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[246] Stuart for General Fitz. Lee and myself to report to him, leavings our brigades where they were. Thinking that it would not be proper for both of us to leave the ground at the same time, I told General Lee that I would go to General Stuart first and on my return he could go. Leaving General Lee, I rode off to see General Stuart, but could not find him. On my return to the field, I saw my brigade in motion, having been ordered to charge by General Lee. This order I countermanded, as I did not think it a judicious one, and the brigade assumed its former position — not, however, without loss, as the movement had disclosed its position to the enemy. A short time after this, an officer from Chambliss reported to me that. he had been sent to ask support from General Lee, but he had replied my brigade was nearest and should support Chambliss' brigade. Seeing that support was essential, I sent to Colonel Baker, ordering him to send two regiments to protect Colonel Chambliss, who had made a charge — I know not by whose orders — and whoa was falling back before a large force of the enemy. The First North Carolina and the Jeff. Davis legion were sent by Colonel Baker, and these two regiments drove back the enemy, but in their eagerness they followed him too far and encountered his reserve in heavy force. Seeing the state of affairs at this juncture, I rode rapidly to the front to take charge of these two regiments, and whilst doing this, to my surprise, I saw the rest of my brigade (except the Cobb legion) and Fitz. Lee's brigade charging. In the hand-to-hand fight which ensued, as I was endeavoring to extricate the First North Carolina and the Jeff. Davis legion, I was wounded, and had to leave the field, after turning over the command to Colonel Baker.

The charge of my brigade has been recently explained to me as having been ordered by Captain Barker, Assistant Adjutant-General, who supposed that it was intended to take the whole brigade to the support of Colonel Chambliss--a mistake which was very naturally brought about by the appearance of affairs on the field.

Of what occurred after I gave up the command, I am of course ignorant, nor can I state the casualties of my command. I am only able now to give a brief and bare statement of the part taken by my brigade in the battle of the 3d July, showing how it became engaged. The disposition I had made of my command contemplated an entirely different plan for the fight, and beyond this disposition of my own brigade, with the subsequent charge of the First North Carolina and the Jeff. Davis legion, I had nothing whatever to do with the fight.

I am, Major, very respectfully, yours,

Wade Hampton, Brigadier-General.

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