List of inclosures.
A — Report of operations of General Fitz. Lee's brigade in an engagement at Aldie, Colonel T. T. Munford commanding, and inclosing regimental reports of First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Virginia cavalry.B — Report of Brigadier-General W. E. Jones of engagement near Upperville, June 21st, 1863.
C — Report of Brigadier-General William E. Jones of operations of his brigade from the 29th June, 1863, to the 14th July, 1863, inclosing regimental reports of the Sixth, Seventh, Eleventh and Twelfth Virginia cavalry.
D--Brigadier-General Wade Hampton's report of the operations of his brigade in the battle of Gettysburg, July 3d, 1863.
E--General Order No. 74, headquarters Army of Northern Virginia, directing the retrograde movement from Gettysburg.