
Weekly Wrap-up 10/15/2023

 *Doug and Edie arrived on Monday. They stayed with us all week and we enjoyed visiting and having them here. We took Papa to the train store and Olivia has been loving playing princesses on grandma and playing the piano with her. We took Grandma and Grandpa to the Spooky Lights Drive through which was really fun!
*Carson had a baseball game and was supposed to have a tournament but it was cancelled due to the CRAZY amount of rain we received on Wed. & Thurs. 
*Andrew wrapped up his fall soccer season. During his last game of the season, he scored the first goal of the game and immediately stripped his shirt and ran the field windmilling it over his head. He did this earlier in the season and knew that his coach (mom) was going to bench him for it. Mom wasn't really mad and the entire field was entertained but he got benched anyway. (Dad apparently offered a candy bar if he did the celebration) Andrew played really well this year, scored his fair share of goals 7ish, had an assist in the last game which took the game to a 3-3 tie and was a great team player. I loved getting to coach him and his team!
*Kayla wrapped up her soccer season. Her team did really well and only lost 2 games. Kayla enjoyed playing goalie and did well except for that punt that went backward and almost went into the goal. She had one game where she scored 3 goals! She played with a bunch of her friends and did great! 
*Scott and I attended a friends Halloween party and had a lot of fun visiting with people there

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