Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Link Round-Up: November 29, 2010
Dean Lord took 2,050 layers of text and created this amazing Zero Wing typographic poster. Check out the Detailed Shot for other video game references. Leeroy Jenkins even made it into the design.
DP Shots has a gallery of 50 Beautiful Examples of Conceptual Photography.
Get your own Frank Frazetta’s Death Dealer tribute in the form of an (adorable) Munny at FPlus.
Ninjabread Cookies
Sanstrooper by Fabian Glez is a typographic Storm Trooper.
video games
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Link Round-Up: November 25, 2010
Everyone's favorite scene from The Exorcist re-enacted in Crocheted glory
Fandomania offers this gallery of Hermione Granger fan art from Deviant Art.
National Geographic's Photography Contest 2010
Steve Dressler has created an adorable Hello Kitty / Conan O'Brien mash-up dubbed "Hello CoCo"
WalYou has posted photos of an amazing Alice in Wonderland Birthday Cake.
link round-up,
Merchandise: Star Wars Epic Wall Art
ThinkGeek is selling this massive Star Wars Epic Wall Art poster that measures 10.5 feet by 6 fee for the low, low bargain price of $148.99. It comes in prepasted sheets that you just wet and roll onto the wall.
star wars
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Posters: Star Wars Minimalist Mash-Ups
A collection of Star Wars mash-ups by Matt Ranzetta
Also, don't miss the fifth poster, "Rebel without a Cause"
star wars
Link Round-Up: November 24, 2010
Ashley Stoddard has posted a gallery of The Subtle Knife fan art. [Part 2]
Bill Amend of FoxTrot fame is standing in for Randall Munroe this week over at XKCD.
Comic Alliance has posted a gallery of Hello Kitty Mash-Ups. Turns out, Hello Kitty makes even Iron Man and Judge Dredd look cute.
CosGeek has been posting galleries of Harry Potter Tattoos to celebrate the release of the latest movie: Dark Mark Tattoos, Deathly Hallows Tattoos, Harry Potter Quote Tattoos, Harry Potter Spell Tattoos, and Harry Potter Tattoos.
It turns out that Most Disney Drawings on eBay are FORGERIES!
legend of zelda,
Fresh Take: Futurama Feature
"Future Mechanix Nov 2010" by Francesco Francavilla
fresh take,
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Link Round-Up: November 23, 2010
Source: Frakyeahbsg
Calvin and Hobbes and a Zombie
SatelliteSoda is holding a Tron-ify a Marvel character art contest.
This is the only reason Superman made it through his emo phase of adolescence
battlestar galactica,
Humor: Why Terminators Travel Naked
Source: Zero-Lives
I've personally always wondered why they equip Terminators with a RoboCop-style thigh holster for weapons. I mean, if the things can carry wildly explosive hydrogen fuel cells in their bellies, there has to be a way around the whole organic materials limitation of time travel.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Poster: The Invincible IronMan
I'm a sucker for twenties-style art deco stuff. I sometimes think that's the only reason I even like film noir. An entire film genre for nothing but perving on the architecture.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Link Round-Up: November 19, 2010
Awesome Minimalist Star Wars Posters of the Death Star, X-Wing, Millenium Falcon, and Star Destroyer by Guilherme Pontes.
Book 2 of Troublemaker, the graphic novel penned by mystery writers Janet and Alex Evanovich, is out at the end of this month, and Dark Horse is celebrating by posting some of artist Joelle Jones’s sketches for the book.
I Am Legion by Galeart is Stormtrooper typography awesomeness.
Spectrum 17, the premiere annual showcasing the best of scince fiction and fantasy art of the year, is out and Tor.com has the cover image.
dungeons and dragons,
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Merchandise: Haunted Portraits
Anaïs Goldemberg is selling "Haunted Portraits" on Etsy. Each one is a hand-made animated diorama in paper framed in a wooden box with a plexiglass cover. The eyes of the portraits can be re-positioned in the same way as the parts of a pop-up books.
Lego Creations: Master Chief's Helmet
Ben Caulkins (Benny Brickster) has created a faithful rendition of Master Chief’s classic grey helmet from Halo. Yes, it is wearable. Just don't count on it stopping a direct headblow. Check out the entire photoset at Flickr.
Link Round-Up: November 18, 2010
The Dissection of the Big Bad Wolf via Tumblr.
Get your ghastly zombie Christmas ornaments on sale at Etsy.
