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[203] charged with his whole force — the front of my position driving in the skirmishers and delivering heavy volleys. My infantry and artillery fired with such rapidity and effect as to repulse them with considerable loss. At longer range the enemy maintained a heavy fire upon us, until convinced that nothing could be accomplished by a front attack. He detached heavy flanking parties of cavalry and infantry to the right and left, whether for the purpose of breaking our lines and effecting his escape, or driving us out of the railroad cut, is not known; still, however, keeping a vigorous attack in front. My infantry had expended all but one round of ammunition; the ordnance wagons were seven miles in rear. The situation was extremely critical, and nothing could have been more timely than the arrival of the “Stonewall” brigade. Owing to a misconception of orders, for which Brigadier-General Walker was not in the slightest degree responsible, his brigade did not leave its former position until twelve o'clock of the previous night. He was a mile from Stephenson's when the engagement began. Hurrying up his brigade, just in time to meet the flanking party to the right, he pursued them hotly through the woods, beyond the turnpike and into the woods a half mile to the right of the Carter house, where they surrendered as prisoners of war, the cavalry alone escaping. The flanking party (about 300 cavalry and 600 infantry), which moved to the left, under the immediate command of Major-General Milroy (as was ascertained afterwards from prisoners and citizens on the route of his escape), was met by two regiments of Nicholls' brigade — the Second and Tenth Louisiana. Raines' battery was faced to the left and played upon them with fine effect, whilst sections from Dement's and Carpenter's batteries were hurried down the road to intercept their retreat.

The two Louisiana regiments, above named, moved parallel with the enemy's line, a ridge intervening, until they reached a level space, when they opened a destructive fire upon them, killing a considerable number, and with the aid of the artillery scattering them in every direction. Most of them were captured by these two regiments. The person supposed to be Millroy (riding a fine white horse), with most of his cavalry, after a vigorous pursuit, unfortunately escaped. The substantial results of the engagement were from twenty-three to twenty-five hundred prisoners and about one hundred and seventy-five horses, with arms and equipment in. proportion.

Steuart's brigade captured about 900 and Nicholls' brigade the

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