Showing posts with label boba fett. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boba fett. Show all posts

Friday, February 12, 2016

Link Round-Up: February 12, 2016

Boba by Rayshchuck

9 Quick Facts That You Might Not Know About Quentin Tarantino Movies

Anthony at the Castalia House Blog puts his finger on a problem with the Potterverse in “So You Made It Into Hufflepuff”.  Vox Day, pointing to the post in “The Shortchanging of House Hufflepuff”, extended the critique.  Of course, what everyone forgets is that Huffpuffs are the sexual dynamos of the Wizarding world.

Discworld Artist to Sculpt a Statue of Terry Pratchett

Get an Early Look at the 2016 Lego Ninjago Line-up Ahead of Toy Fair

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Play to Be Published as a Book

The smuggler in the Mos Eisley Cantina scene from the original Star Wars who refers Obi-Wan to Chewbacca has been known for years as BoShek. But despite having an action figure of the character, the actor playing him was unknown. With help from the Rebel Scum forum, Billy Jensen was able to use social media detective work to track him down.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens syncs up to Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon

We're Entering a Golden Age of Space Tourism Propaganda

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Monday, December 28, 2015

Tech: Boba Fett Xbox One Controller

Prints available for purchase from eBay.

There was an official Star Wars console released this year.  If it had been half as awesome as this custom-built Boba Fett sculpt, there would be one sitting in my living room right now.  Alas, I can only drool over photos of the now sold controller.  The winning bid was a whopping five hundred dollars, which is one hell of a bounty.

This controller is fully operational and it features a light-up chest panel, a flak jacket undercloth, and a removable jet pack battery pack.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Monday, November 16, 2015

Crafts: Bounty Hunter Nesting Dolls

Bounty Hunter Nesting Dolls by Andy Stattmiller
Part of the “Art Awakens” charity auction at Gallery1988.

Set of 6, acrylic on wood, 8″ tall Boba Fett down to a 1.75″ Zuckuss. Signed on the inside and available HERE.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Cosplay: Boba Fett Minifig

Redditor iqwertyi just completed this phenomenal costume that puts a unique twist on the classic standby of Boba Fett.  According to iqwertyi, it took about seven weekends to complete the costume, which he designed using CAD software to make sure the measurements scaled.  He added holes to the minifig's hands to allow his own hands to stick out, and he mounted a small fan inside the body to help him keep cool.  Check out the complete build process in this Imgur photo album to get a better idea of how this fantastic costume was made.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Quick Pic: Boba Fett Display

"Somebody give this stock boy a raise" by Retroman360
Source: Imgur via Reddit

There's an interesting discussion of whose job it is to make these over on Reddit.  I never realized how much logistics went into these sorts of displays.  I definitely have to stop knocking them down.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Illustration: Boba Fett

Boba Fett by Fabled Creative

"Boba Fett" by Ron Guyatt of Toronto-based Fabled Creative
Prints available for purchase from BigCartel. US$40

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Monday, June 15, 2015

Paintings: Pink Boba Fett

Pink Boba Fett

The painting is part of Scheidly’s "Pink" series.

Scott’s "Pink" series features oil-based portraits of notorious male leaders and villains drawn in a belligerent, almost childish exaggeration of femininity.
"'The Pinks' explores the cultural and social implications of color and how the predefined notions that accompany these perceptions can alter one’s identity and subsequent world view. By incorporating either hyper-masculinized or historically infamous figures, Scheidly further drives the point home, making a mockery of his subjects though biting socio/sexual satire."

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Illustration: Boba Fett

Boba Fett Illustration by Arf

Color commision from Tyler Kirkham.

Illustration: Boba Fett

Boba Fett by Martin Hernandez

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mash-Up: Boba Fett / Borderlands

Boba in Borderlands by Stain-Art

"Boba in Borderlands." by France-based Max Fradet (Stain-Art)

Two of my favorite franchises, together at last!  I can just imagine R2's attitude translated into Claptrap's incessant babble.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Posters: No Good To Me Dead

"No Good To Me Dead" by E Scott Derby
Prints available for purchase from Dark Ink Art. US$50

Monday, May 4, 2015

Posters: The Real Bounty Hunter

The Real Bounty Hunter by Juan Manuel Orozco

"The Real Bounty Hunter" by Juan Manuel Orozco
T-shirts available for purchase May the 4th from TeeFury.

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