Showing posts with label star wars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label star wars. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Sci-Fi Round-Up: October 4, 2017

"Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back" by Noriyoshi Ohrai


Author Greg Cox has written Star Trek, movie novels for decades
Blade Runner: Grumpy Harrison Ford has 2049 reasons to smile
Domhnall Gleeson Reveals Why He Almost Turned Down His Role In Star Wars
Ethan Hawke interview: On the legacy of the Before trilogy and Jesse and Céline's future
Former Deadpool 2 Director Tim Miller Explains His Exit
How Adam Savage went from kid geek to mythbuster to nerd whisperer

Monday, October 2, 2017

Illustration: Hoth Hangar

"Star Wars: Hoth Hangar!" by Londrina, Brazil-based BIGO

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Quick Pic: Princess Leia Corn Maze

Goebel Farms is currently home to an incredible corn maze with the image of New Hope Princess Leia carved into it in what has to be the largest Carrie Fisher tribute ever.  If you want to walk the maze yourself, it’s open on weekends at 4745 W Boonville New Harmony Road in Evansville, Indiana. Visit the Goebel Farms website for more information
"Jeremy Goebel, of Goebel Farms in Indiana, designed the corn maze himself. He said to the Courier Press, “I’ve always been a Star Wars fan, and I just wanted to pay tribute to Carrie Fisher.” He actually was able to plant the maze in just 40 minutes, using Photoshop to design it and then inputting it into the tractor’s GPS. “It tells the planter to leave rows on and off as it drives down the field,” he said."

Crafts: Star Wars Scarf

I found this excellent scarf while browsing Imgur.  Unfortunately, I couldn't find a blog or Facebook page for the artist, which is a shame, because I'd love to see what else she's created.  Still credit where credit is due.  If you like this scarf, make sure to stop by Imgur and give this piece the upvote it so richly deserves.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Lego Creation: Star Wars U-Wing

"U-Wing" by Mirko Soppelsa of Star Bricks

Mash-Up: My Neighbor Poporgo

A My Neighbor Totoro / Star Wars: The Force Awakens Mash-Up

It's months until the theatrical release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, but people are already talking furiously about the latest edition to the Star Wars universe, the Porgs. Some people are calling them the new Ewoks. Some people are calling them the new Jar-Jar. Given Lucas Film's increasing concern with younger demographics since its acquisition by Disney, I'm not surprised by the addition of more cuteness. I am holding out for some Tribble-style humor, though.

Fresh Take: Anakin’s Triple Self-Portrait

Star Wars version of "Triple Self-Portrait" by Norman Rockwell

Monday, September 4, 2017

Merchandise: Millennium Falcon Lego Set

LEGO 75192 Ultimate Collector Series Millennium Falcon

Lego has announced it's single largest set ever, a New Millennium Falcon for their Ultimate Collector’s Series line. Tipping the scales at 7,541 pieces, it measures eight inches high, thirty-three inches long, and twenty-two inches wide.  Of course, at a whopping US$800, it's also going to be the single most expansive Lego set on the market.  I don't think that the price tag is going to be an issue, though, because the finished product is glorious.  The Ultimate Collectors Series has a reputation for going above and beyond in terms of accuracy, but this version of the Millennnium Falcon takes the cake.  Here’s Lego designer Hans Burkhard Schlömer cradling the assembled model in his arms.” [More images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

The set comes with ten minifigures: Han, C-3P0, Leia, Chewbacca, BB-8, Old Han, Finn, Rey, and two porgs, plus a Lego mynock.

The first deluxe Falcon set released in 2007 contained a measly 5,195 pieces, and remains one of the most sought-after sets in Lego history.  If this set is any indication, I suspect that if they release a second version of the Death Star, it'll be Lego's feature first four-figure price tag.

Paintings: Cassian Andor

Cassian Andor from Star Wars Rogue One by Yann Dalon

Paintings: Rogue One

Posters: Vader

"Vader" by Indonesia-based Yellow Mushi

Posters: Rogue One

"Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" by Paul Ainsworth

Posters: Going Rogue

"Going Rogue" by Scott Park
Prints available for purchase from Dark Ink Art for Force Friday II. US$40

Posters: Attack Pattern Delta

"Attack Pattern Delta" by Dan Mumford
Prints available for purchase from Dark Ink Art for Force Friday II. US$55

Sci-Fi Round-Up: September 4, 2017

Star Wars: The Last Jedi promo art by Brian Rood


Cat Rambo on The Nebula Awards, Game Writers, Sfwa, Cats In Sf, And More.
Epic Space Battles, Deadly Equations: Yoon Ha Lee of NineFox Gambit
Geeky Q&A: Wes Chatham
Seth Macfarlane Talks Mission Of 'The Orville'
Stephen King reveals what he REALLY thinks of new Pennywise adaptation
Stephen King’s IT – Exclusive Interview With Director Andrés Muschietti

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Illustration: Kylo Ren

"Kylo Ren" by Rafael Albuquerque

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Crafts: Mandalorian Armor

Feast your eyes on this incredible coplay build fashioned from scratch by Imgur user wyndryder. It's built on top of a umpire chestguard, which is very practical, but the it stands out for hand-detailed armor wear. 

If you'd like to build your own, Wyndryder was kind enough to photograph each step of the creation process.  It all looks pretty straight-forward, but I'm sure that if I ever tried my hand at building something like this, I'd end up looking like a walking crayon drawing of a Mandalorian.

I can't find an associated website or Reddit entry, but there has to be one somewhere.  I you find it, please drop a link in the comments section below!

Link Round-Up: August 16, 2017

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" by Mo Caro

All of Galaxy Magazine’s 30-year run is now available online. Get’cher classic sci-fi using a method the writers of the era could only dream about!

Art Fans, Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ Paintings Will Be United In Virtual Exhibition

Friday, August 11, 2017

Posters: Empire Sniper

"Empire Sniper" by Brazil-based Keila Beatriz

Posters: Rogue One

"I don't usually draw Star Wars related pieces. however i did really like this movie and wanted to do something with the characters. i hope you all enjoy."

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