Showing posts with label Rusty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rusty. Show all posts

Monday 27 March 2023

Finn Class - Day 1 - Altered Rusty Clock (AM)

So yesterday we (me, Janet & Jules) travelled up to Haddington nr Edinburgh to spend the weekend with Finn (aka Anna).

We stayed at a lovely pub hotel called The Golf Tavern.

This was my lovely room for the weekend.

After breakfast on Saturday, we made our way over the bridge and headed towards The Mad Scrapper, the craft shop where the workshops were taking place.

Day 1, workshop 1.  Once we had all been introduced we chose our seats and unpacked our craft bags.

We'd been given a clock to play with.  Janet just trying to fathom out how to get the back off!!

Then we made a start on building up the composition for the inside.

This was mine.

Anna with everyone at the front, showing us how to use the heavy body gel properly. Slap it on, and use loads was the outcome - lol.

Table all set up with Prima Finnabair products for us all to play with.

Everyone working on their ideas for the clock.

Bit of a close up of the flower arranging!

Unfortunately we didn't get much time to speak to these two as the sessions were so fast paced.

Some of Anna's artwork from previous visits on the wall at The Mad Scrapper.

Janet heating up her glue gun to stick the paper flowers down.

Louise and Sara doing the same.

And this is what I did to mine.  I forgot to take any more photos because of laughing so much!!!

Group photo of the nearly finished pieces.

We then stopped for lunch and then onto the afternoon session.

Sunday 11 October 2020

Zombie Skull


So I watched the Bone Effects FB live demonstrated by Ashley of Powertex Australia.

Followed the steps, added the bister, wiped back...

Added more ivory, wiped back added more ivory, more bister and wiped back.

Added some head gear.

Decided to add red eyes.

Didn't like the red, so painted over them in white but added more red around the eyes.

Added a light inside the skull.  This was taken in total darkness with no lights, just the camera and tea light.

And this one was taken with the main light slightly on.

Wednesday 31 October 2018

Rusty & Gnarly Textiles Workshop Day 3

Today the sun was shining and there had been a lovely ground frost. This is the front of the hotel and they obviously knew I was coming with the red carpet!

It looks wonderful in daylight and sits in over 70 acres of grounds.

I went around the back taking advantage of the sunny frosty morning.

Amazing courtyard area.

With amazing people in it. Shay and June, who just happen to be Powertex tutors and a whole lot more!

Back at the hall for our final day. We put our pieces into colour families along with any threads and fibres that we'd brought along.

Shay and June burning and soldering into their fabrics. 

Janet hand sewing and Cath deciding on her thread colours.

The ladies from Wolverhampton guild making stitch marks in their pieces.

Jeni had loads and loads of strips all pinned together, whilst Margaret was sewing tiny beads into her project.

Everyone busy ripping, tearing, here Kay was trying really hard to burn the place down, she set her corrugated on fire more than once!!

June, oh June, OMGosh, what can I say!! June was just gathering herself to go and wash yogurt out of her bag and everything else. I won't go into any more detail as you just had to have been there for it to be meaningful - but what an absolute scream this lady is. 

And this was the result, Shay her daughter and me in absolute hysterics. I am actually amazed how clear these two photos came out because I was laughing so much, tears were actually running down both of our faces!!

If anyone ever gets the chance to take a Powertex workshop with these two ladies I would thoroughly recommend it, they cover postcode areas LE9 and LE10. I can honestly say I haven't laughed (and cried with laughter) so much in absolutely ages!!

So now to the end product. These are Cath's. She did actually take one of them a step further and get some machine sewing done on it.

This one is Janet's and she'd done some fantastic hand stitching on her piece, it looked fabulous.

And this was one of Janet's fantastic boxes of threads, just look at all those gorgeous shades of greens, totally amazing and she also showed me how you split them down - thanks Janet.

This one is Judith's and it looks amazing IRL, she had loads of layers and different textures on it. She too hand stitched into it. I hope she posts a photo when she's finished it.

This is Jeni's, she pinned all her strips together and embellished them as she was going along - amazing.

And this piece is Margaret's, she was the master bead sewer, she was so good at it and did it so fast, it looked absolutely amazing and the colours in her background piece were amazing too.

This was a second piece that Jeni had started to compile.

These were Lisa's who was an absolute whizz on the sewing machine.

And she was also fantastic at hand sewing too, she made these most amazing holes by stitching into the fabric and pulling.

This one belongs to Maureen, she was a bit like me, no sign of any sewing, but she was well into bikes so that was exciting - lol.

I love this one, this was made by Kay. She has incorporated the actual rusty washers in her piece.

This is Cheryl's piece and her background is a piece of bark paper. It looked like leather to me, it was very strong.

And finally these were June's. I love how she's used those huge nails in the piece on the left.

I didn't manage to get any more photos as people were packing away and starting to leave.

Had a brilliant few days. Have to say, the sewing part wasn't for me, but loved the first two days creating the backgrounds and making different fabric and paper parcels of rust. But the best thing was the atmosphere, the friendliness and kindness of absolutely everyone in the group. Everyone was so willing to share, help and offer any support and guidance as needed. It was a special few days. And the stories I was told, well that's another story!!!

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