Showing posts with label Gripping Beast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gripping Beast. Show all posts

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Unfurl the Banners - More Vikings

My new Viking bannermen.  These are all metal Gripping Beast models.
Banners are lightweight paper banners.  
If the banners look familiar, that is because they came from the paper insert that is sent with the Gripping Beast Plastics.  It was cheap, quick way to do some banners.  In the end I may at some point sit down and draw and paint some actual originals, but for now these are good enough.
 As always more to follow.....

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

A Viking by Saxon and Saxon

Now that's a confusing title eh?
 Yep.  A Viking warlord by Saxon Miniatures now Warlord Games.  Fun pose on this one.  I did not like Colin's hand on this one though, so I chopped it off and put a Gripping Beast Plastics hand on it instead.
 This is a close up of one of my Gripping Beast Saxons.  I do like the heads on these miniatures.

 My standard blues and leather.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Berserker Conversions!!!

 Back when I played lots of WAB, I needed more of these guys.  I'm planning on playing more WAB, so now I have lots of these guys for WAB or whatever.
 They are pretty much all Warlord Games Barbarians converted with Gripping Beasts heads.

A sharp eye will recognize the large decapitated head is from one of my Saxon Miniatures' conversions that I showed a few posts ago.  Don't let bits like that go to waste.
Fleshtones are all Reaper Master Series paints.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Viking Swordsman and Converted Dane Axes...

 This is one of the former Saxon Miniatures' Viking Warlords, now a Warlord Games model.
 I have two versions of this model.  I think its a semi-cool looking model, but its to linear.  The second model I'm likely going to at least bend the shield arm.
 I needed guys with Danes Axes, now I have a bunch.  A variety of pieces used in making these guys.  The one on the left has a Gripping Beast (GB) Plastics body with arms from Wargames Factory models that Warlord Games now owns and produces.
 The next one is a GB Viking with a Dark Ages head.  The next one in blue is a body from Wargames Factory with GB arms and a GW Empire Flaggelants head, and then the standard GB.
Once know it....more to follow.

Friday, January 11, 2019

VIKINGS!!! Another Painted Group

 I definitely churning them out.  This one is kind of a unit, definitely not in a finished deal as I have some cool models in the back for fillers.
The front rank though is quite cool.  The first guy is a converted Warlord Games Barbarian, next to a Saxon Miniatures Warlord.  Two cool poses.
The downed character is Old Glory Miniatures.
 The above 3 front rankers have a good dynamic with them.
 Again you see me putting cool poses at the corners.
 Big dane axe guy below and a close up of the eye candy wounded model
 The Berserker and one of the cooler GBP's.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

2nd Painted Saxon Unit!!! Finally...

 Yep...this is the second fully painted Saxon unit.  All Gripping Beasts plastics comprised of Saxons and converted Dark Ages for the Fryd.
 This one actually has a dracco banner, I still need to make the banner for the other unit.
 A mix of shield transfers from Little Big Men, Battle Flag and then my own Paint.

Again I'm attempting make the movement trays cool with battle carnage.
 The back is cool.

 Yea I like doing special poses on the corners.
More to come....

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Cooooolll Painted Viking Bondi!!

 A Gripping Beast Plastics conversion, using the Dark Ages models with the Viking models.
 I do like this guy.
 The cape add definitely helped.
More to follow....

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Painted Viking Bondi Unit

 Back in my WAB playing days, I ran a Viking army that was all Hirdmen with archers.  I really needed a unit or 4 of these Bondi.
 So here they finally are.   I finally got around to finishing them up.

I think they turned out well.  Mostly Gripping Beast plastics with a metal model or two and a Foundry model, Mr. Striped Pants below.

 Oh yea the armored guy does not belong.  He's a coward.
And above is the backside of the models. 

Monday, December 10, 2018

A variety of Dane Axe Miniatures Painted

 I've been painting away on various minis that I have lying around.  I have a bunch of Dane Axe and Berserkers modeled up.  The one above is a Gripping Beast metal.  The one below is a Saxon Miniatures now part of Warlord Games.

Then this one below is a conversion using of a defunct War Games Factory miniature, now also part of Warlord Games, converted with Gripping Beast parts.

As always more to come.....