Showing posts with label minecraft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label minecraft. Show all posts

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Sweets: Doctor Who Minecraft Cake

Doctor Who Minecraft Cake by JB Cada and Stephanie Santos of The Regali Kitchen

The Tenth Doctor finds himself on a strange new cuboid world in this all-new culinary adventure!  The Regali Kitchen made this custom order cake for Geektastic parents Barry and Maya for their awesome son, Aemon, who just turned eleven.

All of those little characters were modeled after actual Minecraft skins from  I love that they chose to put The Doctor in his 3D specs from "Doomsday."  It seems very on point.

Of course, now that we've seen it, we can't stop imagining how awesome this game would be, with Daleks descending upon your creations each night and the TARDIS to whisk you back in time to correct your mistakes!  I would play the bejesus of that game!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Crafts: Minecraft Amigurumi

Minecraft Amigurumi Designs by Olka Novitska

Patterns available for purchase from Etsy. US$2.99

Friday, August 21, 2015

Interior Design: Life-Size Minecraft Block

"Life-Size Minecraft Block" by Hahabird
Source: Imgur via Reddit

Redditor and father hahabird posted photos of the awesome life-size glowing Minecraft block he made for his son’s birthday. Since the blocks in the game are about one meter, he decided to build one side of a cube true to scale. Then he added color-changing LEDs which can be remote controlled. The entire project took about a week in his spare time and only cost $85 in parts and paints.

Now if he can just keep his kid from taking a pick axe to the rest of the dry wall...
"My son loves Minecraft, so I thought I'd build him a life-size block of ore for his birthday. In the game each block is a one-meter cube, and that would take up way too much space, so instead I did one face that could hang on the wall, ready to be mined.

It's lit from the back with RGB LEDs that glow through translucent acrylic panels. A remote control lets you change the color, so it can be redstone, gold, diamond, etc.

It took about a week of work, off and on in the evenings. The cost breakdown was around $20 for the LEDs, $20 for the wood, $20 for the paint and supplies, and $25 for the acrylic panels.
I haven't given it to him yet. I finished it today, put it up for the picture, and then took it down and hid it. Tonight while he's asleep I'm going to install it, turn it on, and stick a bow on it."

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Toys: Minecraft Creeper Anatomy

8" Collectible Figure

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Minecraft: Deathwing Kerrigan and Diable

If you think Minecraft is just about building stuff with blocks and avoiding creatures at night, you may need to dig yourself out of the cave around you and come into the light. In the right hands, Minecraft is nothing short of a creator’s toolkit where the possibilities are almost literally unlimited.

Twitch streamer Thorlar has spent the last 23 and a half weeks manually arranging virtual blocks in exactly the right way to compose the largest piece of pixel art ever seen in Minecraft.  Thorlarian spent more than 1,000 hours on the project rather than resorting to software. The digital illustration is made of 1,128,960 blocks, and the final image depicts Deathwing, Kerrigan, and Diablo, the three most recognizable characters from Blizzard's games.  Before you say "fake," know that he streamed his progress on Twitch, so he has got thousands of people who can attest to his feat.

If you want to get even closer to this, you can check out the interactive map of the project that will allow you to zoom all the way into every pixel/block. Enjoy.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Minecraft: Tomorrowland

"Commissioned by Polaris on behalf of Disney, this is our Minecraft version of the fantastical futuristic city from the film, Tomorrowland. You can download a Minigame version of this map made by the wonderful Dragnoz."

Monday, March 23, 2015

Posters: Minecraft

Minecraft by Clayton Crain

"Minecraft" by Clayton Crain

Monday, March 9, 2015

Documentary: Minecraft Worlds

PBS Game/Show host Jamin Warren explores how the immensely popular video game Minecraft creates worlds for players to explore in a recent episode of the series. Warren specifically dives into the game’s procedural generation.
Minecraft is MASSIVELY popular, in part due to its nearly UNLIMITED potential. The world is constantly generated as you venture forth from your starting point, but has anyone ever really asked HOW? How does Minecraft keep generating beautiful places for you to explore?

