Showing posts with label casemod. Show all posts
Showing posts with label casemod. Show all posts

Monday, December 28, 2015

Tech: Ragnar’s Revenge PC Case

This beauty is the winner of Bit-tech’s annual awards for both best casemod and custom case as well as the winner of German Casemod Championship.  Ali Abbas calls his Viking-themed wooden case Ragnar’s Revenge, and it is a sight to behold.  It features mechanical swiveling wings that reveal the system's interior.  The design isn't exactly nautical, but it's primary purpose is conceal the PC’s components behind eye candy.  Check out the video and photos below.

Tech: Boba Fett Xbox One Controller

Prints available for purchase from eBay.

There was an official Star Wars console released this year.  If it had been half as awesome as this custom-built Boba Fett sculpt, there would be one sitting in my living room right now.  Alas, I can only drool over photos of the now sold controller.  The winning bid was a whopping five hundred dollars, which is one hell of a bounty.

This controller is fully operational and it features a light-up chest panel, a flak jacket undercloth, and a removable jet pack battery pack.

Tech: Star Wars Desert N64

Custom N64: The Wreck of the Desert - Created by Vadu Amka

"The Wreck of the Desert" Star Wars Console by Vadu Amka

Belgian case modder Vadu Amka recently decked this old Nintendo 64 out in a desert theme to celebrate the upcoming release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.  The theme is intended to evoke the spirit of Tatoonie and Jakuu alike.  Both are rough and tumble frontiers where our heroes adventures begin.

The entire project took Amka thirty hours to complete, and it involved paint, sanding, and melting some aluminum.  The end result is unlike any console I've even seen before.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Tech: Tomb Raider Controller

Rise of the Tomb Raider: Custom Xbox One Controller by Vadu Amka

Tech: Twilight Princess Gamecube

A Twilight Princess console with a  beautiful metallic finish. To see the full effect of the paint job please take a look at this video.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Tech: Pokemon Game Boy Color

"New console on Pokemon's theme ; This time it's about Unown Ruins. This console has been made for "Gogetoad", his nickname is written in Unown alphabet in the back of the console. A and B buttons are also written the same way. On the front of the console, we can easily recognize Kanto's map, wheareas Johto's is on the back. One small anecdote: in 2014 I had made another Pokemon console (blue, red and Togepi), annoncing that this serie would continue chronologically and follow the TV show and video games. Thus, this console is using Gold and Silver universe... émoticône smile I am going to do something else for Suicune.

The purpose of this creation was to give te illusion that it's an old and mysterious artefact found in the ruins."

Tech: Apocalyptic Mega Man NES

Apocalyptic Mega Man NES Case Mod by Ryan Fitzpatrick (Platinum Fungi)

Console modder Ryan Fitzpatrick aka Platinum Fungi shares one of his latest creations. It’s a backlit Mega Man NES with a rusted and battle damaged look.  For this project Ryan teamed up with airbrush artist Noel McEwen and illustrator Gary Bedell, who made the kickass battle scene featuring Mega Man and Roll against several Robot Masters.

You can see the console in person at iam8bit’s 10th anniversary exhibit. Head to Ryan’s Facebook page for more of his work.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Tech: Iron Man-Themed Lightsaber

This Iron Man-themed Lightsaber was created by The Custom Saber forum member Eastern57.  It's based on a toy replica of Galen Marek aka Starkiller’s lightsaber, blended with the design of Iron Man’s suit.  The overall color theme of the lightsaber is red and gold, and there's an arc reactor embedded in its hilt.  The lightsaber also plays back sound bites from the Iron Man movies, as well as some of the songs from its soundtrack.

In his YouTube videos below, Eastern57 demonstrates the assembly of the lightsaber.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Tech: Mario Party Nintendo 64

Okay, I would have gone with Super Smash Bros., but to each his own.  It's still a nice looking console.

Tech: Half-Life Dreamcast Mod

I would have given my left arm to have one of these back in the day.  I was a pretty hardcore Half-Life fan.  I think that if Dreamcasts  had actually looked like this off the shelf, they might have sold better.
"Culture games took care of the packaging for the game "Half-Life" on Dreamcast, which was never released anywhere else than on abandonware sites. They plan to hold a contest to win a copy (with the game and a new case as if it was actually released) and the competition is even more striking, they asked me to make a customized Dreamcast on the Half Life theme and thereby propose a complete package.

I took the colors of the main character with the crowbar. I didn't want a completely orange console, the color is often linked to Metroid. I mainly worked on the paint peeling and rust appearance. According to my taste, the console remains relatively sober and faithful to the covers' visuals."

Friday, March 6, 2015

Tech: N7 PS3 Mod

N7 PS3 Case Mod by Javier Riquelme
Source: Imgur via Reddit

Tech: Wind Waker GameCube

Legend of Zelda Wind Waker GameCube by Vadu Amka

Tech: BMO SNES Emulator

3D print designer Mike Barretta built this amazing BMO emulator using an assortment of 3D printed pieces and Super Nintendo buttons, as well as a mixture of electronic equipment. To see this emulator in action, check out the play test of Donkey Kong Country.

You can learn to build your own BMO Emulator via Matt’s Thingiverse. Instructions, needed parts, 3D print files and everything else you need to know can be found on his page. Finally you can have your very own BMO!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Tech: R2-D2 Computer Case

This may be a bit of over-kill for a computer case, but prop house Podpad Studios created this very elaborate R2 unit to serve in lieu of a computer tower.  It features motion-activated sound effects, a built-in VGA monitor, a swiveling IR web cam in its periscope, and lots and lots of lights.  Click through to see a ton of build photos.

Tech: TRON Legacy N64 Console

Tron custom design? Oh, there’ll be no stopping you now, User.

Tech: Nintoaster Console

Shiny appliances and breakfast food come together with an 8-bit classic Nintendo system to create a retro marvel of a gaming console.

Tech: R2-D2 Video Game Droid

This little droid packs eight consoles, an integrated sound system, and a video projector.  From the controllers, I'm guessing it contains an X-Box, Sega Genesis, PlayStation, NES, SNES, N64, Dreamcast, and Atari.  The only thing missing an internal kegerator filled with Mountain Dew.

De Vitis began by simply modifying a an R2-D2-shaped Pepsi cooler to make it look more like the droid we all know and love.  Then came the process of gutting his consoles and arranging their motherboards inside the droid body so that all of the controllers could plug into their corresponding inputs from the front.  Finally, he jimmied the projector into R2’s dome last, so that it would work like the droid in the movies.  I guess that means that you need to sit next to R2 while you're playing.

For tons of photos of the system, click through to De Vitis' website.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Tech: Castlevania Console

Custom Castlevania Super Nintendo Console by Vadu Amka

Tech: BioShock Infinite Casemod

There aren't a lot of games I would go to these lengths for, but I have to admit, if any game were going to get me into modding, it would probably be Bioshock Infinite.  Clearly, I'm not alone.

Tech: Legend of Zelda Consoles

"One of the better custom N64 systems I've done. I went with the same style of the NES consoles I did previously. Acrylic paint on the top with a clay sculpture addition as well as Rust-Oleum gold spray paint on the bottom.

Link looks awesome here as a statue and the shield/master sword were fun to sculpt at that scale. 

The gold and stone wall really work well together on this one and I love the controller. 
All hand painted with no decals!"

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