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The accuracy of my estimate of the loss in Steuart's brigade is also called in question. I stated the loss at 680, killed, wounded and missing; my critic, relying on the consolidated reports, says it was 301. Now, through the kindness of a friend, I have obtained from the Confederate archives at Washington a copy of the tabulated report of Major R. W. Hunter, Assistant Adjutant-General to Major-General Edward Johnson. This document gives the following table of casualties:

Johnson's staff 112
Stonewall brigade3520887330
Jones' brigade5830261421
Steuart's brigade83409190682
Nichol's brigade4330936388

It appears, then, that my estimate of loss (680) was less than the loss as stated officially by General Johnson's Assistant Adjutant-General, viz: 682. The losses in Daniel's brigade were heavier, but were incurred chiefly in the first day's battle, as may be seen from General Rodes' report (September number, 1876, Historical Society Papers, page 149, compared with ditto, page 172). Rodes' division lost 2,869 in the entire three days battle, of which number 2,500 were lost on the first day.

Randolph H. McKim. New York, May 13th, 1879.

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