Stained Glass Dalek by Chris Thompson
Via: Jamie Anderson
This stained glass Dalek was created by Chris Thompson for the cover of “Order of the Daleks,” a Doctor Who radio drama from Big Finish. In the story, the Sixth Doctor (Colin Baker)faces off against a Dalek made of wrought iron and stained glass panels. It also wields a trident instead of the usual plunger.
When the script for “Order” came in, Big Finish director Jamie Anderson knew the weird new Dalek had to feature on the drama’s cover, but instead of getting an artist to simply draw the creature, he drafted in designer Chris Thompson to actually create the Dalek as a full CG model. Not the first time that the Daleks’ fevered rhetoric has been linked to religious overtones, but certainly the most literal (and most pretty, which is an odd description to give to a Dalek). You can read more about Thompson’s design process over at Anderson’s website at the link below.