Tonight we took the family to the BYU vs South Florida football game. On the way to the stadium we passed a car that across the back had the BYU-Utah score plastered. That was fun to see! It was so fun to be in the stadium and watch the game. BYU ended up wining 35-27. They scored 21 in the first quarter and then things defintiely slowed down on our end which made the game more exciting. But they pulled out the win!
Since it was Carson's birthday we told him we would get him a "Cougar Tail" at the game. A cougar tail is a 2 foot long maple frosted donut. Well when I went to buy one at half time, there were none left to be had :-( All vender locations had signs up that said "No more cougartails" etc. I couldn't believe it. I guess I didn't realize jsut how populars Cosmo's appendage is. As Kayla and I were walking around the entire stadium we crossed paths with a cart full of boxes. He approached me and asked if my daughter would like an ice cream. We happily said "yes" and he reached into his box and pulled out a BYU Creamery personal size ice cream cup. Kayla was so excited and then I had a thought.
Me: "Excuse me, could I ask a favor?"
Box Man: "you want one for you as well?"
Me: "NO! But I've actually got my son here at the game as well and it's his birthday. Is there any way I could get one for him?"
Box Man: "How many people do you have with you?"
Me: "uh...7"
Me: "uh...7"
Box Man: "if i give you an entire box, do you think you could hand them all out?"
Me: "um... yes!"
He then hands me a box filled with ice cream cups. BYU CREAMERY ice cream! We thanked him a ton and then headed off in search of spoons.
I can't tell you how many looks I got on the way back to our seats, me holding this gigantic box full of ice cream. Well we made it back and delieverd Carson a fun birthday surprise (not a cougar tail but they did have his favorite flavor-cookies and cream) and after getting the family taken care of, handed out ice cream to all the folks around us. It was so fun to share the joy we felt at receiving such a kind gesture. So here's to you box man/catering man. Thank you for making our night!
After the game the kids went down and lined the stadium to get high fives which they were pretty excited about. And on the way out of the stadium, we ran into some cheerleaders so Kayla was able to get a picture with one of them!