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Letter from Colonel J. Stoddard Johnston.

headquarters army of Tennessee, Tallahoma, Tennessee, April 21st, 1863.
Brigadier-General Ruggles, Commanding, &c., Columbus, Mississippi:
General — By direction of the General Commanding, I enclose a copy of his endorsement upon your amended report of the battle of Shiloh, which he this day forwards to the War Department. The General desires me to express his gratification that in your statement of certain facts you have awarded the credit for certain special acts of gallantry to troops of your command to whom it belongs, but who have had counter claims raised by the reports of other Generals. He is especially pleased that you have corrected material discrepancies in the report of General Polk.

I am, General, your obedient servant,

J. Stoddard Johnston, A. D. C. Official: R. M. Hooe, A. A. G.


headquarters army of Tennessee, Tallahoma, Tennessee, April 21st, 1863.
Respectfully forwarded with the request that this be substituted for Brigadier-General Ruggles' report. The facts he states are not within my personal knowledge, as I was at the time on a distant part of the field, but he is sustained by his subordinate commanders and a mass of other testimony, and justice to his command entitles his request to consideration.

Braxton Bragg, General Commanding. Official:
J. Stoddard Johnston, A. D. C. Official: R. M. Hooe, A. A. G.

I hereby certify that the foregoing are copies of official records.

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