Scott and I celebrated Anniversery #18! Crazy that its been this long!
SN: Olivia totally knows the high five picture taking trick. (If you do a high five during a selfie, the camera will take the picture)
SN: The watermelon smiled at someone...
Well this is always a bit of a bummer of a week as all of the kids, besides Olivia, started back to school. We will still have warm weather and yet, summer break has come to a close. Sad... But alas, off they go. BinghamHS: Skyler-11th, Elk RidgeMS: Carson-8th, Welby: Trey-6th (Glover), Kayla-4th (Blanchette), Andrew-1st (dual immersion with Torres/Diaz. We had a first for our family. Kayla was actually quite sick with a stomach bug and missed the first 2 days of school. She was absolutely DEVESTATED. I had no idea how tragic missing the first day of school, let alone first 2 days of school, could be. But suffice to say, she made it on day 3 and was happy as a clam. Everyone survived their first days and we're off to a great start!
Our ward hosted a campout and while we weren't able to spend the night, we did go up and enjoy a fun campfire dinner and s'mores and visiting with friends!