Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Monday, May 22, 2017

Music Video: Wonder Woman Theme

Cellist Tina Guo is one of the most talented musicians on YouTube, and if you've never heard one of her pieces, you're in for a treat.  Her version of Wonder Woman’s theme from Batman v Superman is incredible.

Music Video: May It Be (LoTR)

Luka Sulic and Stjepan Hauser of 2CELLOS performed an incredible cover of the song “May It Be” from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring with the London Symphony Orchestra. The mesmerizing track is from 2CELLOS' new album, Score, which is now available to purchase from Amazon.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Music Video: Westworld Meets Metal

A fantastic western rock cover of the Westworld theme performed by Youtuber Iacovos.

Music Video: Light of the Seven

Here’s a breathtaking cover of “Light of the Seven,” the song featured in the season 6 finale of Game of Thrones.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Video: Remix in the Matrix

The Matrix is a phenomenal movie.  The narrative value of the sequels might be debatable, but the first film makes the cut of the top ten best action films of all time, hands down.  Eclectic Method is back with a movie remix that will take you back to the nineties and make you want to dig your glowsticks out.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Music: Outbound Probe

Tim Blais, aka A Capella Science [of Rolling in the Higgs and Bohemian Gravity] sings in reverse about the physics of "Entropic Time." "Stars explode and leaves turn brown and fall /That's thermodynamics' second Law /But from a deep view /That doesn't need to be true /Time symmetry precludes entropic time."

Monday, February 1, 2016

Music Video: Tribute To David Bowie

Musician Rick Wakeman, the original pianist who played on the iconic David Bowie song “Life on Mars,“ played a haunting piano-only version of the song at the BBC -Radio 2 studios on January 10, 2016 in memory of his friend. The tribute became so popular that Wakeman recorded a new version of that song along with a new version of “Space Oddity“, the proceeds to benefit the Macmillan Cancer Support charity. The digital download is available through Amazon US, Amazon UK, Google Play and iTunes.
Following the overwhelming response to Rick’s appearance with Simon Mayo where he performed Life on Mars as a tribute to David Bowie, Rick has now recorded new versions of both Life on Mars and Space Oddity for digital release on Friday 22nd January, with all artist royalties being donated to Macmillan Cancer Support charity.

Music Video: Accapella Muppet theme

Over 60 Muppets joined together to recreate an acapella version of the original theme song to The Muppet Show.

Music Video: Classical Adele

The Piano Guys feed your latest Adele obsession with this cello cover of "Hello" in combination with the somber Mozart requiem”Lacrimosa” with absolutely stunning results.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Music Video: Mortal Kombat on Tesla Coil

Music Video: Star Wars Medley

Jedi violinist Jeffrey Ding He performs a beautiful version of ‘The Force Theme’ that’s “made entirely from violin and lightsaber sounds.”  The song is also available for download on SoundCloud.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Music Video: COSMO

The music came first and the short animation followed it. Cosmo is designed so that you can press pause at any time and admire one of the 24 images in the graphic space journey.  Gabriel Aldama (artistic director) and Pierre-Guilhem Roudet (Motion designer) use 2d & 3d techniques in this sci-fi retro adventure.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Music Video: I'm not coming back

Music Video: I Am Chemistry

"I Am Chemistry" by Yeasayer

"I Am Chemistry" taken from the forthcoming Yeasayer album "Amen & Goodbye," which will be released April 1, 2016.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Music Video: Can't Be Your Superman

In this short film/music video hybrid, a manicurist must resort to unconventional methods to fight off a group of gangsters who invade her family’s nail salon.

Music Video: RESONANCE

A two part music video / short film about a man who can’t get over his regret, deciding to visit a specialised clinic in order to do something about it.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Music Video: Metal Game Themes

Here’s a pair of fantastic metal video game theme covers by a French group of musicians.  The first is the Fallout 4 theme, the second is World of Warcraft’s "Times Change."

Music Video: Heist

Album available for purchase from US$11.49

 A fantastic new music video by the internet-famous violinist Lindsey Stirling.  It's visually beautiful, and it incorporates a video game arcade in its story line.  It looks to have been inspired by the movie Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Music Video: Star Wars Cosplay Remix

Music: "R2-D2" by DJ Demonixx

Beat Down Boogie has created a new music video featuring some of the best Star Wars costumes that they captured footage of at various events from the past five years. Fans of the Beat Down Boogie crew can help support their future videos on Patreon.

Music Video: Pinball Wizard

"Pinball Wizard" covered with the help of an actual pinball table. Even in today's competitive market, it's refreshing to find a studio musician you only have to pay in quarters.

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