Today I was lucky enough to go to a workshop not far from me near Lincoln at a place called Needle and Thread.
It's an absolutely fabulous venue with perfect views.
And fortunately for us, it was a gorgeous day.
More green fields, trees and a lovely blue sky.
This is where the workshops are held, there are two rooms.
The workshop was taken by Angie Hughes, a textiles artist who is absolutely lovely and so down to earth as well as being a fantastic teacher.
So this is sort of what we were aiming for by the end of the session.
This is Angie giving us some instruction before we start.
And getting enthusiastic about it all!!
So off we went to choose some fabric for the front of our tags.
Next some instruction on how to use the sewing maching and a quick demo.
And Emma having a close up look!
Collecting bits of fabric, some stamping, images, sari ribbon and foil to start to build up the tags.
Layering the bits and bobs to build up the tags.
As you can see, there was plenty of stuff to choose from and play with.
11am was coffee / tea and cake time. Top one is strawberry and the bottom one is tahini and dark chocolate.
The lovely lady on the right stood up is Jan. She kept us supplied with teas and coffees all day.
And this is Angie sat in my chair next to Emma, sewing some metalic thread around a circle for me on one of my tags!
And this is Sally, the lady who organises it all. Behind her there is an embroidery class going on.
I will be back at some point to show you my finished tags, once I've finished them!!!