Showing posts with label Anniversary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anniversary. Show all posts


Weekly Wrap-up August 26th 2023

Scott and I celebrated Anniversery #18! Crazy that its been this long!

SN: Olivia totally knows the high five picture taking trick. (If you do a high five during a selfie, the camera will take the picture)

SN: The watermelon smiled at someone...

Well this is always a bit of a bummer of a week as all of the kids, besides Olivia, started back to school. We will still have warm weather and yet, summer break has come to a close. Sad... But alas, off they go. BinghamHS: Skyler-11th, Elk RidgeMS: Carson-8th, Welby: Trey-6th (Glover), Kayla-4th (Blanchette), Andrew-1st (dual immersion with Torres/Diaz. We had a first for our family. Kayla was actually quite sick with a stomach bug and missed the first 2 days of school. She was absolutely DEVESTATED. I had no idea how tragic missing the first day of school, let alone first 2 days of school, could be. But suffice to say, she made it on day 3 and was happy as a clam. Everyone survived their first days and we're off to a great start! 

Our ward hosted a campout and while we weren't able to spend the night, we did go up and enjoy a fun campfire dinner and s'mores and visiting with friends! 


Weekly Wrap-up August 20th 2022

 *Grandma Potter headed back to Utah. We had so much fun having her here with us! 
*We had back to school nights
*Carson and his buddies went to the temple
*Skyler started fall baseball-he's playing with a team through SoJo rec which will be fun for him
*Carson started fall baseball on the Wolves
*Trey started flag football and Andrew and Kayla started soccer. I am coaching Andrews little co-ed team of 3-5 year olds which should be real interesting ;-)
*First days of school
-Skyler: Bingham High School, 10th grade
-Carson: Elk Ridge Middle, 7th grade
-Trey: Welby Elementary, 5th grade, Mrs. Howard
-Kayla: Welby Elementary, 3rd grade, Mrs. Eldeen
*Andrew had his Kindergarten assessment and got to meet his teacher, Mrs. Swapp
*Scott and I celebrated our 17 year anniversery! We are the luckiest and seriously so happy to have each other. We actually had a stake leadership retreat so that was how we celebrated on the day. 

*we have the most beautiful sunrises. seriously the best!


16 years down, forever to go...

Today Scott and I celebrate 16 years of marriage. Its increidlbe. I am so grateful we chose each other. And I would choose him again and agian and again. The following is a blurb i shared in the Facebook world this morning. 

16 years ago on the morning of our wedding, Scott and I met at the Sacred Grove. We walked together, talked together about the day ahead and prayed together. Then we headed across the street to the Palmyra temple where we were sealed for time and all eternity. Since that day we have continued to pray together, every day. We are intentional in making Heavenly Father a part of our marriage. We can feel his love in our lives and know that He strengthens our marriage.
I love this man- he is incredible. I look at these pictures and can remember the joy I felt on this day, 16 years ago. I still feel that joy and then some. We make a pretty good team and I would choose him again and again and again.
Note: in the pictures with forest behind us, that is the Sacred Grove in the distance

Tonight we celebrated by going out to eat and walking around the temple. It was a wonderful evening. 



Date Night

I am one lucky girl! I got to go on some awesome dates this month with some awesome people. 

Scott and I celebrated our anniversary at JCW's, one of our very favorite burger places! We have been married 15 years, which seems so crazy. Its been an awesome 15 years and we are so excited for more! 

One of the things the kids put on the Nelson family summer bucket list was "date nights" with the parents. I was so excited to take Skyler to Applebees for 1/2 price appetizer night. We got all the appetizer and ate and ate and ate. And watched sports and talked. It was really fun!

Kayla and I went out for a lunch date to Kneaders. The food was delicous and we had so much fun! 

*The other kids had their dates with Scott