Showing posts with label career. Show all posts
Showing posts with label career. Show all posts

Monday, September 30, 2013

Interview: Dave Elliott

Dave Elliott, creator of the fantasy comic book series Weirding Willows offered some advice for aspiring comic book creators in a long interview on deviantART.  Here’s an excerpt from his interview:
"Marvel and DC look towards IDW, Boomstudios, Dark Horse and Image Comics for their talent. They do that because there is no hiding when a creator can’t keep their deadlines or has an emotional meltdown … If you want to draw something in particular, you’re going to have to do some samples of that character. You can always get more eyeballs on your pages by doing mash-ups where characters meet who couldn’t in their own books.  Have Batman meet the new Sherlock. Draw how you would imagine the Justice League would look in J. R. Tolkien’s world. Have Blade and Buffy team up against the Twilight characters."
He had me at "Blade and Buffy team up against the Twilight characters," but the whole article is a good read.  Meanwhile, if you're not reading Weirding Willow, you should check out the preview panels in Elliot's DeviantArt gallery.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Lecture: Pixar's Story Process

"Pixar's Story Process" by SHSK9Studios

My former student Pixar Animator and Story Artist Austin Madison, comes home to give a lecture on the process of how Pixar creates a story.

Advice: 15 Golden Rules of Moviemaking

Danny Boyle’s 15 Golden Rules of Moviemaking

So far as I'm concerned, Danny Boyle is one of the top director working today.   His advice to young film makers is extremely refreshing.  What's more, the advice could just as easily apply to any creative field (or managerial position, for that matter.)
    1. A Director Must Be A People Person
    2. Hire Talented People
    3. Learn To Trust Your Instincts
    4. Film Happens In The Moment
    5. If Your Last Film Was A Smash Hit, Don’t Panic
    6. Don’t Be Afraid To Tell Stories About Other Cultures
    7. Use Your Power For Good
    8. Don’t Have An Ego
    9. Make The Test Screening Process Work For You
    10. Come To The Set With A Look Book
    11. Even Perfect Formulas Don’t Always Work
    12. Take Inspiration Where You Find It.
    13. Push The Pram
    15. Find Your Own "esque"

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Documentary: Wonderland

Wonderland is a short film that provides a glimpse of what it is like to work in the creative industry.
"In Spring 2013 we set out for a month to make a short educational piece providing a glimpse of what it is like to work in the creative industry. The idea was born out of our own questions and struggles on how to deal with things that may seem out of your control.

The themes we decided to focus on were those of creativity, relationships, the pursuit of financial profit, and the many directions you can intentionally or unintentionally find yourself taking. We hope the short provides direction in helping others pursue their own creative and personal goals by hearing first hand experiences. Thank you to everyone involved for your transparency and willingness to be involved."

Friday, July 12, 2013

Video: Are You Creatively Satisfied

This is the first film in a three-part series by the wonderful folks behind The Great Discontent.  They set up a small filming station to record brief interviews with conference attendees at Brooklyn Beta October 10–12, 2012.  Each interviewee was asked: Are You Creatively Satisfied?

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Advice: If I Knew Then

Living the life of a creative isn't easy. Attendees at Behance's 99% Conference share some of their hard-won lessons learned to help the next generation get a head start.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Lecture: What I Know Now

Career advice from the attendees from the Behance 2010 99U Conference.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Video: In Search of Steve Ditko

In Search of Steve Ditko is a BBC Four documentary. It was first shown on Sunday 16 September 2007.

The documentary is part of the Comics Britannia season and follows Jonathan Ross' attempts to track down comics artist Steve Ditko (known for Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, Mr. A etc.).

The programme featured interviews with comics creators, editors and others including Jerry Robinson, John Romita Sr., Neil Gaiman, Joe Quesada, Ralph Macchio, Flo Steinberg, Alan Moore, Mark Millar, Stan Lee, and Cat Yronwode.

Friday, February 1, 2013

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