Showing posts with label quilt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quilt. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Monday, September 30, 2013

Crafts: Picard Quilt

Captain Jean-Luc Picard Quilt by Candy Coated Quilts

This awesome quilt featuring a pixelated Picard is composed of approximately 4,500 two-inch squares of cloth and is sized to fit a queen-sized bed.  It took just over four months to create for a wedding gift.  One thing's for sure.  Ain't no under-bed monsters penetrating this supa awesome blanket!  The back of the design features Picard’s red uniform and comm badge.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Crafts: Doctor Who Quilt

Check out this mind-blowing hand-made Doctor Who quilt by Akiyo.  I love the colors she incorporated into the Gallifreyan script. The build process for the whole thing was pretty impressive.  Make sure you click through to read all about how it was done.
"What do you do when you’ve been quilting for three months and your partner’s birthday is coming up? Set yourself on an ‘almost impossible’ quilting challenge of course! And let’s let it get crazier and crazier. Three months later, and 130 hours from start to finish, boy, did this quilt turn out so much more than I had ever imagined."

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Crafts: Data Tapestries

Sure, you could use a tapestry to portray some historic battle, but why go to all that trouble when you could weave a representation of the contents of your hard drive?  Come on, admit it.  You find that fragmentation screen mesmerizing. 

In this video, Phillip Stearns, best known for his series of Glitch Textile blankets, demonstrates how he uses tapestries as physical representations of bits and bytes.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Crafts: TopoQuilts

TopoQuilts line of quilts based on the topography of city parks and urban landscapes.
Custom designed quilts can be made as pillows, throw quilts, bedding or custom size and costs are based on the material and detail of topographic design work. An 50″ x 60″ throw quilt runs  US$450 - US$600, while a queen quilt costs more than twice that, somewhere between US$1600 and US$2600.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Merchandise: City Quilts

City Quilts by Brooklyn-based Haptic Lab
 Available for purchase from Haptic Lab. US$450

This line of cosmopolitan quilts features map grids of major cities.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Crafts: 8-Bit Throws

Available for purchase from Etsy.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Project: Glitch Art


Created with a Kodak DC 280

The glitches in the photos of Phillip David Stearns are no accident. Stearns meticulously hacks old digital cameras to create what some are calling "Glitch Art" as part of a year-long project to post a new Glitch every day.
While some of the art is out and out bizarre, some of it can be downright serene, in a digital camo sort of way. Positive fan feedback on his work has lead Stearns to try weaving his images into textiles, such as the blanket pictured below.  To that end, he's launched a Kickstarter campaign to transform some of his more popular pieces into blankets, tapestries, and other textiles.

“By opening these cameras and rewiring their electronics, I’m able to unlock strange and hidden worlds in the subconscious of the machine,” Stearns says in his Kickstarter video. “And with only a few wires, these machines, these cameras can be made to dream.”

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Link Round-Up: June 28, 2012

Invasion of the Daleks Quilt  by Craftster member Graverobbergirl
"This was a wedding present for my friends... (Queen sized- 92"x92", pieced Irish Chain pattern, hand applique, hand-embroidery and both machine and hand-quilted)."

Harry Potter Concept Art From Upcoming Wizard’s Collection

How to Make an AT-AT from Empty Diaper Boxes

Imperial March On A CNC-Machine

Is the Secret to Creativity Background noise?

Nathan Fillion as you've definitely never seen him before

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Crafts: Super Mario Bros 3 Quilts

Handmade Super Mario Bros 3 Quilts by bsayasane
Available for sale on Etsy. Price: US$85

These quilts were inspired by the old school Nintendo game, and as you can see, the medium lends itself to pixelated images. I’ve always wanted to cuddle with a goomba. This lap quilt measures 49 x 52 inches.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Crafts: Tardis Quilt

Tardis Quilt by Craftster user Gatheredthreads

I made two of these pretties. One for sloth003 in the stocking swap, and one for my DH's community workshop classroom.

The technique I settled on was to choose the fabrics for the ground, water, and sky, scan them in to the computer, and piece them there for the background. Then I created the tardis graphic and the building, then printed it on fabric with Bubble Jet Set.

Then the quilt has an LED embedded in it that fades in and out behind the beacon (it's brighter in person).

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Craft: Dr. Mario Quilt

Marquise-Crafts created this kick-ass 8-bit Dr. Mario Quilt. There's really nothing else to be said, except that this quilt would be the perfect excuse for asking Game Con chicks if they'd like to play doctor.
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