Showing posts with label math. Show all posts
Showing posts with label math. Show all posts

Monday, March 14, 2016

Link Round-Up: Pi Day

Pi Day 2015 Poster (Piet Mondrian style) by Martin Krzywinski
Happy Pi Day!
Today is 14 March which, in American notation, is written 3/14. If you have a certain type of mind you will immediately notice that these digits bear a close approximation to one of the most important numbers in mathematics - pi.  That's why today we celebrate Pi Day.  It's kind of like Christmas, but for math teachers.  Here are some sites to help you get in the festive spirit.


On Pi Day, Let's Gawk At The Beauty And Controversy Of The Math Constant


Elias’ Pi Page – Why is pi always written in the decimal number system? Read, listen to, and look at pi in the simplest of all number systems, binary.

Poems by former CalTech student Eve Andersson: Pi and Friends, Pi is Transcendental

Calculating Pi

Archimedes’ Approximation of Pi – An explanation of the Greek mathematician’s method for approximating the value of Pi.

Archimedes and the Computation of Pi – An alternate explanation of the ancient method for approximating the value of Pi used in ancient Greece.

Buffon’s Needle: An Analysis and Simulation – Buffon’s Needle is one of the oldest problems in the field of geometrical probability. It was first stated in 1777. It involves dropping a needle on a lined sheet of paper and determining the probability of the needle crossing one of the lines on the page. The remarkable result is that the probability is directly related to the value of pi.

Buffon’s Needle – A small applet that simulates the calculation of Pi using the Monte Carlo method.

Digits of Pi

Is your date of birth in pi? Of course it is, eventually. But are you one of the lucky 63% whose special day falls within the first 100,000,000 digits? How about your Social Security Number? That club is even more exclusive. A good tool for the pi-curious.

Pi to One Million Digits – A page displaying the number Pi. (It takes a while to load.)

General Information

Ask Dr. Math: About Pi – A Math Forum which includes a brief history of the number.

Notes on Pi – Offers an introduction to the most famous ratio in mathematics and one of the most ancient numbers known to humanity.

Talking About Pi – History, computational methods, literature, art, and more about the magic number pi.

History of Pi

History and Philosophy of Pi – Probably no symbol of infinity in mathematics has evoked as much mystery, romanticism, misconception and human interest as the number and Greek letter of Pi. Interesting facts and trivia about Pi.

How a farm boy from Wales gave the world pi - One of the most important numbers in maths might today be named after the Greek letter π or “pi”, but the convention of representing it this way actually doesn’t come from Greece at all. It comes from the pen of an 18th century farmer’s son and largely self-taught mathematician from the small island of Anglesey in Wales.

Pi Through the Ages – A brief, but intriguing history of Pi, including a Biblical reference.

Holiday Pi Day – Make your own Pi Day greeting cards online.

Slice of Pi, Anyone? – About Pi Day and the transcendental number, by John Shepler.


The Pi- Search Page – It is believed that any finite sequence of digits will eventually occur in the representation of Pi. Want to find where the first occurrance of your birth date is in the sequence of digits? (Note that this only searches the first 200 million digits so not all long sequences (11 digits or longer) will appear.)

Where is your Birthday – Here’s a search engine that finds and shows you where in Pi your birthday first occurs.

Math behind Pi

Are the Digits of Pi Really Random? – An article reports progress towards answering the question from a theoretical perspective. This article claims that applying the standard tests used to evaluate “psudo-random sequences” gives the result that Pi is a good but not great source of random digits. Looking at the first 10,000 digits, most would conclude that it really isn’t random. But then, humans are very good at seeing patterns that aren’t there.

Dr. Math Answers Questions About Pi – Addresses student questions regarding how to calculate, formulate, estimate pi.

Elias’ Pi Page – Why is pi always written in the decimal number system? Read, listen to, and look at pi in the simplest of all number systems, the binary.

How Stuff Works: Pi – This animated graphic helps to explain Pi and the different ways of calculating Pi, with some related links.

Memorizing Pi

Baby Geniuses Reciting Hundreds of Digits – Let us celebrate this most nerdy 3.14 with a videos of preternaturally intelligent children reciting hundreds of digits of pi from memory.

Mnemonic Odes to Pi – A number of poems whose word lengths are the digits of pi. Lots of fun.

Notable Memorizers – World records of number of digits memorized, etc.


14 accessories to celebrate your love of pi

14 math-themed fashion items that are as sweet as Pi

Joy of Pi – Book by David Blatner, telling the story of pi and humankind’s fascination with it, from Archimedes to the modern day Chudnovsky brothers.

Pi Poster – Buy or download a pdf of Unihedron’s snazzy Pi poster, featuring 350,390 digits of pi in lines containing 600 digits each.

Pi Shop – Provides accessories with Pi-Prints on them. Shirts, mugs and bags.


Lucy Scale Developments – Pitch, Pi, and other musical paradoxes.

Maths Pi Song – A song about Pi.

The Pi Day Anthem featuring John Sims and Vi Hart

Pi Day Rap – A parody of the rap theme of the of the film 8 Mile.

The Pi Symphony – An orchestral work whose melodic content is derived from the transcendental number Pi. You can purchase a CD of the synthesized version for $15.00. An orchestral work whose melodic content is derived from the transcendental number Pi. You can purchase a CD of the synthesized version for $15.00.

What is the “Pi” Song? – A brief promo for the PBS series Wired Science.

