Created by A. "Miru" Lee (INKtrashing)
"A character design project I’ve been mulling over for a while. I wanted to try taking some staple fantasy-based classes and see how they’d translate to a apocalypse-based setting, something vaguely Mad Max- or Fallout-flavored. Also squeezing in some practice working with weapons and clothes. :)
The priest class was one of the first classes I wanted to try redesigning. Of course, they’d have to have strong parallels to field medics, but I also specifically wanted them to look a bit like surgeons. The main components of their outfits are ruined doctor’s coats and surgical garments in that signature bright teal (bandannas, masks and gloves).
Dart guns take the place of priest-ly magic, used for healing (“medi-darts” ala Fallout’s stimpaks), buffs (painkillers, adrenaline shots) and de-buffs (tranquilizers). They use blasts of pressurized air instead of any gunpowder, and are reloaded with aircans; the darts come slotted onto “cartridges” of semi-flexible metal strips, which are ejected and reused.
Like most healers, these guys aren’t very good offensive units, but they do carry bonesaws as last resorts for self-defense."