[441] to kill that babe. I do not believe you knew what was going on under the bluffs, as I did not see you under there while I was there, but saw you ride up, as I have stated, from an opposite direction, after I had gotten upon the bluffs, and the most of the work was over before 1 left, next the river.The most of the men of the Thirteenth regiment were deserters from Forrest's command. I have examined a great many of them myself who told me they were. There seemed to be a great hatred on the part of Forrest's men towards many of them — personal feeling — as I heard many of Forrest's men charge the soldiers of the Thirteenth regiment with doing many things that were mean towards their friends since they had deserted Forrest and joined the Thirteenth Federal regiment.
I am not aware that there was any formal surrender of Fort Pillow to Forrest's command. I looked upon many things that were done as the result of whiskey and a bitter personal hate, especially as regards the Thirteenth regiment. There was considerable alcohol outside of the fort, which Forrest's men must have got hold of long before the charge was made. I have always thought that neither you nor Forrest knew anything that was going on at the time under the bluffs. What was done was done very quickly.
I know that you treated me kindly on the 12th and 13th. I could tell you many things about Fort Pillow, doubtless, if I had time. If I believed what is published about your being such an inhuman creature on that occasion, I should so tell you.
If you wish to learn about me further, talk with General Weaver, M. C. from Iowa; Hon. A. C. Dodge, Henry Clay Dean, of Iowa; Belknap, ex-Secretary of War; George W. McCrary, and Hon. R. B. Hayes. The latter and myself were young men living in Fremont while it was called Lower Sandusky. Call on him and ask him if he knew one C. Fitch, who read medicine with Dr. L. Q. Ranson, of Fremont? I have not seen President Hayes for twenty-eight years. I have been living here in Chariton since 1852, and most of the time practicing surgery and medicine. I was acting surgeon at Fort Pillow on the 12th of April, 1864; was not before the Wade Committee.
If you wish to write to me asking any questions, I will try to answer them honestly and fairly.
I looked upon you on the 12th and 13th of April, 1864, as far as I could see, as anything but a cold-blooded murderer. I took you to be rather a good-feeling man. Your conduct towards me was that of a gentleman. I do not believe what is charged against you on that occasion.
General, call on President Hayes and give him my respects, if you feel at liberty to do so. I have not had any correspondence with him nor seen him for twenty-eight years. I am not a politician. General Weaver knows me well, I think. Give him my respects.
Yours, truly,