regiments under
Colonel Johns.
Both columns, supported by four other regiments under
Colonel Burnham, moved upon Marye's hill, while
Howe's division advanced rapidly in three columns of assault on the left of
Hazel run, upon
Lee's hill.
But what was
Early doing?
With his 9,000 infantry he occupied a line six miles long, from
Hamilton's crossing to a point on the river above
Sedgwick had, as stated before, 29,342 men. Add to that, four officers and an hundred men of cavalry, and thirty-three officers, and 1,103 men of artillery, and his whole force amounted to 30,582.
Barksdale held the left of
Early's lines from
Taylor's hill to the hill in rear of Howison's house.
Early's division was on the right from
Hamilton's to
Deep run, while between
Deep run and the right of
Lee's hill only pickets were placed, protected by a cross fire of artillery.
Early's general instructions were to retard the enemy's advance in any direction if he moved, or to keep him still if he would remain so, or to join the main army of
General Lee in the event of the enemy withdrawing from his front.
These instructions were repeated on the 2d instant, but by a misapprehension of the officer conveying them,
Early was directed to move unconditionally to
General Lee.
Hays' brigade and one regiment of
Barksdale's at
Fredericksburg, and directing a part of
Pendleton's reserve artillery to be sent to the rear, he began his march.
The mistake being corrected,
Early returned to his position.
Hays' brigade had been sent to reinforce
Barksdale, when
Sedgwick occupied
Fredericksburg, at dawn on the 3d.
When Early began to withdraw, Professor Lowe went up high in a balloon, but discovered nothing.
To quote General Early, “Professor Lowe's balloon reconnoissance so signally failed on this occasion, and in the operations around Chancellorsville, that they were abandoned for the rest of the war, and our men were deprived of the benefit of these, to us, cheap and harmless exhibitions.”
Soon after daylight Sedgwick moved against Marye's hill, but was repulsed by Barksdale's infantry and Pendleton's artillery.
His force also endeavored to turn the left of Early's division, commanded by Hoke, up Deep run, but the demonstration was checked.
An attempt was also made to turn our extreme left near Taylor's house; it was prevented by General Hays and the arrival of General Wilcox from Banks' ford.
The enemy then advanced against Marye's and the hills to the right and left of it. Marye's hill was defended by one small regiment, three companies of another and four pieces of artillery (Barksdale's report). Sedgwick said he