Showing posts with label stained glass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stained glass. Show all posts

Monday, December 19, 2016

Crafts: Stained Glass Dalek

Stained Glass Dalek by Chris Thompson

This stained glass Dalek was created by Chris Thompson for the cover of “Order of the Daleks,” a Doctor Who radio drama from Big Finish. In the story, the Sixth Doctor (Colin Baker)faces off against a Dalek made of wrought iron and stained glass panels. It also wields a trident instead of the usual plunger.
When the script for “Order” came in, Big Finish director Jamie Anderson knew the weird new Dalek had to feature on the drama’s cover, but instead of getting an artist to simply draw the creature, he drafted in designer Chris Thompson to actually create the Dalek as a full CG model. Not the first time that the Daleks’ fevered rhetoric has been linked to religious overtones, but certainly the most literal (and most pretty, which is an odd description to give to a Dalek). You can read more about Thompson’s design process over at Anderson’s website at the link below.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Illustration: Stained Glass Star Wars

Star Wars Designs - Created by Jian Guo

Jian Guo, one of my all-time favorite artists, created these beautiful stained glass style tributes to each entry in the original Star Wars trilogy as cover art for Chinese version Star Wars novels series.  Guo's art first came to my attention when I stumbled across his jaw-dropping Lord Of The Rings Stained Glass illustrations, which, to this day, I still periodically pester him to sell as prints.

Illustration: Stained Glass Force Awakens

Star Wars Designs - Created by Jian Guo

A stained glass style illustrated tribute to The Force Awakens.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Crafts: Stained-Glass of Chernobyl

The Stained-glass Windows Of Chernobyl by Nikolay Linnik

This stained-glass windows were finished by Nikolay Linnik on 1986 April 23. 3 days later the explosion occurred.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Crafts: Cl4p-tp Stained Glass Lamp

Joshua Darke, aka DeviantArt user DarkSolace, spent five months designing and creating this awesome stained glass lamp shaped like Claptrap, the incredibly irritating robot sidekick from the Borderlands video game series.
"Claptrap from Borderlands. It took about 5 months to figure out how, and to actually, complete him. This is the most advance thing I've made to date and am in love with it. I tried to make everything as accurate as I possible could. The medium I used limits that level of accuracy but i was determined to find a way to get as close as I could while staying within the medium and with the limited equipment and knowledge I possess.

The vents in the front and the top piece are actually open, only soldered on the sides and layered on top of each other, and actually function for that purpose. This was my first attempt at making this guy and I learned so much from the process. His arms are made of copper pipe as glass tubing proved impossible to find. I ended up using a blue wine bottle for the base of his eye, it shows as red, or rust, in the game though that color proved impossible to find locally. The lighting turned out to be as much a frustration as the arms, I eventually settled on a T8 12" bulb which you can access by flipping open the top vent that I put on a hinge. The lens in his eye does show through in the front view."

Monday, June 29, 2015

Crafts: Stained Glass Targaryen Sigil

Dustin promises more photos upon completion, so stay tuned.

Crafts: Stained Glass Direwolf

Source: Reddit

I love the colors in this piece.  The creator says in the thread that he'll be selling similar items on Etsy soon, but he didn't link to a store.  I'll be checking the thread again in a few weeks for updates, because at the right price, one of these would look good in my house.

Crafts: Stained Glass Stark Sigil

Merchandise available for purchase from Etsy.
Source: Imgur via Reddit

I read in a thread on Reddit that this stained glass piece sold on Etsy for $65 and its creator basically made no profit. Personally, I think I would have priced it much higher. Those glass beer advertisements you see in hipster pubs can go for as much as $500, and not even hipsters aren't as fanatical as Game of Thrones fans.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Crafts: T-800 Stained Glass

T-800 Stained Glass by TheStainedGlassCo
Prints available for purchase from Etsy. US$4,000

…and on the second movie he rose again. Stained Glass Co.’s large T-800 stained glass portrait is an homage to the one who sacrificed himself to save us all. The portrait measures about 4’x 3′ and is made of 500 opal glass pieces. 

Crafts: Wolverine Stained Glass

Via: Reddit

So, this magnificent stained glass creation has been making the rounds of the internet, but it turns out that it was created by Martian Glassware guy who sold a lot of stained glass crafts through Etsy that were never delivered. After he got called out on it, he yanked photos of his stuff and did his best to erase all connections with his work. I redacted his name out of respect for his wishes, but I'm still posting the photo, because it's a great piece.

