Showing posts with label downloads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label downloads. Show all posts

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Posters: TRAPPIST-1e Travel

Posters available to download from NASA.

Yesterday, NASA announced the discovery of a new solar system just 39 light years from ours, full of Earthlike planets.  The announcement was accompanied by several imaginative artist renderings, and this morning, NASA began offering downloadable travel posters.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Download: Doctor Who Snowflakes

In response to a request on DoctorWhoCrafts, Lu of OddlyCrafting demonstrates how to use her interchangeable Doctor Who Snowflake templates.  Just pick any two to create your own pattern. 

And, if you like these, check out the many other Paper Snowflake Designs on her Tumblr.  There is a huge variety to choose from, most of them Doctor Who-themed.

Download: Legend Of Zelda Snowflakes

Templates available for download from Google Drive

Sometimes when you're just starting out in the world, it's hard to find the money for the small things, like holiday decorations.  Luckily, what we lack in financial stability in youth, we make up for in spare time.  If you're looking for a way to spruce up your gamer's den, here's just the thing.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Illustration: Star Wars Facebook Stickers

Star Wars Facebook Stickers

If you’re on Facebook and a Star Wars fan, you need to go get these new Star Wars: The Force Awakens stickers right now. Designed by Katie Cook, they’re super chibi fun.  Just go to the Facebook Sticker Store and they are a free add-on!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Download: Star Wars Snowflakes 2015

[ Previously: Download: Star Wars Snowflakes 2012 | 2013 | 2014 ]

You know it's winter when Anthony Herrera releases his latest batch of paper snowflakes.  This year, the designs were inspired by the eagerly anticipated new film Star Wars: The Force Awakens.  Download these and many other Star Wars snowflake designs as PDF files on Herrera's website.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Quick Pic: Avenger Cutout Eggs

Eggvengers: Age of Yolktron might just be your new favorite Easter tradition.

This collection contains small cut-outs that go on top of eggs and that resemble the superheroes from Avengers. The kit includes adorably mini shields, capes and accessories to easily transform boring eggs into crime-fighting conversation pieces. All you need is some double-sided tape, an exacto knife and eggs to create these charming characters.  Printable sheets with instructions showing you how to dress the eggs in the costumes can be downloaded at

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Posters: LEGO Star Wars A to Z

"LEGO Star Wars Universe From A to Z"

Every year, as if a reward for making everyone wake up very early, LEGO gifts all in attendance at their preview event with something exclusive to the event. This year it was a high quality print poster full of trivia about LEGO® Star Wars™ characters and the sets in which they appear. Click the two thumbnails above to have a high resolution look at the images printed on this two-sided exclusive which boasts a print edition limited at around 100 copies.  It’s a really awesome piece of information, so please free to download and print it for yourself.

Posters: Black History Month!

Poster available for download as a PDF file from the artist's Tumblr.
"So I didn’t really intend for this to be a poster, but I’ve gotten so many notes from teachers and librarians (you guys are fantastic) who have either asked permission to print these out or let me know that they’d done so or asking if there are posters for sale, and I feel bad that people are having to print low-res stuff and libraries and schools have enough trouble garnering the funds they need (with teachers often paying for things themselves) that I wouldn’t feel right charging anything for it.

So if you want a poster for your school, library, or for yourself, here’s a download link for an 18x24” high-res file"

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Cards: Geek my Valentines

Geeky Valentine's Day Cards from
Cards available for download from
"If you're struggling to find the perfect card for a certain geek in your life, look no further! Send them a love letter they won't forget this year with one of our geeky Valentine's Day cards, designed to help you level up your Cupid skill and win over that special somebody."

Monday, February 9, 2015

Papercraft: TARS


"TARS" by
Model available as a free download from Progue.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Papercraft: Detailed Star Wars Models

Star Wars Paper Models by Japanese-based Uhu02

This the single most amazing paper modeler that I've come across. He doesn't stop at crafting the exterior of his sci-fi ships, he builds in the guts! The level of detail is amazing—some look like perfectly formed resin models, but it's only paper.

Visit his website for downloads and detailed assembly instructions.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Download: Superhero Snowflakes

Superhero Snowflakes by Sonia Harris of Comic Book Resources

Here are five snowflake templates to print and cut out, each based on a different superhero.  There's Batman, Iron Man, The Punisher, Storm, and Wonder Woman.

Download: Nobel Physicist Snowflakes

Symmetry Magazine has just posted three awesome designs for paper snowflakes depicting Nobel physicists Erwin Schrödinger (complete with paradoxical cats), Marie Curie, and Albert Einstein.

Download the PDF patterns, print them out, and then, use an X-Acto knife to cut away the gray areas. Unfold your pieces of paper and - voila!  You've got yourself some science-tastic snowflakes.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Download: Star Wars Snowflakes 2014

Patterns available for download from the artist's website.

I don't think that I'd be able to resist putting a bullet hole through the Greedo snowflake.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Resources: 750 Icons from Google

If you’re a designer or developer, thought you’d might like to know: “As part of their Material Design visual language, Google has open-sourced a package of 750 icons."  You can read more about the icons at the Google Developers blog.

Over at Github, you can view a live preview of the icons or download the icon pack now.

BoingBoing adds that the icons are “licensed CC-BY-SA and designed for use in mobile apps and other interactive stuff.”  Use them wisely.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Papercraft: Imperial Probe Droids

Download the template from the Star Wars Blog.

No wonder Imperial Probe Droids self-destruct so easily. They’re made of paper! The official Star Wars blog’s got free templates if you’d like to make your own.  Personally, I think that these could make kick-ass Christmas tree ornaments with the proper coloring.

Papercraft: Papercraft Barbie Exo-Suit

Download the template for the paper craft Hardiman from Tumblr.

This nifty little paper cut out was designed by Hawkins to resemble of pieces of equipment General Electric (GE) was working on back in the sixties.  I'm not entirely sure why GE would want to remind people not only that it is utterly irrelevant to today's technology landscape but also that it could have been a cutting edge firm if it had tried a little, but I can't complain about the results.

I totally plan on supping this thing out in Photoshop to deck out my articulated model mannequins.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Music Video: We Are Explorers

"We Are Explorers" by Cut Copy from Explorers3D

The music industry has been quick to use 3D printing to market new albums. Back in December, Bloc Party’s Kele Okereke 3D printed vinyl records at a pop-up shop in London to mark the release of his LP.  Now, indie electronic band Cut Copy has released a music video starring neon green cubist figures created using 3D printers roaming the streets of L.A.  The video was animated with stop-motion techniques.

According to ToneDeaf, "To get the mini-explorers to glow, the figurines were printed in a special UV-reactive material so that when Director of Photography Sesse Lind shot them at night, under black light bulbs, they gave off the necessary fluoro effect."

Cut Copy isn’t just using 3D printers to create elements in their video.  They are also encouraging their fans to recreate these little guys by posting a BitTorrent Bundle that includes the 3D printing files, footage, storyboards, stop-motion schematics, and music they themselves used to create their video.  The band hopes that people will print the characters and shoot their own footage.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Papercraft: X-Men Toys

This collection of papercraft X-Men was inspired by the  "Battle of Atom" series.  They look fantastic, especially the Sentinel. If you like these papercraft projects, check out these amazing Man of SteelSuperman, Pacific Rim Jaegers, and Iron Man characters.

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