Showing posts with label humor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label humor. Show all posts

Friday, October 6, 2017

Video: Batman VS Elmer Fudd

Did you know that DC once released a comic book crossover of the DC and Looney Tunes universe?  Neither did I.  In this video, you can listen to comic book artist Neal Adams narrate "Batman VS Elmer Fudd." You should definitely check it out!

Video: Papyrus

In the single funniest sketch Saturday Night Live has aired in the past five years, Ryan Gosling tears into the graphic design of Avatar's title.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Humor: Dragon's Hoard

Reminds me of my dog with his squeaky toys.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Humor: The Internet

Every weekend.  Every. Single. Weekend.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Humor: Leaving Littlefinger Speechless

Source: Imgur via Reddit

Humor: Tales from Ikea

I used to have anxiety dreams about surprise math tests.  After one faithful afternoon, I now dream about getting from the center of an Ikea to the bathrooms in a sudden hurry.  I'm glad I'm not alone the experience.  I swear, one day I'm going to meet David Bowie in one of these places.

Video: HISHE Guardians of the Galaxy 2

How It Should Have Ended created their animated interpretation of how Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 should have ended. It features character art and animation work by Daniel Baxter with background artwork by Otis Frampton.
Since it hit theaters we started building this episode. Some HISHE’s take longer than others and this one was one of those longer ones. One because there are so many characters in this movie we had to actually cut out some of our ideas. And Two we were in an extremely busy time over here with babies being born, going to conventions, and then moving HISHE into a new home. But it’s finally here! So please enjoy! This episode was a blast to work on. I’m sorry it couldn’t be 20 minutes long with 5 bonus credits scenes.

Video: New Doctor

In the “New New New New Doctor” by the wonderfully talented animator Leigh Lahav, the 13th iteration of Doctor Who quickly finds out what life is going to be like as a woman after so very many years as a man.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Humor: Right Proper Lad

Via Reddit

My favorite moment of last week's episode.  Not only was it unexpectedly funny, I thought that it beautifully illustrated the differences between Jon and Daenerys' leadership styles.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Quick Pic: The Life Of A Project

" Life Of A Project" by Jonah Lobe
Via: Twitter

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Humor: Windows being Windows

Damn it Windows, does killing always need to be option one?

Humor: Useless They Said

Useless They Said
Source: Imgur

I'd love to see a story arc where Aqua Man was the villain.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Humor: Fandom

I can personally couch for the fact that this is 100% accurate.

Humor: Shoot for the Moon

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Video: World of Warcraft on the NES

This fun video made by Rkade Soup imagines what an NES version of World Of Warcraft would have looked like, complete with old-school music. He’s also done videos for Sister Location and Overwatch that are worth checking out when you get a free moment. But for now, have fun going through a 8-bit version of Azeroth.

Video: Kids Describe God

It’s no secret that kids have the wildest imaginations. They speak of daydreams with details on astronomical levels, and these visions are often almost physically impossible for the restricted adult mind to picture.

In this comedic video, WatchCut finally puts kids’ imaginations on paper. The channel invites Seattle-based illustrator Koji Minami to sit down and listen to some kids—believers and non-believers—describe God. He then sketches their descriptions to amazing detail and the end results are as fantastic as you’d expect.

Watch the video below for a good laugh.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Humor: The Battle of the Century

"The Battle of the Century" by Alena Dausacker
Source: Reddit

Monday, October 31, 2016

Monday, October 10, 2016

Humor: Internet of Randomware

"The Internet of randomware things..." The Joy of Tech by Nitrozac & Snaggy

After having upgraded to Windows 10, I find this comic chillingly prescient.  It took me a month to shut off all of the Microsoft services running in the background to restore my computer's performance to normal.  The thought of all the appliances in my house running on a Microsoft platform makes me want to become Amish... you know, if there was such a thing as someone Amish who never goes outdoors.

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