I've done quite a bit of converting of Chaos Warriors into Chaos Spacemarines in the past, but what a lot of people do not realize is that they make pretty cool looking Space Wolves. Matt Gubser, who sculpts of Reaper Miniatures and a number of other manufacturers, was one of the first people that I saw do this style of conversion.
All this work is on commission, so I will not be painting any of it. I'm instead painting Warriors of Chaos and Vikings at the moment. The conversions require spacemarine legs and bits and Fantasy Chaos Warriors. What I am doing is removeing the chaos warrior legs with a jewelers saw, and then adding the space marine legs in there place also cut with a jewelers saw.
Anyways, the models can be kind of stale, since they are based on the rank and file chaos of warriors. So to make up for that lack of dynamics you need to overload them with detail. So I've added a bunch of furs, beards, hair, claws, chain, and drapings, I recommend clicking on the collage photos to enlarge them.
The basing is something I normally do not like to do, but sometimes that is what is required, big rocks to stand on. In this case the slate rock is faked by a large chuck of bark. The miniatures above are just temporarily pinned to the bark at the moment. Some of the hands are simply pinned for the addition of pistols and such later.
Above another view of the model on the right in the previous pic. One thing I need to be a bit conscious of while doing these is to watch the knee knocking on the one on the right.