremendously—played a tape of Michelle’s husband’s speaking voice. Bachmann has a tiny bit of a lisp—though it’s barely perceptible—and he slurs his words slightly. To Savage’s ears, it was a gay accent. Savage played the tape over and over, and reprised it several times throughout the podcast. He even did his own Bachmann impression, exaggerating the lisp and camping it up.
In other words, the man who launched the “It Gets Better Project,” an effort to stop the bullying of gay teens, was acting like a big bully.
As Savage always notes, the kind of smear-the-queer taunts that can cause so much pain to young people aren’t aimed only at kids who are gay, they’re often aimed at boys who don’t live up to some mythical standard of masculinity and girls who just aren’t girly enough.
I can only imagine how listeners who happen to have the kind of lisping, effeminate speech and affect that Savage was ridiculing felt upon hearing the attack.
Mark Shea adds this insight about Dan Savage's recent "joke" about raping a male conservative politician:

Don't believe it? Here is Savage, fresh from bullying Bachmann's husband about his lisp, fantasizing about inflicting rape (pardon me: "hate sex" which is totally different) on his political enemies to the applause of the sort of apes who populate the audience of "Real Time".

This is a militant crusading intolerant and deeply hypocritical faith that does not hesitate for a second to deploy against its perceived enemies everything it pretends to decry. Hate sex Rape is openly bruited and applauded. The most miserable schoolyard bullying is just part of the toolkit for these phony apostles of compassion. These guys are going to wear out their welcome damn fast once they use the force of law to try to hammer people into Goodthink. You can't beat people into loving your perversion.
Of course, Maher's audience laughed at the idea of raping someone they hated for having the wrong opinions.

I've been reading Timothy Snyder recite in his excellent book on the tragic situation of people living between Stalin and Hitler, Bloodlands, stories about how Nazis einsatzgruppen in Nazi-occupied Ukraine would drink and laugh and make Jewish women recite "I am a Jew and I don't deserve to live" before forcing them to strip and shooting them in the back of the head and tossing their bodies into a pit that their husbands and brothers had been forced to dig the day before with the taunts that they should dig carefully because their wives and mothers and sisters would be filling up the pit the next day. 

You read those stories and you wonder how any human being could possibly be that way.

There's more than a little bit of that old fashioned Nazi spirit in Maher's audience.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Speaking of arrogant, post-modern elites who are proud of their ignorance...

...New York Times columnist David Carr refers to Middle America as the "dance of the low-sloping foreheads."

On the Bill Maher show, naturally, where he knew he was among "friends."

Via Jammy Wearing Fool.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bill Maher manages to get under the skin of a liberal Mormon.

Liberal Mormon blogger Joanna Brooks is really offended about a "joke" by Bill Maher about Mitt Romney's "magic underwear."

This week, on David Letterman, Bill Maher got ugly about Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his Mormonism.

“Don’t get me started on Mitt Romney,” Maher sneered to Letterman. ”Because Mitt Romney will teach America what’s really in Mormonism.”

“Mitt likes to gloss over... ‘well, we’re just different types of Christians.’ No. No, I was raised Catholic,” Maher leaned in and raised an eyebrow, setting up for his big punchline: ”And there was no magic underwear.”

Big laughs from the crowd at CBS studios. Right on cue.

Magic underwear?

It’s no secret that highly observant LDS people wear sacred undergarments as an expression of religious commitment.

But magic underwear? Please.

There is a historic Mormon folk belief that garments offer a kind of protection to their wearers. But for the vast majority of Mormons, garments first and foremost represent the daily wearing of a covenant to lives of modesty, chastity, and faith.

The same way an orthodox Jew would wear a kippah (for men) or modest clothing (for women), or a Muslim woman would wear a headscarf, highly observant Mormons wear garments.
Fair point and Mormons are as entitled to respect for their traditions as any other group.
It's nice to see that Maher can bring such diverse people together by being such a complete human toothache.
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