Showing posts with label skeletons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skeletons. Show all posts

Monday, October 12, 2015

Sketches: Ana Dapta's Inktober

Inktober Skeleguy Problems.

Inktober Sketches by Verity Glass (Anad Dapta)
[ Check out other artists' Inktober Challenges ]

Ana Dapta has an interesting take on Inktober. She's creating a comic for each day of October featuring a Skeleton. The Skeleton reminds me of Mr. Skullhead from Animaniacs, and comic captions remind me of Rex Regrets.  I can't wait to see the completed series.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Sculpture: Dragon Skeleton

"Dragon Skeleton" by MythicArticulations
Prints available for purchase from Etsy. US$110

Friday, October 31, 2014

Illustration: Box of Bones

"Happy Halloween! Here is the rest of Box of Bones. I had fun doing a short little story for inktober! If you like, this is being compiled into a lil’ book - properly scanned and formatted - with proceeds going towards the Bone Marrow Foundation (hehe). Pre-orders are being taken through my store!"

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Humor: The Skeletons' Point of View

Have you ever wondered why everything is trying to kill you in video game dungeons?  Maybe they're not such bad guys after all.

Featured Site: Rickety Stitch


"Rickety Stitch and the Gelatinous Goo" by Ben Costa and James Parks
Also available to read on Tapastic and Tumblr

Ben Costa of the the Xeric Award-winning webcomic Shi Long Pang has teamed up with speculative fiction writer James Parks on a little thing called Rickety Stitch and the Gelatinous Goo

Rickety Stitch is an skeleton who becomes a minstrel after losing his job as a minion.  He and his side kick, a gelatinous cube with the attitude of R2-D2, inhabit a world where Dungeon and Dragon conventions are the norm, but characters behave like a modern day cubical-dwelling workforce.

The comic looks like it's going to be good, and judging by what's been published already, it promises to be a good long story with plenty of regular updates.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Crafts: Anatomical Stained Glass

The “Chapel” series by Belgian artist Wim Delvoye

For this dark series, which was initiated in 1999, Wim Delvoye has created some very unusual stained-glass windows of steel, lead, glass and actual x-rays.  Delvoye took x-rays of two friends performing sexual acts, then combined the resultant x-rays with stained glass to fill the windows of a gothic chapel.

Some of the windows simply look like abstract designs, but upon closer inspection, the anatomical features become apparent, including teeth, skulls, and intestines.  There are also several more risque pieces available to peruse on the artist's website.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Street Art: Skeleton Mural

Skeleton Mural by Aryz in Cologne, Germany

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Fresh Take: Typographic Skeleton

Digital copies available for download as a PDF.
Prints available for purchase from the artist's website. US$50
"Exo… Endo… Typo! Your life, your organ­ism, your soft tis­sues but a pud­dle on the ground, if not for the ancient seg­men­tal struc­ture of the Ver­te­brates. The orig­i­nal hard core is evolv­ing for 400 mil­lion years now. Hominids, like you, are using the lat­est upright tech­nol­ogy orig­i­nat­ing only 4 mil­lion years prior. Here it is, updated, and recon­structed in a 2 dimen­sional sta­tic rep­re­sen­ta­tion of long-stride loco­mo­tion! The com­po­nent bones, ordi­nar­ily con­structed with rigid min­er­al­ized tis­sues, have been entirely typo-grammatically replaced with 676 free and fused glyphs, together form­ing a com­plete skele­tal dia­gram in Latin. A rad­i­cally lit­eral graphic abstrac­tion of anatomy"

Friday, August 19, 2011

Photography: Light Skeletons

Straight out of camera

This series of skeletons from San Diego-based photographer Darren Pearson were created entirely using in-camera lighting effects.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sculpture: Street Anatomy

Calamita Cosmica by Gino de Dominicis at MAXXI
Credit: Flickr by byus71
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