This fantastic gingerbread recreation of the Overlook Hotel from Stephen King's The Shining is made entirely of edible ingredients. The
entire diorama is made of gingerbread, icing, fondant, edible paper,
Rice Krispies Treats, and different kinds of candy. The Overlook Hotel
building measures nearly four feet long. Its exterior walls are covered
with fondant and icing, the roof is covered with quinoa and powdered
sugar, and the windows are made of melted Jolly Ranchers candies. Even the blood is candy.
gingerbread hotel includes five interior rooms featuring scenes from the movie, complete with little edible Jack, Wendy, Danny and evil twins. The whole thing took two weeks to build from still frames taken from the movie.
This sweet diorama was a family holiday project, part of an annual Christmas tradition in which they make ornate gingerbread structures.