Last Christmas Santa gifted Andrew and Olivia this cool jeep. Andrew has been loving it for the last several months! When he first started learning how to drive it he was tentative and cautious. After months of practice the kids is a maniac. Maniac but incredible. He swerves around things like you can't imagine.
So tonight I figured out how to jimmy-rig a seat belt for Olivia. The seat belt totally worked and Olivia was in heaven! Kayla and Andrew took turns taking her around in the jeep. She laughed the whole time! And below is the BEST picture in the world. Kayla was more than thrilled to take Olivia around in the jeep. Andrew thought it was cool for about 1.3 seconds until he realized that with Olivia in the jeep he was not allowed to go in "Fast" mode. Slow mode only with the baby. He was NOT happy!