Today was such a fun and long anticipated day! I have wanted to see the 4 corners area for so long and I was so excited to finally get to see it, and with my kids, today! On the way there we saw Shiprock, which is basically a massive rock that looks like a ship, from a distance. None of our family, aside from Scott, had been to New Mexico so it was fun to claim a new state! After our 4 Corners visit we made sure to eat lunch in New Mexico so we could say we actually did something in NM!
4 Corners was fun-not really much to it and it feels a bit like the Native Americans put it there just so they could sell merchandise but it was still fun to stand in 4 states at once! The kids thought it was really cool so I am really glad we did this! I think Andrew was THRILLED to be in a place where he could roam around without being in a backpack!
After 4 Corners we headed to Hovenweep National Monument and hiked around. It was so interesting to see these ancient ruins/dwellings and picture how people may have lived hundreds and hundreds of years ago. It was a beautiful day for a hike and we all enjoyed it!
documenting Skyler being illegal ;-)
And after a long day we all had fun just relaxing and watching movies at our cabin