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Book notices.

History of the First and Second Missouri Confederate brigades, 1861-1865; and from Wakarusa to Appomattox: a military Anagraph. By R. S. Brevier, Saint Louis: Bryan, Brand & Co. 1879.

We are indebted to the publishers for a copy of this book, which is of a class which we would like to see largely multiplied, as histories of particular commands and sketches of personal adventure will be valuable “material for the future historian.” The first part of the book is a deeply interesting history of the organization, campaigns and gallant deeds of the First and Second Confederate Missouri brigades. The facts are well grouped together and the story told in a narrative of deep interest, which gives one an exalted idea of the patient endurance and heroic courage of the splendid troops which composed these noble brigades.

The second part of the book--From Wakarusa to Appomattox--is a personal narrative of what the gallant soldier saw and heard while “wearing the gray,” and discharging his duty as one of that glorious band who made the great struggle for Southern independence. Having preserved his diary, which was kept at the time, and having seen service, both in the Western army and in Virginia, Colonel Brevier has made a narrative of varied interest and value, which ought to find a wide circle of readers. The publishers have done their part well, and the book is gotten up in very attractive style.

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