Showing posts with label coffee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coffee. Show all posts

Monday, November 24, 2014

Illustration: Coffee Cup Comics

Comics on Starbucks Cups by Josh Hara

Cartoonist Josh Hara uses the back of his coffee cups as a canvas for funny and intricate comics, ranging in topic from our never-ending coffee addiction to celebrity spoofs and more.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Video: The Science of Caffeine

Here’s a quick shot of science to start your day. The American Chemical Society, an organization representing chemists across the US, has released the latest in a series of Reactions videos. Attempting to explain the science of everyday things, previous Reactions videos have demystified the chemistry of Sriracha, Love, Pepper and more. This latest video breaks down the world’s most widely used stimulant, caffeine. If you haven’t had your morning cup of coffee, this video may leave you with some serious cravings.
"It's not just in coffee anymore. From drinks to jerky to gum, caffeine is everywhere. In our latest video, we take a look at the science behind the world's most popular drug, including why that little molecule keeps you awake and reveal just how much caffeine is too much."

Monday, March 3, 2014

Quick Pic: Gravity Latte Art

Gravity Latte Art by New York City-based coffee artist Michael Breach

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Quick Pic: Ring of Power

I did a rough draft of the black speech of Mordor.

The black speech of Mordor, captured in Latte foam.
Source: Blvckcoffee via BuzzFeed

It is the Language of Starbucks, Which I Shall Not Utter Here.
One Foam Ring to rule them all, One Foam Ring to find them,
One Foam Ring to bring them all and to the dark brew bind them!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Quick Pic: Stormtrooper Latte Art

Stormtrooper Latte Art
Source: Imgur via Reddit

Friday, August 9, 2013

Merchandise: Donkey Kong Coffee Rack


A Donkey Kong -inspired Coffee Rack for your Coffee Capsules
Available for purchase from Hologramer. US$170
"CapsuleKong is a wall mounted display for Nespresso® Pods, inspired by the Arcade classic Donkey Kong. Through countless design revisions and prototypes we finally achieved the perfect spacing and angles to enable the Pods to elegantly roll down the levels from top to bottom."

Food Art: Video Game Latte Art

Video Game Latte Art by Kazuki Yamamoto

Monday, July 8, 2013

Link Round-Up: July 8, 2013

Caffeinated Owls, A Chart Illustrating Different Types of Coffee With Cute Owls

"Caffeinated Owls" by Illustrator Dave Mottram
Prints and merchandise available for purchase from Society6.
Via: Reddit

21 Signs You’re Dating A Designer

The Complete Marvel Reading Order is a website representing one man's attempt to figure out what order a picky reader should follow if attempting to reading the entirety of Marvel Comics' in-continuity canon. You can check the entire list, commencing with "Fantastic Four #1" from 1961, or filter on particular titles, characters, or story arcs. The site is highly customizable and also includes an active blog and links to two different site podcasts.

How to get a job at Dreamworks

You can now legally watch all 25 episodes of the greatest anime series ever created, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, for free on YouTube... so long as you live in the U.S.  If you've never seen it before, cancel all your appointments life and call in sick to work.

Zen photon garden is a 2D ray tracer in your browser. A blog post gives examples of what's possible and explains some of the unique details of its implementation.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Typography: Cafégrafia

Cafégrafia | Coffee type experiment by Marina Rosso

"Cafégrafia" by Brazilian designer Marina Rosso
"personal experiment using coffee powder to create type. The word "cafégrafia" is a fusion between "café" & "tipografia", i.e. "coffee" and "typography"."

Monday, November 5, 2012

Quick Pic: Space Invaders Latte

Space Invaders Latte
Image by Anthony Hardwood

Space Invaders Latte by Anthony Hardwood

Friday, September 14, 2012

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