Showing posts with label star trek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label star trek. Show all posts

Monday, July 3, 2017

Posters: Star Trek 30th Anniversary

Star Trek: The Next Generation 30th Anniversary Posters
Prints available for purchase from the Roddenberry Shop. US$99

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Lego Creations: DS9 Runabout

Not my favorite Star Trek vessel by a longshot, but look at the detail on this Lego model.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Woodwork: Wooden Enterprise

Prints available for purchase from Etsy. US$3,000

This beautiful wooden replica of the Enterprise (NCC-1701) measures 36″ long by 16″ wide by 8″ tall. It was made from hard maple, black walnut, padauk, osage orange, ebony, and yelloheart. Every detail you see, from the ship’s iconic NCC-1701 badging to the colors of the warp nacelles and deflector shield were created using different types of wood.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Posters: To Boldly Go

Okay, as a rule, I don't read Star Trek comics, but these covers from George Caltsoudas are giving me second throughts.  I think Caltsoudas would do well selling these as a poster series.  Alas, if you want the full set, you'll just have to settle for browsing his Behance gallery for now.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Fan Film: Star Trek: Horizon

A four-year dream has finally concluded for one fan. Since 2012, a group of dedicated fans of Star Trek: Enterprise have been working towards completing a fan film paying tribute to the franchise, and now it's finally here. Star Trek: Horizon is pretty damn impressive considering its budget! If you're a fan of the series, this is a must-watch!
"Star Trek - Horizon is a feature-length fan film made by a single filmmaker as a personal passion project and love letter to Enterprise, the fifth Star Trek series. Pre-production began in December of 2012 and this 3-year-long odyssey concluded on February 25th, 2016. It's been a long road, getting from there to here.

The Coalition of Planets, a young alliance of worlds led by Earth, is at war with the Romulan Empire. Desperate for a chance to gain the upper hand in the war, the Coalition forms an alliance with T'mar, a Romulan deserter, in the hopes that she can provide valuable intelligence on her former masters."

Monday, February 1, 2016

Illustration: Beam Me Up

Created for the BEAM ME UP: Star Trek art show at Q POP in L.A.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Video: Star Wars vs Star Trek

In response to a question from Rolling Stone reporter Tessa Stuart, Bill Nye the Science Guy weighs in on the debate about which franchise is better, Star Wars or Star Trek. It’s not surprising that Nye finds the “optimistic view of the future with science” in Star Trek more appealing than the “Shakespearian” story of Star Wars.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Posters: Star Trek

Star Trek Posters by Paul Shipper
Prints available for purchase from from Bye Bye Robot. US$25

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Posters: Spock Watercolors


Prints available for purchase from Society6. US$19 - $80

Watercolor portraits of Spock (Leonard Nimoy) from Star Trek

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Humor: ST:NG Ships meet Nose-to-Nose

I'm pretty sure that this was the entire point of Wrath of Khan, but it deserves further discussion.  Why do ships in the Star Trek universe always meet nose to nose?  It makes zero sense.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Mash-Up: Star Trek / Mass Effect

Trek Effect by Jedi-Art-Trick

"Trek Effect" by Tony Warne (Jedi-Art-Trick)
A Star Trek / Mass Effect Mash-Up

Fresh Take: Borg Naval Battle

Prints available for purchase from Imagekind. US$10 - $51

What if Star Trek: The Next Generation had been set in a different era?  Would it have detracted from the power of the series?  If your knee jerk reaction is yes, give this piece a hard look.  In it, Mirsad Agic re-imagines the Enterprise as a seafaring vessel and the Borg cube as a pirate vessel reminiscent of the Flying Dutchman from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.

I've always been a fan of science fiction as fantasy, and I think Agic is on to something here.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Project: Enterprise-D Construction Project

Enterprise-D Construction Project

The Enterprise-D Construction Project is an ambitious one-man project to recreate the Enterprise-D in its entirety using  Unreal Engine 4, drawing from a variety of sources including both the official blueprints by Rick Sternbach and the earlier Ed Whitefire blueprints. By all reports the final model aims to reproduce all 42 decks of the Enterprise in extreme detail, right down to the ship's roving, 80's era house plants.  The project isn't publicly available yet, but you can take a virtual tour showing off decks 1–4, including the bridge and main shuttle bay.

The project is currently just a hobby for creator Jason B, but he's already considering populating the ship, offering a chance to explore the exteriors of stations such as Deep Space Nine, and maybe one day incorporating game mechanics. The creator is considering the possibility of crowdfunding campaigns to fund the project. 

Personally, I'm looking forward to finally seeing the aquatics lab and cetacean tanks, from which  a group of Bottlenose dolphins is alleged to have assisted in the navigation of Galaxy-class starships.  It's one of those tidbits of trivia that gets hotly debated by drunk trekkies in the parking lot of Star Trek conventions.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Monday, September 7, 2015

Illustration: The Star Trek Alphabet

My Star Trek Alphabet

Prints available for purchase from the author's website. US$5 - $25

Illustrator Carly Strickland has assembled what might be the nerdiest children's alphabet book ever. If I had a kid, it's room would be plastered with these prints... which may be part of the reason I don't have kids.  In the meantime, you need to check out Strickland's art Tumblr.  It's filled with her trek illustrations, and I can't wait to see what comes next.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Link Round-Up: Sci-Fi Ambient Noise

Some people relax to music, some people like to leave the television on in the background, but personally, I prefer some soft ambient background noise.  As someone with a job that requires me to spend massive amounts of time working alone, I find that silence leave me "itchy" but music tends to be too distracting.  No matter how little attention I'm paying to the music, I find myself groping for the pause button every time I have to concentrate on something.

Of course, as a hard core geek, I don't just settle for any ambient noise.  Let's face it, as a kid who crisped if sat too near a window, the sound of rain and gentle breezes is really a non-starter.  Sci-fi themed ambient noise in my jam.  Here, I've rounded up a list of links to some of the nerdiest ambient soundtracks to be found around the web.  

Of course, you don't like any of the ambient noise soundtracks posted below, you could always mix your own with the Warp Speed SciFi Background Noise Generator or the "Aboard the Enterprise" and "Mid-Voyage" sound consoles over at

Bookmark this page and stay tuned for regular updates!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Posters: Minimal Trek

Minimal Trek

Prints available for purchase through KickStarter.

This latest work by Mark Gonyea will delight all Star Trek fans.  His latest work is titled Minimal Trek, and it features minimalist poster designs of all three seasons of the original Star Trek series. Gonyea created the posters as a tribute to his childhood, which was spent watching the TV show.

The posters and postcards are available on Kickstarter.

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