Pi Day

Why Pi Day 2016 Is Extra Special


Pi Land – Quiz yourself to find out how much you really know about Pi.


Ahead of Pi Day, Matt Parker tries to accurately calculate pi using pies An extended version of the video will be uploaded on Pi Day, but here's your chance to go out and buy pies before that.

Pi is Beautiful by Numberphile

Pi Is (still) Wrong by Vi Hart

This Pi Day is Round by Vi Hart

Monday, February 1, 2016

Humor: Largely Baryons

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Humor: Terrible Motivational Poster

Source: Imgur via Reddit

When you think about it, this shouldn't be funny, because it's absolutely correct.  And yet, it's such an accurate indictment of today's corporate culture, I can't help but smile.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Quick Pic: X-Mas Math

Source: Imgur via Reddit

Didn’t Jack Skellington already solve this equation?

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014

Featured Site: Spurious Correlations

Spurious Correlations

"Spurious Correlations" by Tyler Vigen

"Spurious Correlations" is a website devoted to examples of statistically spurious relationships between othersise unrelated datasets.  It's a tongue-in-cheek reminder that correlation does not imply causation.  

Monday, April 21, 2014

Video: Pixar: The Math

Pixar Research Lead Tony DeRose gave a TED Talk talking about how Pixar uses math to create their magical computer animated feature films that we have come to love.
"DeRose delves into the math behind the animations, explaining how arithmetic, trigonometry and geometry help bring Woody and the rest of your favorite characters to life."

Friday, March 14, 2014

Video: Pi me a River

How the length (and sinuosity) of rivers relates to Pi - featuring numberphile Dr James Grime.

Music Video: Pi Prog Rock

"A "progressive rock" experimental track heavily based on Pi and Tau... Support Alan by buying this track for just 99c"

Lecture: Anti-Pi Rant

Everyone's favorite mathemusician, Vi Hart, explains to us why Pi isn't all that special after all... at least, no more so than any other number.
"Sorry, Pi lovers! Maybe pick a better favorite number next time?"

Link Round-Up: Pi Day

"Love is Like Pi" by Andrew Le
Okay, maybe not natural, but can a number be kinky?

Elias’ Pi Page – Why is pi always written in the decimal number system? Read, listen to, and look at pi in the simplest of all number systems, binary.

Calculating Pi
Archimedes and the Computation of Pi – The ancient Greek mathematician’s approach for calculating pi.

Buffon’s Needle: An Analysis and Simulation – Buffon’s Needle is one of the oldest problems in the field of geometrical probability. It was first stated in 1777. It involves dropping a needle on a lined sheet of paper and determining the probability of the needle crossing one of the lines on the page. The remarkable result is that the probability is directly related to the value of pi.

Buffon’s Needle Java Applet – Simulates the calculation of pi using a Monte Carlo method.

Link Round-Up: March 14, 2014

Happy pi day and happy birthday to Albert Einstein.
Happy Pi Day! Using Circos, a circular visualization software popular in Genomics, Cristian Ilies Vasile and Martin Krzywinski have created this vibrant representation of π
Prints available for purchase from FineArt America. US$27 - $81

Using Circos, a circular visualization software popular in Genomics, Cristian Ilies Vasile and Martin Krzywinski have created these vibrant representations of π
15 Works of Art Depicting Women in Science: A photo essay visualizing notable women in the STEM fields through the lens of fine art.

Adobe Doesn't Think 'Photoshop' Is a Dirty Word

As the CIA and NSA conspire to rape the Fourth Amendment out of our Constitution, Britain's MI6 shows the world how a real intelligence agency gets shit done: M16 agents successfully hacked an al-Qaida website and replaced bomb-making plans with a cupcake recipe.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Merchandise: Geeky Cutting Boards

Math and Science Cutting Boards by Elysium Woodworks
Prints available for purchase from Etsy. US$35

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Lecture: Infinite Hotel Paradox

I know that this is an art blog, but I'm in a mathy sort of mood.
"The Infinite Hotel, a thought experiment created by German mathematician David Hilbert, is a hotel with an infinite number of rooms. Easy to comprehend, right? Wrong. What if it's completely booked but one person wants to check in? What about 40? Or an infinitely full bus of people? Jeff Dekofsky solves these heady lodging issues using Hilbert's paradox.

Lesson by Jeff Dekofsky, animation by The Moving Company Animation Studio."

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Resources: Dictionary of Numbers

Dictionary of Numbers is a Google Chrome extension that tries to make sense of numbers you encounter on the web by giving you a description of that number in human terms. Like a dictionary describes words you don’t know in terms you do, Dictionary of Numbers puts quantities you’re unfamiliar with in terms you can understand. Because “8 million people” means nothing, but “population of New York City” means everything.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Sculpture: 1+1=3

"1+1=3" anamorphic equation sculpture by Prinz & Prinz Creative Studio

Friday, December 6, 2013

Video: How To Toothpaste

Vi Hart is completely brilliant, and she needs to make many, many more videos. This episode is particularly hilarious.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Sculpture: Here’s Looking at Euclid

Here’s Looking at Euclid”  by Helen Friel, 2012
Paper sculptures of mathematician Oliver Byrne’s illustrations of Euclid’s Elements.

Amazing sculptural rendition of one of the most beautiful books of all time, Euclid’s Elements by eccentric Victorian mathematician Oliver Byrne, "In which coloured diagrams and symbols are used instead of letters for the greater ease of learners."  A glorious intersection of art and science!  Read an interview with the artist at Rock Paper Ink.

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