Crafts: Harry Potter Stained Glass

A 9ft x 11ft Stained glass painting devoted completely to Harry Potter.

This replica of the North Rose window from Notre Dame substitutes images from the Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone for the traditional Christianity iconography.  Its creator explains that it took three and a half months to complete, but assures his readers that it's his pride and joy.

Crafts: Iron Man Stained Glass

Iron Man stained glass by Art Brothers

Monday, January 12, 2015

Crafts: St. Optimus of Prime

[ Previously: Crafts: SAGA Stained Glass ]
Via: Reddit

This stunning stained glass window featuring Optimus Prime was created by Transformers fan Craig Kovatch, who got his inspiration from this piece created by Ninjaink.

Kovatch had never worked with stained glass before, so he took some local classes to learn how. He spent seventy hours on this impressive project, which began with creating a paper template, then carefully cutting 121 pieces of glass before soldering it all together. 

Click here for step-by-step process photos to get a better idea of just how much work went into this geektastic project.  Kovatch did a great job documenting his process, and he's taking questions on Reddit.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Crafts: SAGA Stained Glass

"Here it is! The finished, patina’ed, cleaned and framed version of fionastaples's amazing cover. I hope it does it justice. It's made of a combination of translucent and opaque glass, which might have been a mistake… It looks nice without light behind it, but then the sky appears to be dark. But maybe Alana is sneaking out on her night shift to read under the light of the moons? I really like the backlit version too, but it loses the skin color detail. But then it has the advantage of looking nice both at night and during the day. There is no paint on this one! All the lines you see a solder lines.

20x30 inches, about 170 individual pieces of glass"

Crafts: Captain Marvel Stained Glass

Ravings Aside is the Tumblr of a nerdy artist who creates all forms of crafts, including ceramics, cross-stitch samplers, doilies, and stained glass.  This piece includes detailed build photos that demonstrate the many steps involved in creating a hand made stained glass window.  The steps are: Drawing - pattern-cutting - glass-cutting - grinding - washing - foiling - assembling - soldering - wash - patina - wash - frame-sawing - frame-filing - frame-soldering - detail-painting - hanging! 
"People seemed to like the Hawkguy stained glass, so here is another piece with the wonderful Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel! Inspired by the powerful art of Jamie McKelvie that truly captured the strength and determination of one of my favorite heroes.

It will also be hanging at Fantastic Comics :D

(The mesh behind it on the photos is a bug net I cannot remove from my windows… Living in grad housing has its advantages and inconveniences - sigh.)

The piece is 20 inches x 30 inches; 300$ worth of glass, 8$ worth of solder and 5$ worth of band-aids"

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Crafts: Iron Man Stained Glass

Iron Man Stained Glass by All Bright Stained Glass
Prints available for purchase from Etsy. US$1,847

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Link Round-Up: November 7, 2013

The Art of Emoji: those little Japanese pictographs aren't just for texting anymore

Bulletpunk: Pirated Trooper Bunnys by QUICCS

Heidi MacDonald writes about the intersection of comics scholarship and female creators and reviewers in So what does a gal have to do to get into The Comics Journal anyway? over at The Beat.

In defense of playfu contemporary art: Why the Times’ screed against fun in art museums is out of touch with what makes contemporary art great.

Investigations Of Experience: art can be a way of doing philosophy.

The New York Times finally weighs in on the possible Detroit Institute of Art sell-off. Roberta Smith writes that sale would be "the loss of a great civic achievement and of a beacon, but also of an essential life tool."

See Some Art While You Can — Google Will Eventually Replace Museums

Think Geek now has a Aliens Bishop Android Plush for sale.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Crafts: Anatomical Stained Glass

The “Chapel” series by Belgian artist Wim Delvoye

For this dark series, which was initiated in 1999, Wim Delvoye has created some very unusual stained-glass windows of steel, lead, glass and actual x-rays.  Delvoye took x-rays of two friends performing sexual acts, then combined the resultant x-rays with stained glass to fill the windows of a gothic chapel.

Some of the windows simply look like abstract designs, but upon closer inspection, the anatomical features become apparent, including teeth, skulls, and intestines.  There are also several more risque pieces available to peruse on the artist's website.

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