[142]A second error occurs in the latter part of the article, in regard to General Stuart's age. He was born in Patrick county, on the 6th of February, 1833; died 12th of May, 1864, being thirty one years, three months and six days old.
A third error is in reference to the death of his child. He left two children — a son, who bears his father's name, and a baby daughter, only seven months old, to whom he had given the name “Virginia,” named for the State in whose defence he yielded up his life.
The child he lost was a daughter, “Flora.” She died November 3, 1862, when the Confederate cavalry were for fourteen consecutive days fighting untiringly, holding in check the whole of Pleasanton's cavalry, supported heavily by infantry, who were covering McClellan s march across to Fauquier, when McClellan was superseded by Burnside, before the army moved to Fredericksburg.
The loss of this dearly loved child was a great blow to him, greatly increased by his utter inability to be with her; but in his letters be expressed the most beautiful Christian resignation and his perfect willingness to meet the same great change whenever his Maker should call.
The world knows little of the circumstances which led to and immediately followed the wounding of General J. E. B. Stuart, at Yellow Tavern, in May, 1864.
Some have pretended to tell “what they saw” ; but the truth has been painfully distorted. The account given below was written by Major H. B. McClellan to Mrs. Stuart, not long after the General's death. The incidents of the charge in which the General received his wound were related to the Major by Captain Dorsey, of the Maryland company, First Virginia cavalry, who was by the General's side at the time. Major A. R. Venable, a member of the staff, was with him also almost immediately afterwards, and remained by him until the last.
Major McClellan says:
We reache the vicinity of the Yellow Tavern that morning about ten o'clock, and found that we were in advance of the enemy's column, and in time to interpose between it and Richmond. Not knowing what force we had there, the General was uncertain whether to place himself at once between the enemy and the city, or to take a position on his flank, near the Yellow Tavern — the latter he preterred if he could be satisfied that we had a sufficient force in the trenches to defend Richmond. To ascertain this he sent me to see General Bragg. When I returned to him about two o'clock, I found that a heavy engagement had taken place and, that alter driving in a portion of our line, the enemy had been heavily repulsed. When I found the General there was a lull in the fight, and we sat quietly near one of our batteries for more than an hour, resting and talking. About four o'clock the enemy suddenly threw a brigade of cavalry, mounted, upon our extreme left, attacking our whole line at the same time. As he always did, the