Showing posts with label sing-a-long. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sing-a-long. Show all posts


Weekly Wrap-up December 23rd, 2023

-We had the Franklin family over for soup and chimes. They are so fun and we are grateful for their friendship
-I made some amazing looking cookies to give away to teachers and neighbors etc. I am so pleased with how they turned out
-Welby had their Chrsitmas/Holiday sing-a-long performance. The kids did a great job preparing and sang very nicely! Weird that it was Trey's last Elementary Christmas sing-a-long. 
-The kids made DIY snowglobes for their teachers this year. They were cute and fun that they made them. 
-I helped with Trey's Christmas Party and had a lot of fun with the kids! I even roped Scott into helping!
-Scott and I attended the Desert Star Christmas performance! It was SO fun!
-We had a Christmas fun party at the Wings house!
-We drove around seeing lights in our area. People are awesome and put so much energy and fun into Christmas displays! 


Christmas Fun

Despite the Covid restrictions we tried to still have some fun Christmas activities. 
*we drove through a live nativity 
*we did the elf hunt at Gardner Village
*we held our own Christmas sing-a-long since the LHM sing-a-long at the Jazz house was cancelled
*the kids slept around the tree on Dec. 23
*the kids made ornaments this year out of perler beads
*We had a family Santa Clause movie Marathon as well as watching other fun Christmas movies. 
*we had a meat and cheese night while we watched the BYU bowl game
*The family did lots of fun Christmas puzzles
*We had a family soup and chimes night
*We baked a bunch of different kinds of fun Christmas cookies