"They are Coming"
Illustrations by Krakow, Poland-based Jakub Różalski
Jakub Rozalski
is a concept artist now based in Germany who works at mobile studio Goodgame. His amazing digital paintings are works of historical fiction that portray Soviet mechs drawn as if from the twenties. Specifically, he uses Photoshop to blend large, fictional walking war machines, or
"mechs," into rural climates from early 20th-century Polish villages, creating rural dystopian scenes.
"History is my passion," explains Różalski in an interview with
My Modern Met. Through the works, he says,
"I wanted to combine the classic motifs of cavalry, the Polish army,
life in the countryside, Polish paintings from the late nineteenth and
early twentieth century modernist design, [and] giant robot battles in
order to [present] our [Polish] history and culture [in] original and
interesting ways for a contemporary audience."
Read an
interview with Jakub Różalski at Print 24.