Showing posts with label diy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diy. Show all posts

Thursday, April 20, 2017

DIY: Millennium Falcon Theater

YouTuber Beardless Man has uploaded a video of the Millennium Falcon-themed tablet stand he and his son made for watching movies.  He notes that the Millennium Falcon shape is not only ideal for watching as you lie down and look up, it’s also makes for good acoustics so both people inside the theatre can hear the tablet.  Plus, I have to think that it looks pretty cool sitting in a corner when not in use.  Now that I've seen one made, I may try making one of these for myself.
"Rogue One: A Star Wars story comes out today, and it inspired me to do a Star Wars DIY build. A Millennium Falcon theater, a place to lay back and enjoy watching the newest Star Wars movie without having your arms fall asleep from holding the tablet up, or having it drop on your face.

For a behind the scenes look at my projects, and other general randomness, follow me on Instagram:"

Monday, February 6, 2017

Video: Adam Savage's NERF Rifle

In another installment of One Day Builds, host Adam Savage made a custom paint job and modification of a Nerf Longstrike CS-6 rifle for his Imgur Secret Santa. Savage gave the rifle a more realistic and weathered look, replaced its internal mechanism with a more powerful spring, and added a working scope and bipod.
"This past holiday, Adam took part in Imgur's secret santa gift exchange, surprising a fan with a custom modded and painted Nerf rifle! For today's One Day Build, Adam shows how he took the Nerf toy apart and put it back together with his functional and aesthetic improvements."

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

DIY: Overhead Control Panel

Source: Reddit via Imgur

This is the coolest DIY project I've seen in a long time.  Of course, you've probably already seen it already.  It was featured on practically every art, design, gaming, and geek website on the web about five months back, but I bookmarked it and promptly forgot all about it.  The panel features 100 programmable buttons and switches, many of which launch software applications on its builder's computer. 

Friday, December 25, 2015

Download: Doctor Who Snowflakes

In response to a request on DoctorWhoCrafts, Lu of OddlyCrafting demonstrates how to use her interchangeable Doctor Who Snowflake templates.  Just pick any two to create your own pattern. 

And, if you like these, check out the many other Paper Snowflake Designs on her Tumblr.  There is a huge variety to choose from, most of them Doctor Who-themed.

Download: Legend Of Zelda Snowflakes

Templates available for download from Google Drive

Sometimes when you're just starting out in the world, it's hard to find the money for the small things, like holiday decorations.  Luckily, what we lack in financial stability in youth, we make up for in spare time.  If you're looking for a way to spruce up your gamer's den, here's just the thing.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

3D Print: Talking D20 Dice

Talking D20

"3D Printed Talking D20" by Adafruit and Phillip Burgess
Via: Cnet

A magic eight ball is a handy gadget to have around if you need help making up you mind.  You know what's even better?  A D20 die.  But why stop there?  If you have a 3D printer and aren’t afraid to get your hands dirty with electronics, you can build your own 3D-printed, 20-sided die that calls out your dice rolls and makes fun of you when they’re low.

Adafruit offers a guide to demonstrate how to make a D20 that talks for yourself.

Monday, January 19, 2015

DIY: Podtique


The Podtique is an antique radio hacked by software engineer Roderick Mann to play segments from popular old-timey radio podcast The Thrilling Adventure Hour on different frequencies when the dial is turned.  Built using a 1936 Goldentone radio, the Podtique has different MP3 files from various show segments assigned to different stations. For the full effect, the sound of static plays between each station.
Whenever you’re not tuned to a station, pink noise plays. This is mixed with station content, gradually fading away as the tuning improves. The volume potentiometer is used to attenuate the resulting mixed samples. If the knob is turned all the way off, the BBB mutes the audio amplifier and turns off the dial backlight.

DIY: Washing Machine Aquarium

Reddit user Lava_lump along with a friend made this incredible aquarium from a recycled washing machine. Creating the aquarium from start to finish took 25 hours over the course of 3 weeks. It is now on display at a local appliance store.  You can find step-by-step directions and more pictures at Imgur.
Overall this project was a blast to make and it went swimmingly. Used appliance stores recycle front load washers often. You could score a nice looking (not working) washer for about $50. Excluding the aquarium equipment, the hardware costs were from high tension cabling and silicone and LED lighting equating to $125. The cost for the aquarium equipment was $220. This consisted of the filter, air pump, accesses, heater, water treatment products and the fish. We bought “glo fish”. They pop more in LED lighting (primarily blue).

