Showing posts with label horror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label horror. Show all posts

Monday, October 23, 2017

Link Round-Up: October 23, 2017

"The Shining" by Christopher Shy of Studio Ronin

At 1:00pm on May 17th, 2017, Neil deGrasse Tyson tweeted that he occasionally longed for someone to read "Good Night Moon" to him as he falls asleep. Six minutes later, LeVar Burton tweeted "I got you... Let's do this!" And do it they did.  Burton, of course, was the host of Reading Rainbow for two decades. His new podcast, LeVar Burton Reads, is like Reading Rainbow for adults.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Posters: The Shining

The Shining Poster by Lyndon Willoughby

Posters: The Shining

"The Shining" by Nicole Gustafsson

Monday, October 2, 2017

Posters: IT

"IT" by France-based Rico Jr

Posters: Pennywise

"It movie" by Lima, Peru-based Antonio Roque

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Metalwork: Leviathan Hobo Nickel

"Leviathan" Hobo nickel hand engraved by J.H.Ranger on a 1936 Buffalo Nickel
Coin currently up for auction on Ebay.  Current bid: US$810

Posters: It

Friday, September 8, 2017

Fan Art Round-Up: Pennywise from It

"That" by Dave Correia DaveCorreiaArt
A gallery of fan art featuring Pennywise of Stephen King's It.

After twenty-seven years, the clown that haunted the dreams of eighties kids everywhere returns today to strike fear into a whole new generation. If there was ever a film better designed to strike fear into the hearts of children than It, I've yet to see it.  Personally, I think Bill Skarsgard will give the great Tim Curry a run for this money.  I've already read that his performance is one of the best screen presences in recent horror film history.

To celebrate the release of the remake of It, I've compiled a gallery of the best Pennywise fan art to be found on the web.  As usual if I've miscredited any illustration or if you know of a stand-out piece of fan art I've missed, drop me a link in the comments below.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Posters: Alien: Covenant

Alien: Covenant Poster by Neil King
Part of 20th Century Fox Australia Alien: Covenant poster competition.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Crafts: BioShock Little Sister Doll

Little Sister Doll by Kari Parham

Alright dolls freak me out enough to begin with and Little Sister is anything by cuddly to begin with, but Kari Parham has taken creepy dolls to a whole new level with with handmade Little Sister tribute inspired by BioShock.  Parharm has done an incredible job capturing the horror of Little Sister while still maintaining the "cute" element that makes your skin crawl in-game.  The final results are so good they look Photoshopped.
"The backdrop was made with foam board, poster board, hot glue, paint, and sheets of foam. It was made to come apart three walls and the floor. I just set the display in front of the TV to take a picture."

Friday, April 14, 2017

Link Round-Up: April 14, 2017

Brass Zippo Engraved to look like Constantine's lighter

First Look at Hallmark's Incredible Star Wars Storytellers Ornaments: "Pressing a button on the ornaments sends out a signal syncing nearby pieces; this triggers a performance, including coordinated light and sound. The more ornaments you have, the more dynamic the performance. In total, all seven ornaments can perform five major moments from the movie, and there are an incredible 127 possible story combinations."

A Gunsmith Made This Badass Van Helsing Monster Hunter Kit

Many designers who have digitized their hand letterings and logotypes using Adobe Illustrator's pen tool can attest to the frustration that surmounts during this process.  In this latest episode of Astute Graphics’ ‘#10MinSkills’ series, designer Will Paterson shares a valuable hack that will shave hours from your vector workflow. Learn how to master anchor points and handles in this “life-saving” tutorial below. If you want to master the Adobe Illustrator’s pen tool for free, try your hand at The Bézier Game.

Orphanage for Lost Adventures: Jeroen van Kesteren creates steampunk-influenced airships from cardboard, paper and aluminum foil.

Playing Chess on a Beautiful, Magnetized Globe

Monday, October 31, 2016

Link Round-Up: Spooky Stories for Halloween

All Hallow's Read is a Hallowe’en tradition. It’s simply that in the week of Hallowe’en, or on the night itself, you give someone a scary book. Scholars have traced its origins as far back as this blog post.  Of course, All Hallow's Read isn't a substitute for the tradition of giving away candy.  Trick or Treating is a rite of passage. This is just a great excuse to give someone a book.

