Showing posts with label roleplaying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label roleplaying. Show all posts

Friday, March 27, 2015

Fresh Take: Post-Apocalyptic MMO

Created by A. "Miru" Lee (INKtrashing)
"A character design project I’ve been mulling over for a while. I wanted to try taking some staple fantasy-based classes and see how they’d translate to a apocalypse-based setting, something vaguely Mad Max- or Fallout-flavored. Also squeezing in some practice working with weapons and clothes. :)

The priest class was one of the first classes I wanted to try redesigning. Of course, they’d have to have strong parallels to field medics, but I also specifically wanted them to look a bit like surgeons. The main components of their outfits are ruined doctor’s coats and surgical garments in that signature bright teal (bandannas, masks and gloves).

Dart guns take the place of priest-ly magic, used for healing (“medi-darts” ala Fallout’s stimpaks), buffs (painkillers, adrenaline shots) and de-buffs (tranquilizers). They use blasts of pressurized air instead of any gunpowder, and are reloaded with aircans; the darts come slotted onto “cartridges” of semi-flexible metal strips, which are ejected and reused.

Like most healers, these guys aren’t very good offensive units, but they do carry bonesaws as last resorts for self-defense."

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Posters: Warcraft Classes

World of Warcraft Inspired Type Posters by Worcester, England-based Peter Fox
Prints available for purchase from Etsy. US$7.64

If these had been available a few years back, when I was heavy into World of Warcraft, I would have bought every one of these, wall space be damned.  They would've gone on the ceiling if necessary.  These day's I've cooled on the game, which was just a giant sinkhole for my time, so I'll just wrangle them into a desktop wallpaper instead. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Infographic: The Ultimate Gaming Cycle

Here's something I did years back.  It was inspired by the chart below (under the cut).  It took me an entire weekend, and I still get the itch to go in and edit it every time I see it.  But it's really funny if you click through to the larger version so that you can read it.  Sorry the text is so small here.

I've been thinking about cleaning it up and offering as a print on one of the poster sites, like Redbubble or Society 6.  What do you think?  Would anyone here actually be interested in hanging one of these on their wall in real life, or is it strictly internet humor?

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Humor: Anatomy of RPG Adventures

"The Anatomy of RPG Adventures" by Andrew Girdwood

This isn't humor, this is truth.
"Experienced tabletop gamers will know that certain games have certain patterns. It is possible to work out how close you are to the end of the game by comparing your actions against the anatomy of the adventure itself."

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Illustration: Fairy-Tale Playboy

Princesses Playing DnD

Robert Downey Jr. threw this fun piece of art up on Facebook earlier today.  It features Tony Stark surrounded by the Disney princesses, and it came with this caption:
"Best part about a Disney deal…"

Illustration: Princesses Playing DnD

Disney Princesses Playing Dungeons & Dragons

The artist did a great job capturing the different princesses’ personalities. I think Snow White is an interesting choice as Dungeon master, because she obviously has the most experience moderating arguments, after living with the Seven Dwarfs. I like to imagine that she refused to play the Dwarven race because of the racist stereotypes propagated by D&D, but that she was afraid that if she ever played as any race but Dwarf, all her best friends would be terribly affronted. To escape the moral dilemma, she took on Dungeon Master duties.
"I think every princess is a _heroine_ first and foremost"

Friday, January 24, 2014

Kickstarter: 3D Tabletop Miniatures

This Kickstarter run by three dudes and four ladies is looking to start a company that produces incredibly detailed, versatile custom 3D printed gaming miniatures for your tabletop characters. If you have ever spent hours combing through a bin of Reaper Minis trying to find a statue that even remotely resembles your Player Character, then you'll definitely appreciate this project.
"Hero Forge is a service that lets you design custom tabletop minis, have them 3D printed, and delivered right to your doorstep. By using a sophisticated parts system and web UI, we're bringing the flexibility, ease, and control of a robust video game character creator to the tabletop.

Choose your race, your gender, your build, and your facial expression. Select and swap individual armor pieces, weapons, adventuring equipment, hairstyles, and faces. Choose your pose and watch all of the dynamically rigged parts and attributes conform to fit your selection. Choose the scale of your mini, and even the material it's printed in. We're bringing a high-tech update to a classic analog hobby and giving you the opportunity to breathe your vision and creativity into your miniature."

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Link Round-Up: June 6, 2012

Designed to mimic the 20-sided die created from Dungeons & Dragons, these D20 Cookies from Geeky Cookies are hand-frosted and come in custom colors. A “critical” hit at any geeky wedding these cookies come in 12 packs that sell for $18 and 24 packs that sell for $30.

Phone Booth Brain Is The Best Phone Booth Design Ever

Phototropia Is A Step Towards "Living" Architecture

Stunning Magic: the Gathering art breathes new life into classic fantasy tropes.

ThinkGeek now sells Doctor Who Dalek Factory Mini Figure Sets

Monday, March 12, 2012

Link Round-Up: March 14, 2012

Infinite Possibility

This is an abstract based on polyhedral dice used for table top roleplaying games.

12 Amazing Recycled Dragons

Fascinating set of images of Undressing a Sony NEX Camera and revealing the innards of a modern digital camera.

How to draw a cartoon leprechaun

Stratocam (explore the world through Google Satellite imagery, share shapshots of your own discoveries)

Toy Shining (inspired Toy Story/Shining mashup created on the iPad)

The Water Tank Project has set out to beautify New York City this coming spring.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

"This Fantasy World" by the Doubleclicks

"This Fantasy World" by The Doubleclicks, with animation by Brad Jonas

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