Our Valued Customers is my new favorite web comic. The entire series consists of one panel, one line sketches of stupid things said by comic book store customers. It seriously kicks ass. The range from brutally honest to extraordinarily creepy to clearly stoned... actually most of these people seem stoned. Via
Talking to Your Kids About Star Wars: A Public Service Announcement
Friday, November 12, 2010
Fresh Take: Dungeons and Lawyers
Advanced Dungeons and Lawyers (special Bankers edition) by Cyril Van Der Haegen
"Ding! Dong!, you hear a doorbell...what do you do now?"
"Ding! Dong!, you hear a doorbell...what do you do now?"
dungeons and dragons,
fresh take,
Thursday, November 11, 2010
In the Media: 8 Faces
8 Faces is a new magazine for devotees of typography.
Printed on heavy stock, with a foil-blocked cover, and pressed at just 2500 limited editions, each issue is a true collector’s item. The magazine has one core question at its heart — if you could only use eight typefaces for the rest of your life, which would you choose? — and poses this (and many others) to eight leading designers from the fields of web design, print design, illustration, and of course type design itself.
in the media,
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Merchandise: Ninja Fridge Magnets
Menace your family and strike fear into the heart of refrigerators everywhere with these Ninja Fridge Magnets from Yanko Design. Price: US$18.00 per pair
Sculpture: Ceremonial Helmet
Ceremonial Helmet by Danielokeefe
Daniel O'Keefe writes: "Okay, this is a ceremonial helmet I made I'm currently studying Character creation and technical effects at University of Hertfordshire, I'm in the second year and this was for a negotiated project where the student pitches an idea to the tutor. I wanted to make a piece of ceremonial armour, for a piece of set dressing for a fantasy film. I wanted it to look like a museum piece. I designed it myself; you can see the designs for it in my scrapbook section!"
Link Round-Up: November 9, 2010
Doctor Who Wallpaper from Springfield Punx
30 Creative Toy Photographs
Check out the other Star Wars inspired kokeshi dolls available on Etsy.
Jack Skellington Papercraft
Oh, what a difference a mustache makes!
Smashing Magazine offers a gallery of 35 Phenomenal Fractal Art Pictures
doctor who,
Monday, November 8, 2010
Mash-Up: The Wrath of Conan
The hilarious Conan O’Brien is back on the air tonight thanks to TBS! Kevin Bolk commemorates the occasion with this fan art.
star trek,
Link Round-Up: Novermber 8, 2010
Buy these epic redesigned 11"x19" movie posters for $20 at Mark’s Shop
Abandoned New York City Subway Station Becomes Top Secret Art Gallery
Bug to the future: Extraordinary silver beetle snapped in Costa Rica
Telstar Logistics visited San Francisco's Chinatown last weekend and encountered a delightful example of public art. Inside the city-owned North Beach Garage, each parking space is marked with a fortune cookie-style snippet of wisdom.
Warbot, a short, depressing, hilarious comic. By the creator of the ancient, esteemed 8-Bit Theater.
Sweets: Kill Bill Birthday Cake
Talk about some "sweet revenge!" Barbarann Garrard made this cake for her daughter Lauren's 9th birthday party (November 6, 2010).
The bottom represents "the bride," specifically the scene in which Beatrice is gunned down in the opening scene. It includes white bridal lace with blood and realistic chocolate bullets. The next layer resembles a Japanese pagoda to represent the scene in which Beatrice fights the "Crazy 88's" and O-Ren Ishii. That layer features curved rooftiles and curves and bamboo (all edible). Finally, the top is yellow with a black stripe to represent the suit Beatrice wears while she is fighting O-Ren Ishii. It features an edible peice of notebook paper made of fondant with Beatirice's "death List five" pierced by a katana.
In the Media: Chevron Villians Agree Ads
Chevron recently rolled out their absolutely ridiculous new "We Agree" advertising campaign, a classic example of "Greenwashing." A group of political activists-turned-pranksters called The Yes Men released this series of spoof in response to the propaganda They feature some of the quirkiest villains of fiction backing Chevron. Check out the entire collection at McIntosh's Flickr Photostream.
in the media
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Fresh Take: Super Mario Toon
Super M. by Belldandies
From the same user who brought you the retro Planet Express poster comes Mario re-imagined as a classic Disney cartoon.
fresh take,
super mario
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Link Round-Up: November 5, 2010
Chris Lloyd created the Autobot and Decepticon logos using typography. Each logo contains the names of all your favorite heroes and villains. Roll out!