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Video: Welcome to WesterosCraft

There are a lot of big, ambitious Minecraft projects out there, but none quite so extensive or detailed as WesterosCraft, an attempt to map out the land of Westeros from Game of Thrones block by block.  The project, which was first launched back in 2013, has become the labor of hundreds of dedicated Minecraft players, and the result is one amazingly detailed Minecraft world.
"A brief look into all WesterosCraft has done and what is to come. Special thanks goes to Isaac Hempstead-Wright (Bran) for taking time to narrate for us!"

Video: Game of Blocks

Two big Game of Thrones fans by the names of Will Blew and Jacob Granberry have created the incredible world of Westeros in MineCraft, and they released a video called WesterosCraft: A Year of Ice and Fire showing it off. I have to say, what they ended up creating is epic. 

These guys even created a website called WesterosCraft, which is devoted to "recreating George R.R. Martin's universe, brick by brick." They were inspired by other Minecraft players who had built 1:1 versions of Hogwarts and Middle Earth.
"This video showcases just a fraction of what we have accomplished the last year on WesterosCraft. It turns out recreating an entire continent is no small feat. The past four months have been devoted to remaking Kings Landing featured at the beginning of the video. Our new version of Kings Landing features over 2000 unique houses each individually furnished. Be sure to stay tuned to our video for much much more future content!"

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Lego Creation: Minecraft Steve’s Crib

Minecraft Steve’s Crib by ZaziNombies

ZaziNombies' castle looks incredible, moreso because he created it by only using blocks that fit into Minecraft's blocky aesthetic. The result is a much bigger and detailed 20,000 piece version of the tiny official Minecraft LEGO sets. It’s two feet tall and three feet wide and is constructed of over 20,000 bricks. ZaziNombies managed to keep the very square look of the game while adding in lots of details.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Gallery: Attack on Minecraft

"Project Shiganshina District" (Attack on Titan in Minecraft)
Via: Vujon

Gallery: Ocarina of Time in Minecraft

The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time in Minecraft
Source: Vujon

It seems like only yesterday when no one even knew what Minecraft was, and suddenly, I turn around and it's a full-blown art medium, full of amazing vistas to loose yourself in.  If you'd asked me back in the eighties what art would look like in the future, I probably would have imagined something like this, only with a metal soundtrack and goggles that let you experience in as a "cyber-scape."  (You might not remember, but it was very important back in the eighties to tack the prefix "cyber" on to any as-of-yet unrealized technology.)

Friday, December 12, 2014

Crafts: Minecraft Cross Stitch

I love it.  This would make an awesome quilt, too.
"First attempt at writing up/swatching a pattern from scratch and it’s not too shabby if I do say so myself."

Friday, October 31, 2014

Gallery: Video Game Pumpkins

DeviantArt user Ceemdee has been turning out photo galleries of beautiful video game tributes in the form of elaborately carved pumpkins for years now.  His work is all over Tumblr, but sadly, most of it isn't attributed.  I decided to gather up some of the best of his work in one place for you to feast your eyes on, but there's plenty more on his DeviantArt gallery!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Music Video: Wrecking Mob

"Wrecking Mob" - A Minecraft Parody of Miley Cyrus' Wrecking Ball by CavemanFilms

Music Video: Banned

"Banned" - Minecraft Animated Music Parody of Miley Cyrus's "Wrecking Ball" by BIGCRAZYHUSAMHD

Music Video: Don't Mine At Night

"Don't Mine At Night" - A Minecraft Parody of Katy Perry's "Last Friday Night" by BebopVox YOGSCAST

Music Video: Make a Cake

"Make a Cake" - A Minecraft Parody of Katy Perrys' "Wide Awake" by Jolly ol Brits play Minecraft

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