We add the following brief report of the proceedings of the Senate on the presentation of the letter of General Hampton, as showing the spirit of the times:
Mr. Sherman said he could not allow this charge of this most impudent Rebel against the whole army to be entered upon the records without some answer. The charge of General Sherman in relation to the burning of Columbia was in an official report, and was fully sustained by reports of other officers. General Sherman did not charge that Wade Hampton gave an explicit order on the subject, but simply that his previous order in relation to the burning of cotton, &c., led to that result. Mr. Sherman read from various official reports to confirm the charge against General Hampton.Mr. Fessenden objected to the practice of taking up the time of the Senate in reading letters addressed not to the Senate but to individual Senators, and especially on matters pertaining to private controversies between persons not members of the Senate.
Mr. Johnson moved the reference of General.Hampton's letter to the Committee on Military Affairs, or he was willing to have it lie on the table.
Mr. Fessenden hoped it would not be referred or ordered to lie on the table, but that the Senate would refuse to receive it.
Mr. Conness said that a man who would attempt to destroy the Government of the United States would certainly not hesitate to