Showing posts with label Transfer Technique. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Transfer Technique. Show all posts

Sunday 19 April 2009

Altered Door Hanger Challenge

Sue picked up 3 of these door hangers from Sainsbury's for a bargain price of 99p each. She challenged myself and Polly to alter it

This is what I did with mine.

I cut the wire at the top, took the beads and the bird off. Then I sanded the heart down and gave it a coat of gesso but you could still see the letters pertruding through, so instead I cut a piece of canvas and stuck it on. I then cut a heart from a page of text out of a book and stuck that directly on top. I then stuck sellotape in various places and pulled parts of the printed page off revealing the canvas underneath. I then mixed yellow and red acrylic paint and painted over the whole thing. When dry I gave the piece a coat of mod podge and transferred the image to the heart. When dry I smeared vaseline over the image and in a few other areas to act as a resit. I then covered the whole piece with white acrylic paint, when dry I wiped it over with kitchen roll and where the vaseline had been applied, the paint just wiped off revealing the underneath. I added the round letters D R E A M, a piece of wire, a skeleton leaf, a flower, a rusty nail and a metal word - dream and 2 brads. I put a row of spiced marmalade distressed stickle blobs around the top right of the heart and I coloured the 3 original beads with copper paint and fed wire through them. I painted the bird and used distressed stickles to hi-light the wings and eye. I used a different piece of wire to hang the bird from as I tried to change the colour of the original white piece but to no avail!!!
It actually looks better in the flesh, I couldn't get the light right when taking the photos and I tried at all different times!!!!

Friday 12 September 2008


I've just made these two tags using acrylic dabbers. If you want to know how I did it, click here

Tuesday 19 August 2008

Canvas Transfer

I made this canvas by transfering a photocopied image onto the acrylic paint. The piece down the left hand side has been embossed with a cuttlebug and coloured with distressed inks
For further information on these techniques visit this link

Saturday 19 July 2008

Lotstodo Torso Tag Swap

These are for the torso tag swap on Lotstodo. The one on the right is another attempt at a transfer image, again it came out really well. This time I used cloudy blue for the background. The tag on the left was covered in lettuce adirondak acrylic paint and the flourishes were stamped on with gesso, I added ribbon and a flower gem for decoration

Rainbow Lady Challenge - Monotone

I am rather pleased with this skinny. I have made it for the Rainbow Lady Challenge, which this week was monotone - obvioulsy I chose the colour green. But the reason I am rather proud of it is because I tried a new transfer technique and the main image is a transfer. I used lettuce adirondak acrylic paint from the dabber, applied with a paint brush and stuck the photocopy of the image into the paint whist still wet. Left the whole lot to dry for about an hour, then using water, gently started to rub the paper away and I was left with this wonderful image. I then added a flourish to the top left and a scratches image to the left side using olive stazon ink. To finish, I added a piece of green organza ribbon and a button

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