Showing posts with label mass effect. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mass effect. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Illustration: Mass Effect Tarot Cards

Mass Effect Tarot Cards by Alteya

Mass Effect Tarot cards by Alteya & Shallete, created in celebration of N7 Day, inspired by the Tarot cards as seen in Bioware's other RPG video game, Dragon Age Inquisition.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Mash-Up: Star Trek / Mass Effect

Trek Effect by Jedi-Art-Trick

"Trek Effect" by Tony Warne (Jedi-Art-Trick)
A Star Trek / Mass Effect Mash-Up

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Mash-Up: Star Wars / Mass Effect

Star Wars / Mass Effect Mash-Up by Zarnala

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Mash-Up: Star Wars / Mass Effect

"It was bound to happen sooner or later for me, like mad scientist I guess I can’t stop mashing up Mass Effect with my other favorite fandoms and there is no bigger fandom for me than Star Wars. I’ve seen other Star Wars/Mass Effect fan art before. The ones that stood out for me were an N7 clone trooper  a Salarian Jedi and Asari Sith by Zarnala which were were pretty awesome but I wanted to try my take on it."

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Mash-Up: Mass Effect / Dragon Age

"Dragon Effect" by New York City-based Andrew Ryan

Andrew Ryan has successfully mashed up two of our favorite video games.  Check out his Deviant Art page for dialogue from this imaginary game.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Gaming Round-Up: August 18, 2014

you’re clear to dock, normandy.

Mass Effect 3 Fan Art.

News: Robin Williams, An Avid Gamer, To Be Remembered In World Of Warcraft

According to Noah Nelson of NPR, Virtual Reality's Next Hurdle will be Overcoming 'Sim Sickness' Some people experience a kind of motion sickness, known as "sim sickness," when they use head-mounted virtual reality displays like the Oculus Rift or Sony's Project Morpheus prototype. And even virtual reality game makers aren't immune at first.

Brendan Keogh has been looking at the first Modern Warfare title, showing us how the old blockbuster is more interesting than it seems on first glance.

Can 'World of Warcraft' Game Skills Help Land a Job? asks the WallStreet Journal. Some Job Seekers Add Experiences on Role-Playing Platform to Résumés, LinkedIn.  Forbes has a slightly different take on the issue.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Posters: Mass Effect Trilogy

Prints available for purchase from Etsy. US$18

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Paintings: Mass Effect Sumie Style

Mass Effect Sumie Style Illustrations by MyCKsCheck

Prints available for purchase from Etsy. US$12

Gorgeous watercolor depictions of the cast of Mass Effect paired with calligraphy titles.

Paintings: Mass Effect Sumie Style

Mass Effect Sumie Illustrations by MyCKs

Prints available for purchase from Etsy. US$12

Gorgeous watercolor depictions of the cast of Mass Effect paired with calligraphy titles.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Link Round-Up: May 1, 2014

News: New science fiction museum to open in Washington, DC

7 Graphic Designers Share What They Think Is the Worst Font Ever

10 Basic Things You Need to Know About Your DSLR To Take Better Pictures

10 Years Later, Final Fantasy Concerts Get a Much-Needed Reboot

The Artful Collector: On Illustrators and their “Fine Art”

For This You Got Irradiated? Yes, Spider-Man is Jewish. Just listen to his jokes.

How Owen Jones put colour back into design

Roger Ebert's Advice to young critics.

Star Wars, What is It Good For? The Real History of Science Fiction

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Lego Creation: Normandy and Mako

Posters: Mass Effect Saga

Mass Effect by Sam Spratt

Prints available for purchase from Society6. US$
"To celebrate the anniversary of the Mass Effect trilogy, I painted this poster for Bioware — available at their store in 2 editions. With a little under 2 weeks and a mess of replayi—err, *research* to do, I sketched out a composition that’d get the best of it in there, and began painting the majority of key players and aspects from the series. With a roster as large as the game has: I was selective (my custom ginger Shep did not make the cut). The special edition even has metallic inks on the golden text and border elements which I’m particularly fond of."

Posters: Darken the Sky

Darken the Sky by Steven Thornton

Prints available for purchase from Society6. US$15

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