Comic Pros Team for Completely Unofficial 'Dexter vs. Jason vs. Hack/Slash' Comic - ComicsAlliance | Comics culture, news, humor, commentary, and reviews
Fandomania has posted a gallery of Han Solo fan art.
Listverse remembers the Top 10 greatest art crimes.
New fractal art from Metafilter's own Jock Cooper. Fractal animations, some with fractal music, mechanical fractals, zoomable fractals, even a DVD. Main site. Previously.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Fan Art: V for Vendetta
It was 405 years ago today in 1605, that the infamous ‘Gunpowder Plot’ in which some Catholics, most known of which was Guy Fawkes had planned to assasinate King James I of England and destroy Parliament and its members at the same time.
Catholics in England had expected King James to be more tolerant of them. In fact, he had proved to be the opposite and had ordered all Catholic priests to leave England. This so angered some Catholics that they decided to kill James and put his daughter Elizabeth on the throne ensuring that she was a Catholic. This led to a plot to kill not only the king of England, James, but also everyone sitting in the Houses of Parliament at the same time as James was there when he opened Parliament on November 5th, 1605.
Guy Fawkes and his fellow conspirators, having rented out a house next to the Houses of Parliament, managed to get 36 barrels of gunpowder into a cellar of the House of Lords. The authorities stormed it in the early hours of November 5th, where Guy Fawkes was caught, tortured and executed a few months later.
The story is remembered each November 5th when effigies of Fawkes are burned in a celebration known as ”Bonfire Night."
Note: Using the term “Happy Guy Fawkes day” shows that a person probably does not know what happened or why.
Catholics in England had expected King James to be more tolerant of them. In fact, he had proved to be the opposite and had ordered all Catholic priests to leave England. This so angered some Catholics that they decided to kill James and put his daughter Elizabeth on the throne ensuring that she was a Catholic. This led to a plot to kill not only the king of England, James, but also everyone sitting in the Houses of Parliament at the same time as James was there when he opened Parliament on November 5th, 1605.
Guy Fawkes and his fellow conspirators, having rented out a house next to the Houses of Parliament, managed to get 36 barrels of gunpowder into a cellar of the House of Lords. The authorities stormed it in the early hours of November 5th, where Guy Fawkes was caught, tortured and executed a few months later.
The story is remembered each November 5th when effigies of Fawkes are burned in a celebration known as ”Bonfire Night."
Note: Using the term “Happy Guy Fawkes day” shows that a person probably does not know what happened or why.
fan art round-up,
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Link Round-Up: November 4, 2010
"Never Forget Dinosaurs" by 3 Ducks
Art from Steel offers a full line of Star Wars statues.
Wardell Brown gives Batman and His Foes Get an International Makeover for the release of Batman, Inc.
Wonder Woman pin-up girl [Possibly NSFW]
Lego Creations: Frog Dissection
Source: DaveKaleta via The Brothers Brick
This is amazing. It's ironic that the single most life-like lego model I've ever seen turns out to be of something that looks dead.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Posters: AT-AT Poster
ATAT by Pacalin
This is almost as good as all the retro Star Wars travel posters floating around. I'd love to see a whole series of these, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.s
This is almost as good as all the retro Star Wars travel posters floating around. I'd love to see a whole series of these, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.s
Monday, November 1, 2010
Posters: Star Wars Travel Posters

Travel posters for Degobah and Mos Eisley, Imperial propaganda, and more by Steve Thomas. These aren't on sale yet, but he has lots of great posters on sale at Zazzle.
Link Round-Up: October 31, 2010
"Batwings And Cobwebs" via Tumblr
National Geographic News is running a story on Halloween Costume Pictures: Spooky Styles a Century Ago. In 1918, American kids, witches, and swastikas were cute.
Oneironomicon pays reminiscences over the spooky artwork of Stephen Gammell
Star Wars ala DÃa de los Muertos is a great Halloween mash-up
Too late for this Halloween, but some of these super high quality masks are super realistic. So realistic, a robber supposedly used one to commit several robberies last spring in Tampa, Florida (USA) before he was caught. (They also have a bunch of scary masks, too.)
What does good Anime Cosplay Cost? AnimeVice investigates.
Oneironomicon pays reminiscences over the spooky artwork of Stephen Gammell
Star Wars ala DÃa de los Muertos is a great Halloween mash-up
Too late for this Halloween, but some of these super high quality masks are super realistic. So realistic, a robber supposedly used one to commit several robberies last spring in Tampa, Florida (USA) before he was caught. (They also have a bunch of scary masks, too.)
What does good Anime Cosplay Cost? AnimeVice investigates.
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