Christmas Morning
We let the kids open stockings before heading off to church
Some of us took naps during church... the rest of us enjoyed a beautiful service about the Saviors birth and singing Christmas songs.
Some of us slept our way through Christmas... (the other kids opened his gifts for him, mostly while he was asleep)
Kayla loved her new Christmas dress and opted to stay in it all day
I attempted a Christmas photo shoot with our little December baby
Santa brought Trey, Kayla and Andrew the Paw Patroller along with one pup each. They were pretty excited! Even Skyler and Carson couldn't seem to keep their hands to themselves!
The joy on Carson's faces says it all. he has literally been asking for this particular Lego set for years. Every since the Lego movie came out. Santa nailed it this year. He was ECSTATIC! And he built it as soon as he could!
Skyler got a drone from Santa! He also got a new set of fun baseball books!
Okay, so he opened his eyes for a little bit, or at least one eye. Andrew is totally doing the stink eye in the one picture!
Kayla was so fun to watch open her presents. Prior to Christmas I would ask her what she wanted for Christmas. Her reply would be, "I don't know. I din't open the presents yet!" Oh it made me laugh. So today on a couple of her presents she would open them and say, "It's what I wanted for Christmas!" Ironic since actually she asked for nothing for Christmas!
Trey got a light saber for Christmas so now all 3 boys can be jedi warriors
Some presents came all the way from Japan!
Can a 9 year old get too much of his favorite teams sports apparel? Not when that boy is Skyler! GO COUGS!
Awesome Christmas story: Skyler came up with a great gift idea for him to give to Scott; tickets for them to go to the BYU/Gonzaga basketball game. The problem with that game is that it starts at 9pm and it is on a school night so I told Skyler no. Instead I helped him wrap up some camping gear for Scott. What he didn't know is that after he wrapped that present, I unwrapped it, inserted the 2 tickets to the BYU/Zags game that I had purchased, and rewrapped the gift. Come Christmas morning I waited anxiously for Scott to open Skyler's gift, knowing it would be a "gift" to both of them. I videoed it and it was awesome. Scott was so excited and Skyler finally realized what was happening and said, "When did you wrap that?! I did not wrap that!" It was hilarious and the best surprise ever. They are both super excited!
The Lego boys. Carson has been so good at teaching Trey about Legos. So it was only appropriate for Trey to get Carson a Lego building book for Christmas. It has all kinds of animals that you can create.
We had a wonderful Christmas-so much fun giving gifts to one another and relaxing together. Our greatest gift this year was, of course, a sweet little healthy baby boy named Andrew. We are so blessed to have him here and already it is hard to remember life before him.