Goodreads has generated a helpful list of 536 books to get your fright on this Halloween!  Of course, if you're looking for something short to while away the dark hours tonight without a trip to the store, here's a list of terrifying reads available around the web.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Link Round-Up: 10 Cloverfield Lane

10 Cloverfield Lane by Ape Meets Girl


CBR interviews Mary Elizabeth Winstead, star of 10 Cloverfield Lane.
Director Dan Trachtenberg explains why they changed the movie’s ending
Empire interviews J.J. Abrams, producers of 10 Cloverfield Lane.
Howard Stern interviews John Goodman, star of 10 Cloverfield Lane.
Reddit recently held an AMA for Dan Trachtenberg, director of 10 Cloverfield Lane
ScreenRant interviews Mary Elizabeth Winstead, star of 10 Cloverfield Lane.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Posters: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

"Pride and Prejudice and Zombies"

Headcanon: Ancient Text

Bolto: white dude in this horror movie : *translates old arabic text*
*somehow it rhymes perfectly in english*
When-the-reindeer-comes-home: Now I really wanna see a horrible faltering translation from one of these movies, like “Whomsoever enters this room, they shall… well, this word is like… literally it means ‘unbecome,’ but it was used as a euphemism for death, pooping, and—wait, when was this carved?  was it 15th century? Cuz it was a euphemism for sex too in the 15th century.  This is either a cursed crypt, a bathroom, or a royal bedroom. Who wants to roll the dice?”

Kiddthemaniac: “You guys, I’ve gotta be honest, okay? This thing’s written in some kind of weird localized dialect, and I’ve only ever studied the standard form of the language. I mean, this part right here…I can’t even tell if it’s some kind of error, or an obscure slang phrase…whatever it is, I have no idea what the fuck it means.”

Roachpatrol: ‘this is written in ancient sumerian. it’s about… uh… well that word is… uh. okay this is either a poem about farming, or straight-up a nasty sex guide. it might be both. i want a shower.’

Lizawithazed: “okay see the thing is in one dialect this word is the name of a terrifying Demon but in a completely different language from the same area that has the same writing system and gave a lot of loan words to the first, it means ‘horse’ - and the context is really not helping”

Seananmcguire: “You know what?  This thing is bound in human skin and the walls are bleeding let’s just leave.”

Monday, January 11, 2016

Fan Film: Ash vs Lobo and The DC Dead

"Ash vs Lobo and The DC Dead" directed by Brian Rosenthal of WTFLOL

"Evil Dead and DC collide in this sequel to 2013's "Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness" fanfilm. After narrowly escaping a zombie infested NYC and a pack of blood-thirsty (Marvel) superheroes, Ash Williams finds himself suddenly transported to a whole new universe. Can he stop the supernatural apocalypse?"

Short Film: LILITU

"LILITU" Written and Directed by Rico Lowry

"LILITU" is a suspenseful film centered around astral projection, the idea of a mind traveling outside the body. Shot on 35mm, Lowry presents a rather bizarre tale of "a woman who astral projects herself to the presence of the demoness Lilitu." You might have seen Richard's past films, like MONARCH OF THE MOON or DESTINATION MARS.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Short Film: Ballerina

"Ballerina" directed by Marc Thomas

"Ballerina" is a short horror about a music box that doesn’t like to be left alone.

The little ballerina model inside the box is especially creepy.  I imagine that the male analog would be a Star Wars collectible stalking you through your house.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Sweets: Gingerbread Overlook Hotel

Source: Imgur via Reddit

This fantastic gingerbread recreation of the Overlook Hotel from Stephen King's The Shining is made entirely of edible ingredients. The entire diorama is made of gingerbread, icing, fondant, edible paper, Rice Krispies Treats, and different kinds of candy. The Overlook Hotel building measures nearly four feet long. Its exterior walls are covered with fondant and icing, the roof is covered with quinoa and powdered sugar, and the windows are made of melted Jolly Ranchers candies.   Even the blood is candy.

The gingerbread hotel  includes five interior rooms featuring scenes from the movie, complete with little edible Jack, Wendy, Danny and evil twins.  The whole thing took two weeks to build from still frames taken from the movie.

This sweet diorama was a family holiday project, part of an annual Christmas tradition in which they make ornate gingerbread structures. 

Friday, October 30, 2015

Short Film: House Inherited

This whole film was shot in a single weekend as part of the first annual Austin 48-Hour Film Horror Project. While nobody's going to mistake it for a major studio production, what Yancey was able to achieve in forty-eight hours is pretty impressive.
"A young couple inherits a run-down farmhouse with some serious baggage."

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