Showing posts with label Wooden Embellishments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wooden Embellishments. Show all posts

Wednesday 1 September 2021

Date Stamp Plaque


After watching Anna's video and finding a not so old date stamp, I made a bit of an arrangement with some resin, lace, metal and wood pieces.

Once everything was stuck down I added some colour and sprayed with water until I was happy with what I had.

And once I'd photographed it outside, I decided it needed to be darker.

Close up of the main image.

So I grunged it up a lot more, decided to change the colour of the moon and the handle of the date stamp.

I like it much better now I've gone darker.

Close up of the main image.

Inspired by Finnabair and her latest video.

Saturday 17 July 2021

Clipboard Plaque


I removed the metal clip and then cut the A3 clipboard into quarters.

I used some easy structure through a stencil and once dry gave it all a coat of black powertex.

Used fast cast resin in some new to me stencils.

Next, I built up a composition using resin and wooden embellishments, stuck them down and painted them with black powertex.

Just to give some idea of the depth.

And this morning I added some colour.

Love all that detail in the dragonfly.

#rusteffects #powertex #upcyclingchallenge

Monday 31 May 2021

Up-cycled Prosecco Bottle


This time I used an empty Prosecco bottle.  Laid the pieces on top.

Powertexed the bottle then using the powertex, stuck the pieces on and coated them.

I used pigments, metallic paints and waxes to colour it.

And on this one I left the back plain as I wanted to show off the diamond shapes in the glass.

A close up of the front in different shades of purples.

#rusteffects #powertexchallenge

Wednesday 21 April 2021

A Little Purchase

 Moulds, wooden embellishments and brushes arrived today.

Friday 1 January 2021


Another of my circles with a hole and piece cut out the middle.

I just kept going with it until I got the look that I wanted.

Close up of the rust powder, small balls and transparent powertex mix.

Then I went outside and took some photos when the sun popped out.

A close up of the colours and rust.

I love how this bit at the top has rusted.

I added rusty wire and nails.

Love how this bit rusted too with the dark and light.

More rust on the cardboard.

Sunday 18 October 2020

Halloween - Tea Light Holder

My nephew and his girlfriend have just moved into their first house together, so I rescued some pieces of polystyrene. 

And as it's nearly the end of the month, I went for a Halloween theme.  This is the front with webs, skulls and spiders.

And the side with a skull and a web with spiders in.

I left the back pretty simple as you probably won't see much of it, but I did add gemstones in the eye sockets.

A mummy and a couple of skulls on the other side.

And as it's polystyren it's easy to cut into. I cut a hole in the top for a tea light to sit in.

Friday 25 September 2020

Green man Plaque - Autumn


I've wanted to make a greenman plaque for ages.  I missed out on a workshop a while ago and then the next one was on a week day, so I couldn't go again.  Anyway, then I remembered that a friend at the time, had bought me a powertex green man plaster piece for my birthday, so I went and dug it out.  I also went to another friends house last Saturday to pick up some bits and bobs she'd saved for me, including some jewellery and dried fir cone bottoms.  From all of this stash I came up with the above arrangement.

I then laid it all out and gave it a coat of bronze powertex and allowed it to dry.

Then I had a wander down to the post office and came across a tree which was shedding its acorns and caps, so I picked a few up on the way back and added them to my piece.

Then once everything was completely dry I got the pigments out and started to colour everything up.  

Apparently there are four seasons to the green man set and this one is my version of autumn.  I'm really pleased with how it turned out.

Friday 26 June 2020

Oriental Triptych

I created a triptych using a sizzix die to create the shape at the top.  Then I painted both sides black. Once dry, I stamped the bamboo images in silver paint.

Then I decorated the three front panels.

And here it is stood up.

Sunday 19 April 2020

Wednesday 24 October 2018

All Dressed Up

I picked up these candlesticks from the car boot, £1.50 for them all.

I gave them a coat of silver paint and then dry brushed with black.

I picked up the smaller skull and pumpkin from Hobby Craft and the middle skull is from a pack of four from Morrisons. The jaw moves on that one! Using Powertex and Stoneart I made them look like stone.

Next I made a couple of hats using cardboard and t-shirt fabric.

Adding scrim, fibres, charms and wooden embellishments.

And finally I added a feather. He is sat on both of the smaller candlesticks.

For the pumpkin I simply added a hat that I already had. 

For this hat I covered the piece of lace with transparent Powertex and added it to the rim once the black had dried.

And here they are all lined up together. 

It's such good fun and the possibilities are endless.

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