Friday, January 9, 2015

Crafts: TARDIS Fold-Down Bed

Stubbs from “The Stubby Thumb” wanted to to make her guest bedroom a little bigger on the inside, but found that “murphy beds” were a bit expensive for her budget.  So, she decided to make one of her own.  Check out more pictures over at her blog as well as detailed instructions on how she built the whole thing.
"Murphy beds are pretty spectacular. They are also spectacularly expensive. I looked around, and the best price I found on a bare bones Murphy was $1899. I don’t know about you, but I have way more ways to spend money on any given day than I have money to spend. So I decided to look into what it might take to build my own, since I’d have to put one together if I ordered it anyway. I found a kit I could buy that came with all the specialty hardware (bed stops, gas pistons, legs, etc.) and written and DVD instructions for cutting the wood and putting it together. I also ordered the light kit so I wouldn’t need night tables anymore. Since Murphy beds are the ultimate space maximizers, it only made sense to build it using Time Lord technology: bigger on the inside!"

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

DIY: Baymax Christmas Ornament

Alright, this one's super simple to make. All you need is white paint and a Sharpie.

DIY: Death Star Ornament

DIY Death Star Ornament

That’s No Snow Globe! Looking for the trimming for your nerdy Christmas tree? How about a tiny planet destroying Death Star ornament to hang from your tree? Thanks to user craftycounterpart, you can now make your own.

Monday, November 3, 2014

DIY: Doctor Who Runner Carpet

This super-simple hallway runner can be put together in fairly short order by any nerd looking to punch up their interior decorating game.  All you need is a carpet, some paint, and yarn.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Video: Star-Lord Gun Build

How to make a cheap Star-Lord Gun from Guardians of the Galaxy.

Video: Star-Lord Mask Build

How to make a Star-Lord mask from Guardians of the Galaxy with an Iron Man mask and other cheap materials.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Papercraft: Papercraft Barbie Exo-Suit

Download the template for the paper craft Hardiman from Tumblr.

This nifty little paper cut out was designed by Hawkins to resemble of pieces of equipment General Electric (GE) was working on back in the sixties.  I'm not entirely sure why GE would want to remind people not only that it is utterly irrelevant to today's technology landscape but also that it could have been a cutting edge firm if it had tried a little, but I can't complain about the results.

I totally plan on supping this thing out in Photoshop to deck out my articulated model mannequins.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

DIY: Iron Man Arc Reactor

Becky Stern of Adafruit created this homemade version of Iron Man’s glowing arc reactor, complete with"pulsing effect."  Check out Becky’s step-by-step instructions at Adafruit.
"Planning an epic Iron Man costume for Halloween or Comic Con, or looking for that iconic piece that turns a plain t-shirt into Tony Stark? This is a simple soldering + crafts project. You can even customize it once complete, go for red, purple, green, pink: Whatever color will power you up! Or change the pulse rate or effects to add a special touch."

DIY: Mission Control Desk

It wouldn't be weird if I just built one of these for myself, would it? I don't think so.
"In this episode of Making Fun, Jeff High Smith makes a one-of-a-kind mission control console that closes up and works as a regular homework desk when it's not in use--which is probably not very often. The console plays space-related sounds and has many lights, knobs and switches."

Friday, December 27, 2013

DIY: Middle Earth Map

Make your own with this tutorial from Instructables.
"This year for Christmas I decided to create a present for my wife. We are both nerds and the release of "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" put into motion a project I had wanted to do for a while but had put on a back burner due to school. My wife has always voiced a desire to have a large map on the wall of our office. Initally I thought to make a duplicate of the map that is used in the film but I thought it wouldn't be large enough so I instead decided to make a huge map of Middle Earth for the office. I liked the idea of a map but I wanted to make it look a little more unique and aged than just a simple map. So I set out to make an aged map of Middle Earth and wanted to take you along on for this unexpected journey."

DIY: Thrors' Map

Make your own with this tutorial from Instructables.
"Some of us like books, especially the maps in them. I really like "The Hobbit" and I thought I should make Thror's map.  I couldn't find a suitable map to print, all of them were black or white or weren't the same map as the one in the book. I made a printable map, that was like the one in the book. Here it is: Print it with a laserjet printer and off we go."

Monday, December 23, 2013

DIY: Zero Christmas Ornament

Zero Christmas Ornament

Make this Zero ornament for your tree using this 

1. Downloadable the template from the Spoonful Blog.

2. Print the ornament on regular white paper or cardstock and cut out the pieces. 

3. Starting with one half of Zero, fold the bottom piece up and the ear down, then use glue or double-sided tape to secure the pieces to the back side of Zero’s body so the design is two-sided. Repeat this step with Zero’s other half. 
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