Showing posts with label decorating cakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label decorating cakes. Show all posts


Olivia turns 4!!!

We had so much fun celebrating Olivia turning 4! Everyone did a good job of making her feel super special and made sure to spend time with her playing games and having fun. Aunt Cami stopped by with a special delivery for the birthday girl and it was fun to see her. Olivia got lots of princess themed gifts this year-an umbrella, t-shirts (see pic below, she was absolutely glowing when she opened them and had to put one on right away) and books. 

For Liv's birthday dinner we had pizza (her favorite!) and fruit. I had SO much fun making her cake this year. It was a combo of cake and sugar cookies and was Frozen themed. I loved making Elsa, Anna and the snowflakes and think they turned out super cute! It was also REALLY cute watching Olivia blow out her candles this year. Click HERE to watch

Olivia is a fan favorite wherever she goes. She is fun and spunky and so stinking cute. She LOVES everything Disney Princess and loves puppies! She loves to read books and play. She is very sweet and can be very stubborn. She loves to dress up and dance to her favorite princess songs. She has even started acting out her favorite scenes, which is incredible to watch! We all love Olivia and are so grateful to have her in our family. 


Weekly Wrap-up January 28th 2023

 -Scott and I have been called to serve as a Ma and Pa for our stake youth trek this summer. We are mostly excited. No pictures but we had our first meeting this Sunday. It is a pretty cool group of people that they has been gathered for this assignment.
-Livvy is cute. The End. ;-)
-Trey had a birthday! He turned 11 years old and we had a fun day celebrating him. Trey is smart, fun, funny, strong, happy, incredibly talented, friendly, and such a good kid. Trey makes friends wherever he goes. He has a big personality and loves to include others. Trey loves to play sports, piano, violin, games, legos, sports guys and baseball cards. He loves to read. Trey is an all-around awesome kid, son, brother and friend. We are so lucky to have him in our family, as our #3. We spent the day day with celebrating him with a balloon arch, special dinner, presents and bear birthday cake (bear #4! See here for #1 #2 #3) Happy birthday Trey!
-I found a really sweet note from Andrew (insert heart emoji)
-Welby had crazy hair and sock day! The kids had lots of fun! 
-Welby had team sport day where you could dress like your favorite team or athlete. Andrews class was super cute!
-Documenting. I play pickleball every Friday with an amazing group of ladies. I look forward to it every week and we have a great time. 
-Scott went to the temple
-Carson had a junior jazz game
-Junior Jazz wrapped up for Trey and Kayla. They both did great. I had fun coaching Kayla-it was a learning year for sure, with lots of learning and not much winning :-) but thats okay. Also, when Mom is the coach, you don't get many pictures of the game time action. Trey is a beast at basketball (and all other sports) and did a really good job.
-We had a birthday party for Trey. We used the church gym and played tons of ball games, football, knockout, dodgeball and all of its variations. Everyone had a lot of fun! 

Junior Jazz: